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[Games] Genetic Congrats: New Game? Sign Up (+ edit)
I think this is new, and it's actually more about genetics than naming, but I think we're still allowed to play it.It's like congrats, actually it IS congrats, but with genetics thrown in as well. :) It is rather time consuming on my part, but I'll survive. It might take a couple of days for the next round though...:) Fill out the form completely, otherwise it won't work. Use initials for SO1 and 2. Make sure I can tell what gender they are, whether you change the SO or I do. For the eye color, select Brown, Blue, or Green, whichever is closest. Last Name is your choice.
User Name:Last Name:SO1: E M
Eye Color:
Mother's Eye Color:
Father's Eye Color:SO2: L D
Eye Color:
Mother's Eye Color:
Father's Eye Color:[EDIT] There will be 5 rounds. I forgot to mention this!<>< miss lissa <><
<>< matthew 4:19 <><

This message was edited 7/24/2006, 10:32 AM

Archived Thread - replies disabled
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CAPPED! No Late Sign Ups.
<>< miss lissa <><
<>< matthew 4:19 <><
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EEk! I forgot to sign up!User Name:Miss LissaLast Name:BartonSO1: Evander Micah
Eye Color: green
Mother's Eye Color: brown
Father's Eye Color: greenSO2: Livia Dell
Eye Color: blue
Mother's Eye Color: green
Father's Eye Color: brown
<>< miss lissa <><
<>< matthew 4:19 <><
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Half an Hour Left before Capping!
<>< miss lissa <><
<>< matthew 4:19 <><

This message was edited 7/25/2006, 10:04 AM

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User Name: Diamante04Last Name: ThomasSO1: Elisabeth Michelle
Eye Color: green
Mother's Eye Color: blue
Father's Eye Color: greenSO2: Luke Deacon
Eye Color: blue
Mother's Eye Color: brown
Father's Eye Color: blue
Jennifer Nicole
Loving the Names:
Ariella Kathryn, Carrie Marie, Elisabeth Ava, Faith Alexandra, Michaela Reese, Sadie Elisabeth
Cade Preston, Deacon James, Grant William, Jude Hamilton, Roman Spencer

This message was edited 7/25/2006, 11:02 PM

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Mistake...Hazel is not a choice...please choose blue, green or brown.<>< miss lissa <><
<>< matthew 4:19 <><
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I edited it
Jennifer Nicole
Loving the Names:
Ariella Kathryn, Carrie Marie, Elisabeth Ava, Faith Alexandra, Michaela Reese, Sadie Elisabeth
Cade Preston, Deacon James, Grant William, Jude Hamilton, Roman Spencer
vote up1
User Name: TateLast Name: SmallSO1: Erin Marie
Eye Color: green
Mother's Eye Color: blue
Father's Eye Color: greenSO2: Landon Daniel
Eye Color: blue
Mother's Eye Color: blue
Father's Eye Color: brown
"You take your alright, you take your can't wait, a lot a bring it on and some damn straight...mix it all got your YEE-HAW!"
PP adopter~see profile
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User Name: MaegenLast Name: HughesSO1: Eamon Michael
Eye Color: Blue
Mother's Eye Color: Blue
Father's Eye Color: BrownSO2: Liadan Dana
Eye Color: Green
Mother's Eye Color: Brown
Father's Eye Color: Greentime flies like lightning
fruit flies like banannas

This message was edited 7/24/2006, 5:57 PM

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Can I sign up please?User Name: LadyBug18Last Name: MacMurrayDH: Edward Miles
Eye Color: Blue
Mother's Eye Color: Blue
Father's Eye Color: BrownDW: Lillias Daphne
Eye Color: Brown
Mother's Eye Color: Green
Father's Eye Color: Blue
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
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Of Course!
<>< miss lissa <><
<>< matthew 4:19 <><
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User Name: avalonLast Name: WestSO1: Evangeline Marie
Eye Color: blue
Mother's Eye Color: brown
Father's Eye Color: blueSO2: Lachlan Dashiell
Eye Color: brown
Mother's Eye Color: brown
Father's Eye Color: green
vote up1
User Name: CeraLast Name: FaithfullDW: Emily Maeve
Eye Color: Green
Mother's Eye Color: Green
Father's Eye Color: BrownDH: Leonard Dean "Leo"
Eye Color: Brown
Mother's Eye Color: Blue
Father's Eye Color: Blue
Friendship is more lasting than love, and more legal than stalking.
-Jane, Coupling
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User Name: MelHLast Name: RutherfordH: Ellis Micah
Eye Color: Blue
Mother's Eye Color: Blue
Father's Eye Color: BrownW: Leilani Diana
Eye Color: Brown
Mother's Eye Color: Blue
Father's Eye Color: Brown

