Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Type Surname

Meaning & History

A common surname in Romania and Moldova.

Notable People with this surname:

Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, Romanian politician and leader of the fascist movement the Iron Guard, son of Ion Zelea Codreanu
Corneliu Codreanu, Romanian football player
Dan Codreanu, Romanian football player
Ina Codreanu, Moldovan beauty queen
Ion Codreanu, Bessarabian politician
Ion Codreanu, Romanian soldier
Ion Zelea Codreanu (Zelinski, Zelinschi), Romanian fascist politician, father of Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
Irina Codreanu, Romanian sculptor
Mihail Codreanu, Romanian poet
Nicolae Bosie-Codreanu, Bessarabian politician
Nicolae Zubcu-Codreanu, Bessarabian politician
Radu Codreanu, Romanian zoologist
Roman Codreanu, Romanian wrestler
Added 12/13/2015 by lilolaf