Sicilian Submitted Surnames

These names are a subset of Italian names used more often by speakers of Sicilian. See also about Italian names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Adorno Sicilian
Means "honey buzzard" in the Calabrian dialect, a nickname given to someone with a hawklike appearance, or an occupational name for a falconer.
Alario Sicilian
Derived from Sicilian alariu "herald".
Alioto Italian, Sicilian
Habitational name for someone from Alì in Messina province.
Arlotta Sicilian
From the French personal name Arlot, recorded in the Latinized form Arolottus from the 13th century.
Arminio Spanish, Italian, Sicilian
From the given name Arminio.
Arra Galician, Sicilian
Habitational name from a place in Galicia called Arra, this surname was also found in some parts of Sicily.
Asaro Italian, Sicilian
Derived from Sicilian Àsaru. A comune in the Province of Enna, Sicily.
Balistreri Sicilian
Means "archer, crossbowman" or "crossbow maker" in Sicilian.
Barrese Italian, Sicilian
Denoted a person from any of the various minor places named Barra in southern Italy (for example the large district in the eastern part of Naples), derived from Italian barra meaning "barrier, bar, obstacle".
Bellanca Sicilian
Originally a nickname derived from Italian bella "beautiful" and anca "hip".
Bonasera Sicilian
Derived from the expression bona sera "good evening". This name was applied as a nickname either for someone who made frequent use of this salutation or as a personal name bestowed on a child as an expression of gratitude in the sense "it was a good evening when you were born".
Bonasira Sicilian
variant spelling of Bonasera
Branciforte Italian, Sicilian
nickname from branchi "claws hands" (plural of branca) and forte "strong" meaning "strong claw".
Broccoli Italian, Sicilian
From the Italian plural for “The flowering crest of a cabbage”. Best known as the surname of the (Calabrian-originated) Sicilian American family who made James Bond internationally famous, by making movies (loosely) based on the books where the titular antihero himself appeared.
Buscemi Sicilian
Name for someone originally from the town of Buscemi in Sicily, derived from the Arabic toponym قلعة أبي شامة‎ (qal'at 'abi shama) meaning "castle of the man with the mole‎" or "castle of (the family of) Abi Shama".
Cacioppo Italian, Sicilian
Derived from Sicilian cacioppu meaning "dried tree trunk", presumably applied as a nickname for someone with wizened skin, or from caciopu meaning "short-sighted" (derived from Greek kakiopes, literally meaning "having bad eyes").
Calafiore Italian, Sicilian
altered form of Calaciura from the Greek name Kalokiourēs a variant of Kalokyrēs Kalokyrios meaning "good man".
Camarata Sicilian
Name from city in Sicily: Cammarata
Cammareri Sicilian, Italian
Means "servant, waiter" in Sicilian.
Candela Spanish, Italian, Sicilian, Catalan
Either an occupational name for a chandler (a candle maker or candle seller) or a nickname for a tall thin person, derived from candela meaning "candle" (from Latin candela).
Cantaro Italian, Sicilian, Spanish (Latin American)
A derogatory nickname from Italian meaning "night pot". This surname is also found in Peru.
Caporale Italian, Sicilian
From caporale, meaning "corporal"
Cardone Italian, Sicilian
From Sicilian carduni "thistle, teasel, cardoon" possibly a topographic name but also could mean "rough, uncouth, stingy, or miserly".
Cattano Sicilian (Rare)
Meaning "captain," this name began as a nickname in the Medieval Ages, probably for someone who actually was a ship's captain, or perhaps for someone who acted in some way like a captain.
Cavaleri Italian, Sicilian
occupational name from Sicilian cavaleri "rider mounted soldier knight". It was also used as a patrician title. See Cavaliere.
Cavallaro Italian, Sicilian
either a variant under Spanish influence of Cavaliere or an occupational name for a keeper or dealer in horses Sicilian cavaddaru.
Cera Spanish, Italian, Catalan, Sicilian
Metonymic occupational name for a wax seller, derived from Latin cera meaning "wax". A famous bearer of this surname is Canadian actor and musician Michael Cera (1988-).
Chiovaro Sicilian
Unknown meaning. Brought over to the United States from Sicilian immigrants, where the pronunciation changed from KEE-o-vah-row to SHIV-ahr-ow.
Ciccio Sicilian
Ciccio usually implies the person with given name is as sweet as pie. It also can be lengthened to Francesco.
Circelli Sicilian
Derived from Sicilian circedda meaning "(hoop) earring", originally used to denote someone who wore hoop earrings.
Coco Italian, Sicilian
occupational name for a cook a seller of cooked meats or a keeper of an eating house from southern Italian coco "cook" (from Latin cocus coquus)... [more]
Coniglio Italian, Sicilian
From coniglio "rabbit" (from Latin cuniculus ) applied as a nickname for a timid person or a metonymic occupational name for a dealer in rabbits... [more]
Crascì Sicilian
From Sicilian craxi, an obsolete word meaning "wine", ultimately from Ancient Greek κρᾶσις (krasis) "mixture, blending".
Cravotta Sicilian
From a Sicilian immigrant to America, Cravotta was changed to Cravatta upon arrival at Ellis Island. The name means "bowtie."
Cusimanno Italian, Sicilian
from the personal name Cusimano which may be a fusion of two Christian saints' names: Cosma and Damiano with a loss of the last syllable of one and the first of the other... [more]
Dolce Italian, Sicilian
From the medieval name Dolce meaning "sweet, pleasant" derived from Latin dulcis.
Faraci Sicilian
Patronymic from farace; deriving from Arab farag.
