[Games] Re: Rachel's Adoption Agency
by Elise (guest)
11/20/2006, 4:43 PM
The Basics
Surname: Landen
Your Name and age: Laurel Delilah
Spouses Name and age: Lance William
Current Children's Names and Ages: Anastasia Lorraine "Stasia"(1)
A little more about you
Location: USA
Climate of the location: Hot in summer, cold in winter. Quite extreme
Do you travel (if so, how often): Not often
Do you work: Teach dance classes twice a week for 4 hours
Does your Spouse work: Yes
What languages do you currently speak: English, Spanish (spouse speaks Italian) But we're teachable!
You childrens intrests (if you have):
Child Basics
How many children: (max: 10) 10
Prefered Genders: No preference
Age: Young children (under 7) unless pregnant teen/teen parent
Countries: USA, Canada, England, France, Italy
More about the child
Will you accept...
A child who does not speak your language?: Sure, if they're teachable
A teenage parent? yes
A pegnant teen?: Yes
Siblings?: Yes, but not all
Twins: Yes
Triplets: Yes
Quadruplets: No
More: No
Children with disablilies? Mild mental/social disorders
Children with pets? USre, but only cats/dogs if possible
Anything else we should know?: I think that about covers it