Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Type Surname (from location)
Usage Iranian
Scripts 饜瑏饜瑱饜饜瑴饜瑎饜, 丌鬲乇侔丿賽賶蹃
Pronounced Pron. AT-RAH-DAY  [key]

Meaning & History

Avestan originating surname meaning either "giving fire" or "creating fire".

Composed of 'ATR' meaning 'fire' in Avestan, and DAH or DEY. The book, IRAMCA IN THE ACHAEMENID PERIOD, by Teverniewe (2007) translates the components of the name as "FIRE" and "GIVER". DAH translates to "to give"; DEY translates to "to create". The surname is an alternative spelling of ARDHAI, ATRDAII, ADHARDAY, ARDEHI, and ARDAHANI, given to a person from Ardhan. Ardhan was the native name of Caucasus Albania under the Mihranid family.

Atr-data-, "given by the Fire" (Benveniste 1966: 83; OnP 8.497; ASN 48), Av. (Mayrhofer 1979: 1/29), MP
Adurdad (Gignoux 1986: H/33). The writing Ha-tur-da (PFNN 344:1), considered by Mayrhofer (OnP 8.496) and Hinz (ASN 48) as a retrenchment of *Atrdata-, is a mistake for Ha-tur-da-da (also in PF 84:4-5). Gershevitch (1969: 189) reconstructs Atr-dah- "giver of fire".
Added 11/26/2023 by anonymous