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Gay 1
Type Surname (from nickname)

Meaning & History

Nickname for a lighthearted or cheerful person, from Middle English and Old French gai "happy, cheerful, joyous".
Added 4/15/2007 by x0Britt0x
Edited 1/19/2025 by jocatchi

Gay 2
Type Surname (from location)
Usage English

Meaning & History

Habitational name from a settlement in Normandy called Gaye, possibly derived from a Germanic person name cognate with Wade 2, or perhaps related to Old French gayere "wet ground" or goille "puddle, quagmire".
Added 12/20/2015 by lilolaf
Edited 1/19/2025 by jocatchi and lilolaf

Gay 3
Type Surname (from given name)
Usage Catalan

Meaning & History

Probably from the Catalan personal name Gai, a variant of Gaius.
Added 12/20/2015 by lilolaf
Edited 1/19/2025 by jocatchi