Upper German Submitted Surnames

These names are a subset of German names used more often in southern Germany, Austria and Switzerland. See also about German names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Almendinger Upper German, German (Swiss)
Habitational name for someone from a place called Allmendingen, of which there are two examples in Switzerland, in the canton of Bern, and one in Baden-Württemberg in Germany.
Ammann Upper German, German (Swiss)
Alemannic form of Amtmann "official". Ultimately derived from Middle High German ambet man "retinue man; retainer", this word came to denote various kinds of administrator including a tax farmer.
Au Upper German, Swiss, German (Swiss), German (Austrian)
South German, Swiss, and Austrian topographic name from dialect Au ‘water meadow’, ‘stream’ (see Aue).
Batz Upper German
Derived from Alemannic Swabian Batz "pile; large quantity", possibly applied as a nickname either for a man of large physical proportions or for a man of wealth. The term also denoted a coin and may have been used metonymically for a coiner... [more]
Bauknecht German, Upper German
Occupational name for a farm worker from Middle High German buknecht "plowboy, farmhand" derived from the elements bu "farm" and kneht "servant, apprentice".
Bock German, Upper German, Jewish, English
Altered spelling of German Böck (see Boeck) or Bach 1.... [more]
Brunner German (Austrian), Upper German, Jewish
Derived from one of various places named Brunn or Brunnen as well as a habitational name denoting someone from the Czech city of Brno (Brünn in German).
Brunner Upper German, German (Austrian), German (Swiss), Jewish
Derived from Middle High German brunne "spring, well", this name denoted someone who lived beside a spring.
Crite Low German, Upper German (Americanized)
Probably an Americanized form of South German Kreit or Kreith which are topographic names derived from Middle High German geriute meaning “land cleared for farming” or of North German Kreite which is a nickname for a quarrelsome person derived from Middle Low German kreit meaning “strife.”
Deadwyler Upper German (Americanized), American (South), African American
Variant of Detweiler; an Americanized form of Dettweiler (South German) or Dettwiler (Swiss German).
Doll Upper German, German, English
South German: nickname from Middle High German tol, dol ‘foolish’, ‘mad’; also ‘strong’, ‘handsome’.... [more]
Duesler Upper German
Andrew & brother Jacob were the Progenitors of Duesler, Duessler, Dueßler from 1752 Germany to America. ... [more]
Eberly Upper German, German (Swiss), English (American)
Variant of Eberle, which is a diminutive of Eberhard.
Eichler Upper German
South German variant of Eich, the -ler suffix denoting association. "eager"
Etzel German, Upper German
from the given name Etzel and Atzilo a short form of any of the ancient Germanic personal names beginning with adal "noble"... [more]
Felty Upper German (Anglicized)
Americanized spelling of South German Velte, from a short form of the personal name Valentin (see Valentine 1).
Galishoff Upper German, German (Austrian)
Derived from the ancient Roman name Gallus, meaning "rooster" in Latin. Hoff meaning house combines the growing or tending to poultry on a farm house, hence the name Galishoff which has been modified over the millennia... [more]
Greiner Upper German, German (Swiss)
Nickname for a quarrelsome or cantankerous person, derived from Middle High German grīner meaning "squabbler, quarreler" (ultimately an agent derivative of grīn meaning "loud, cry, screaming, shouting")... [more]
Gries Upper German
Topographic name for someone who lived in a sandy place from Middle High German griez meaning “sand pebble” or a shortened form of German Griese.
Grieser Upper German
topographic name for someone living on a sandy site, from Middle High German griez ‘sand’ + -er suffix denoting an inhabitant.
Haefele Upper German
Occupational name for a potter.
Heil German, Upper German, Dutch
1. German: from a pet form of Heinrich. ... [more]
Helder Dutch, German, Upper German, English
1. Dutch and German: from a Germanic personal name Halidher, composed of the elements haliò “hero” + hari, heri “army”, or from another personal name, Hildher, composed of the elements hild “strife”, “battle” + the same second element... [more]
Holtzmann Upper German, German
Derived from the Upper German word "holz," which means "forest." Thus many of the names that evolved from this root work have to do with living in the woods
Huettl Upper German
South German (Hüttl) diminutive of Hütt (see Huett).