This message was edited 7/24/2006, 2:42 PM

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User Name: LawruhLast Name: CampbellDW: Ellery Milana
Eye Color: Blue-gray.
Mother's Eye Color: Blue.
Father's Eye Color: Greenish brown.DH: Levi David
Eye Color: Green.
Mother's Eye Color: Green.
Father's Eye Color: Hazel.
--------------------"The dog is a gentleman; I hope I go to his heaven, not man's."
- Mark Twain.
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Mistake...Hazel is not a choice...please choose green, blue, or brown. For blue grey, I used blue, and for greenish brown, I used brown. Is that okay?<>< miss lissa <><
<>< matthew 4:19 <><
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Ooh, I love genetics! It's so fascinating, it was my favorite thing in biology class :DUser Name: LissyLast Name: MatthewsSO1: Elijah Mark
Eye Color: blue
Mother's Eye Color: blue
Father's Eye Color: brownSO2: Lorraine Daphne
Eye Color: brown
Mother's Eye Color: green
Father's Eye Color: brown
~Lully Lulla~
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Me too!...(m)I LOVE genetics. It's so interesting! We studied it a little in 5th grade. We study it more extensively in 8th, which I'm going into. I love reading about it on the internet though, it's like my self given summer homework. :) <>< miss lissa <><
<>< matthew 4:19 <><
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User Name: HarrysGirlLast Name: HayesSO1: Ethan Micah "Ethan"
Eye Color: Green
Mother's Eye Color: Brown
Father's Eye Color: GreenSO2: Lily Diana "Lily"
Eye Color: Blue
Mother's Eye Color: Blue
Father's Eye Color: Green
vote up1
User Name: EleanoraLast Name: HaleSO1: Edmund Mark
Eye Color: Blue
Mother's Eye Color: Green
Father's Eye Color: BlueSO2: Lois Delilah
Eye Color: Brown
Mother's Eye Color: Brown
Father's Eye Color: BrownEleanor x
vote up1
User Name:JenniLast Name: FosterDW: Emmaline Marisol
Eye Color: Green
Mother's Eye Color: Green
Father's Eye Color: GreenDH: Lukas Dorian
Eye Color: Blue
Mother's Eye Color: Brown
Father's Eye Color: Blue
Just something I made.
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User Name: KelseyyyLast Name: CovingtonSO1: Ellie Mattea
Eye Color: Green
Mother's Eye Color: Blue
Father's Eye Color: GreenSO2: Landon Drew
Eye Color: Brown
Mother's Eye Color: Brown
Father's Eye Color: Blue~~Kelsey~~
I love my crazy family, Kourtney, Kiley, Keegan, and Kendra
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User Name: Rachel

Last Name: SimsSO1: Elijah Michael
Eye Color: brown
Mother's Eye Color: blue
Father's Eye Color: brownSO2: Lacey Delia
Eye Color: green
Mother's Eye Color: hazel
Father's Eye Color: greengenerated by
vote up1
Mistake...Hazel is not a choice..please choose green, blue, or brown.<>< miss lissa <><
<>< matthew 4:19 <><
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User Name: miss_smileyLast Name: ThomsonSO1: Elise Matilda :)
Eye Color: Brown
Mother's Eye Color: Brown
Father's Eye Color: GreenSO2: Leo Demetrius
Eye Color: Blue
Mother's Eye Color: Green
Father's Eye Color: Blue
vote up1

