Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Type Surname

Meaning & History

Derived from Alemannic Swabian Batz "pile; large quantity", possibly applied as a nickname either for a man of large physical proportions or for a man of wealth. The term also denoted a coin and may have been used metonymically for a coiner. The name of the coin is believed to have been derived from its imprint of a bear known in folklore as Betz or Petz.
Added 9/5/2021 by ShioTanbo1
Edited 2/20/2023 by Frollein Gladys

Type Surname
Usage Romansh

Meaning & History

Not available.
Added 2/18/2023 by anonymous

Batz 3
Type Surname (from nickname)
Usage Mayan

Meaning & History

From Mayan b'atz' meaning "monkey", specifically referring to the black howler (Alouatta caraya).
Added 9/4/2024 by anonymous