Kleis Upper German, Romansh
Derived from the given name Kleis, a South German variant of Klaus. The Kleis settled in Romansh-speaking areas after the Napoleonic Wars.
Koell Upper German (Rare)
(Koell) named used when came1880s to 1905 in America changed to( Kohl)... [more]
Kömm Upper German
Possible East Franconian dialect variant of Kempf meaning "champion, warrior, fighter".
Kreit Upper German
Topographic name from Middle High German geriute meaning “land cleared for farming”
Kreith Upper German
Topographic name from Middle High German geriute meaning “land cleared for farming.”
Kummerer Upper German (Germanized, Rare)
Kummerer means ""bringer of sorrow""
Lienhard Upper German, German (Swiss), Alsatian
Upper German and Alemannic form of the given name Leonhard.
Lösch Low German, Upper German
North German metonymic occupational name for a maker of fine leather, from Middle Low German losche ‘fine leather’. South German variant of Lesch (see Loesch).
Nied Upper German
South German: habitational name from Nied in Hesse.
Nigg Upper German, German (Swiss), Romansh
Derived from a short form of the given name Niklaus.
Penning Upper German
Shortened form of Panno, which is a personal given name.
Pöppel Upper German, German
Comes from a pet form of the personal name Popp.
Reiser German, Upper German
Habitational name for someone from Reis or Reissen in Bavaria (see Reis). An occupational name from Middle High German reisære ‘warrior’, ‘traveler’... [more]
Reisser Upper German
An occupational name for a woodcutter, Middle High German risser.
Reusser Swiss, German, Upper German
In Switzerland, an occupational name for a fisherman or maker of fish traps, from an agent derivative of Middle High German riuse "fish trap, weir basket". A nickname from an agent noun based on Middle High German riusen "to moan or complain"... [more]
Roll Upper German, German, English
German: from Middle High German rolle, rulle ‘roll’, ‘list’, possibly applied as a metonymic occupational name for a scribe.... [more]
Rommel Upper German, Dutch
Nickname for a noisy and disruptive person, from Middle Dutch rommel "noise, disorder, disturbance". Alternatively, a variant of Rummel.
Sax Upper German, Dutch, Flemish
South German variant of Sachs and Dutch variant of Sas.
Schaller Upper German
From Middle High German word "schal," which means "noise," or "bragging," and as such is was thought to have originally been a nickname for a braggart, or for a market crier.
Schink Upper German
Nickname for someone with long or otherwise remarkable legs, from Middle High German schinke "thigh, leg". Compare Schenkel.
Schlatter Upper German
Topographic name from Middle High German slâte "reedy place", or a habitational name from any of several places named Schlatt, from the same word.
Schweder German, Upper German
German: ethnic name for a Swede.... [more]
Schwer Upper German, German, Jewish
South German relationship name from Middle High German sweher ‘father-in-law’. ... [more]
Seim Upper German
German: metonymic occupational name for a beekeeper, from Middle High German seim ‘honey’.
Seitz Upper German
A mainly Bavarian surname, from a reduced form of the personal name Seifried, a variant of Siegfried... [more]
Sigel Upper German
Upper German variant of Siegel 1.
Strohm Upper German
From the noble name Strohmeier. Great river and electricity.
Thirring Upper German (Rare)
The name Thirring has many different forms/variant spellings. These include Thiering, Thiring, Thuring,Thuringer, Turinger, Duringer, Diringer, Diring and During. One of the reasons for all the variant spellings is that the church scribes in Hungary originally all recorded the name differently... [more]
Vögele Upper German, German (Swiss)
Swabian and Swiss German diminutive of Vogel.
Zenner Upper German
South German: unflattering nickname for a surly, snarling person, from an agent derivative of Middle High German zannen 'to growl or howl' or 'to bare one's teeth'.
Ziegenhorn Upper German (Archaic)
Goat horn, either 1. the horn of a goat, 2. Goat mountain, or 3. From goat mountain.