User Name: sarah leeLast Name: PasternackSO1: Eleanor Mary
Eye Color: green
Mother's Eye Color: blue
Father's Eye Color: greenSO2: Lawrence David
Eye Color: green
Mother's Eye Color: blue
Father's Eye Color: brown--Sarah Katherine Un nome è qualcosa che dura per sempre
vote up1
User Name: enlatiahLast Name: HunterSO1: Eric Matthew
Eye Color: green
Mother's Eye Color: hazel
Father's Eye Color: greenSO2: Leah Danielle
Eye Color: blue
Mother's Eye Color: blue
Father's Eye Color: brown
You laugh because I'm different, I laugh because we're all the same.
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Mistake...Hazel is not a choice...please choose green, blue, or brown.<>< miss lissa <><
<>< matthew 4:19 <><
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User Name:AmesLast Name:GillespieSO1: Eve Matilda
Eye Color: brown
Mother's Eye Color:brown
Father's Eye Color:brownSO2: Louis Daniel
Eye Color:Brown
Mother's Eye Color:Green
Father's Eye Color:Brown
vote up1
User Name: DLBLast Name: WilsonDH: Ezekiel Matthew
Eye Color: brown
Mother's Eye Color: brown
Father's Eye Color: brownDW: Lydia Dianne
Eye Color: blue
Mother's Eye Color: blue
Father's Eye Color: green - Glitter Graphics

This message was edited 7/25/2006, 9:41 AM

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Mistake...Hazel and Grey were not choices...please pick green, blue, or brown.<>< miss lissa <><
<>< matthew 4:19 <><
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User Name: EchoLast Name: ChanceSO1: Emmeline Mariah
Eye Color: brown
Mother's Eye Color: green
Father's Eye Color: brownSO2: Laurence Daniel
Eye Color: blue
Mother's Eye Color: brown
Father's Eye Color: blue
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User Name: estelLast Name: ThorntonDW: Emmeline Maria
Eye Color: Green
Mother's Eye Color: Hazel
Father's Eye Color: GreenDH: Landon Daniel
Eye Color: Brown
Mother's Eye Color: Blue
Father's Eye Color: Brown
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
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Mistake...Hazel is not one of the choices...Only Green, Blue, and Brown. Please pick the color that is CLOSEST to the actual eye color.<>< miss lissa <><
<>< matthew 4:19 <><
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User Name: rainbow_MayaLast Name: NolteSO1: Emma Morgaine
Eye Color: Green
Mother's Eye Color: Blue
Father's Eye Color: GreenSO2: Linus Drystan
Eye Color: Brown
Mother's Eye Color: Brown
Father's Eye Color: Green
vote up1
User Name: Juls
Last Name: PriceDH: Eric Maximilian
Eye Color: blue
Mother's Eye Color: blue
Father's Eye Color: brownDW: Luisa Dolores
Eye Color: brown
Mother's Eye Color: brown
Father's Eye Color: brownDreams are necessary to life.
-Anais Nin
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User Name: JHKLast Name: WilsonSO1: Edward Malcolm
Eye Color: green
Mother's Eye Color: blue
Father's Eye Color: greenSO2: Lisa Diane
Eye Color: brown
Mother's Eye Color: brown
Father's Eye Color: blue
vote up1
User Name: X MarLast Name: RondeelSO1: Emeric Marquis
Eye Color: Green
Mother's Eye Color: Blue
Father's Eye Color: GreenSO2: Leia Delaney
Eye Color: Green
Mother's Eye Color: Brown
Father's Eye Color: Blue
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I wasn't sure if you had just forgotten to add hair color/texture, but I put it in just in case :)User Name: lulu
Last Name: AdamsDH: Ezra Moses
Eye Color: Blue
Mother's Eye Color: Green
Father's Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color/Texture: Brown, straight
Mother's Hair Color/Texture: Blond, straight
Father's Hair Color/Texture: Blond, straightDW: Lily Diana
Eye Color: Blue
Mother's Eye Color: Brown
Father's Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color/Texture: Blond, Straight
Mother's Hair Color/Texture: Dark Brown, Straight
Father's Hair Color/Texture: Blond, Curly
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No, I hadn't...but I was planning on putting it, until I couldn't find the dominant/recessive trait charts. Thanks for including it though! it might prove helpful in a later round. :)<>< miss lissa <><
<>< matthew 4:19 <><
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User Name: Claire HLast Name: FairDH: Eamon Maxwell
Eye Color: green
Mother's Eye Color: green
Father's Eye Color: blueDW: Lidia Danuta
Eye Color: brown
Mother's Eye Color: brown
Father's Eye Color: blue--
A bad wound may heal, but a bad name will kill.
Scottish Proverb "'Scuse me, do you mind not farting while I'm saving the world?"

This message was edited 7/24/2006, 10:40 AM

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Last Name: PontisSO1: Enzino Matias
Eye Color: blue
Mother's Eye Color: blue
Father's Eye Color: brownSO2: Lola Daniela
Eye Color: green
Mother's Eye Color: blue/grey
Father's Eye Color: blue/green
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