by Sean Foglai (guest)
8/9/2004, 6:07 PM
I'd look for "near names" in the most obvious languages ...German, Russian, Polish, etc. ...for instance, I found Mandel as a German name meaning "almond" ...Bluhbaum ...possibly "blue" + "tree" ..Sztern is probably a variant of 'stern' or star ...Klapholz is probably a variant of (= Streichholz) a match from "Klap"=snap and "holz"=wood ...Sternberg=Star+hill ...Wodowski, from a Russian site, Wod=Vod=water ...the end -ski, I believe is a diminutive, meaning "son of" ...Oberklajd / Oberkleid - maybe over + land ...Korsak is a Russian steppe fox ...not sure of the exact translation I can do ...