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Type Surname (from given name)
Usage Italian
Pronounced Pron. ah-mah-TOO-zyo  [key]
Other Forms Forms[Amato] [Amatuzzi] [Amatucci] [Amatulli] [Amatus]

Meaning & History

The surname *Amatuzio* is of Italian origin and is likely derived from personal names or characteristics. It could be connected to the root Amato, which means "beloved" or "loved" in Italian, suggesting that it might have originally been used as a nickname or descriptor for someone who was cherished or valued within their community. The suffix uzio might be a diminutive or regional variation that adds a familial or affectionate nuance to the name. Surnames like *Amatuzio* often trace back to medieval or Renaissance times when they developed to indicate familial ties or notable qualities.

Notable Figure:
Janis Amatuzio - She has authored books and has practiced forensic science for 20 years.
Added 11/18/2024 by anonymous