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Gucciardo 1
Type Surname (from given name)
Usage Italian

Meaning & History

From the personal name Gucciardo, a revival of French Guichard, of Germanic origin, probably composed of the elements wig 'battle' or wisa 'experience' + hard 'strong', 'brave', 'hardy'.
Added 3/12/2018 by anonymous

Gucciardo 2
Type Surname (from given name)
Other Forms FormsGuzzardo, Guiciardo, Guicciardi

Meaning & History

from the given name Gucciardo a cognate of French Guichard of ancient Germanic origin probably composed of the elements wig "battle" or wisa "experience" and hard "strong brave hardy". Cognate of Guichard and Wyatt.
Added 3/3/2024 by Paradiso36
Edited 3/6/2024 by Paradiso36