Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Type Surname (from location)
Usage German
Other Forms FormsDürr, Duerr, Durr, Duerer, Duere, Duer, Dür, Dur, Durre, Dürre, Dorr, Dörr, Doerr, Doerre, Dirr, Derr, Darr, Dürrer, Durrer, Duer, Dauerer, Daurer, Deurer, Duere, Duerrer, Duree, Dueren, Duerman, Duermann

Meaning & History

Topographic name for a person who lived on a dry, barren land, derived from Old German durri and German dürre meaning "barren, infertile". It could also be a variant of Dürr.
Added 6/16/2022 by General9696