Farano Italian, Sicilian
Possibly deriving from a town Faranò in province of Messina, Sicily. Possible variant of Surname faran which comes from Irish surnames Ó Fearáin, Ó Faracháin, or Ó Forannáin.
Fauci Sicilian
Means "sickle" in Sicilian, originally an occupational name for a maker of sickles.
Foti Italian, Sicilian
from the Greek personal name Photes Photios a derivative of Greek phos (genitive photos) "light".
Gangemi Sicilian, Italian
Arab origin meaning healer
Gattuso Italian, Sicilian
Sicilian and Calabrian variant of Gatto, notably borne by the Italian former soccer player Gennaro Gattuso (1978-).
Girgenti Italian, Sicilian
Habitational name for someone from Agrigento in Sicily which was called Girgenti until 1927.
Gucciardo Italian, Sicilian
from the given name Gucciardo a cognate of French Guichard of ancient Germanic origin probably composed of the elements wig "battle" or wisa "experience" and hard "strong brave hardy"... [more]
Guccione Italian, Sicilian
Derived from the given name Guccio, a diminutive of Arriguccio, Uguccio and other names ending in guccio.
Gurrieri Italian, Sicilian
Sicilian variant of Guerrieri and Guerriero. Cognate of Guerrero and Guerrier.
Lamalfa Sicilian
Variant of Malfa, most probably a habitational name for someone from Malfa on the island of Salina (Messina), although the name has also been linked with Amalfi in Salerno and Melfi in Potenza.
Lamendola Italian, Sicilian
nickname or more often a habitational name from places named with the dialect term amendola, mendola, mendula "almond" (also "almond tree").
Lentini Italian, Sicilian
Habitational name from Lentini in Siracusa province Sicily.
Machi Sicilian
Unexplained. It may be from the Albanian personal name Maqo. Derivation from a Greek name ending in -akis, which has been suggested, is implausible.
Malfa Italian, Sicilian
habitational name from Malfa on the island of Salina (Messina). Variant of Lamalfa.
Mannazzu Sardinian (Archaic), Sicilian (Rare, Archaic), Corsican (Modern, Rare), Italian (Rare)
It came from the Ancient Nuraghi people. the Nuraghi people inhabited southern Corsica and northern and central Sardinia.
Matracia Sicilian
Family from Termini-Imerese, Sicily.
Maugeri Sicilian, Italian
From Sicilian maugeri "herdsman".
Milazzo Italian, Sicilian
habitational name from Milazzo in Messina province.
Minagro Sicilian
Minagro: A Sicilian surname, with Latin & Greek etymological origins. Min: from Latin minusculus/little or small — Agro: from both Latin agro/field & Greek αγρό agro/field
Mirabella Italian, Sicilian
Italian (Campania and Sicily): habitational name from Mirabella Eclano in Avellino or Mirabella Imbaccari in Catania, or from various places with the name Mirabello, all named from medieval Latin mira, "viewpoint", and bella, "beautiful"... [more]
Occhipinti Sicilian
Derived from Italian occhi "eyes" and pinti "painted", denoting someone with dark eyelashes or with flecked or blood-shot eyes.
Pellicano Italian, Sicilian
nickname from dialect pelecanò pelicanò "woodpecker" from modern Greek pelekanos "green woodpecker" (cognate with pelekan "pelican"; both come from pelekys "axe" the pelican because its beak is shaped like an axe the woodpecker because it uses its beak like an axe).
Pingitore Italian, Sicilian
occupational name from pittore "painter".
Puglisi Sicilian
Southern Italian variant of Pugliese.
Puleo Sicilian
origin- common name found in Palermo in Scicily
Racioppi Italian, Sicilian
Derived from Sicilian racioppu meaning "cluster of grapes", hence presumably a metonymic occupational name for someone who sold or produced grapes.
Raia Italian, Sicilian
Either a topographic name from Sicilian raia ‘smilax’ (a climbing shrub), or else derived from Sicilian raja meaning ‘ray’, or ‘skate’ (the fish), presumably a nickname for someone thought to resemble the fish or a metonymic occupational name for a fisherman or fish seller.
Rappa Italian, Sicilian
from Sicilian rappa meaning ‘bunch, cluster’ or Italian rappa meaning ‘lock, quiff’, which was presumably applied as a nickname with reference to someone’s hair.
Riina Sicilian
Derived from Sicilian rijina meaning "queen".
Saitta Sicilian, Italian
Means "arrow" or "lightning bolt" in Sicilian, from Latin sagitta via sajitta. Probably a nickname for a quick or fast-footed person, though it may have also been a metonymic occupational name for a fletcher.
Saladino Italian, Sicilian
Either from the personal name Saladino from Arabic (see Saladin ) or a nickname from this name denoting a bully or tyrant... [more]
Salemi Italian, Sicilian
habitational name from a place so called in Trapani.
Sanfilippo Italian, Sicilian
habitational name from any of several places called with reference to a local church or shrine dedicated to Saint Philip specifically San Filippo del Mela in Messina province, San Filippo near Reggio Calabria.
Santangelo Italian, Sicilian
Either habitational name from any of numerous places especially in the south named with reference to a local shrine or church dedicated to Saint Angel (Italian Sant'Angelo) as for example Sant'Angelo a Cupolo (Benevento) Sant'Angelo a Fasanella (Salerno) Sant'Angelo all’Esca and Sant'Angelo a Scala (Avellino) Sant'Angelo d'Alife (Caserta) and Sant'Angelo del Pesco (Molise)... [more]
Scillato Italian, Sicilian
Comes from the commune of Scillato in Sicily, Italy, southeast of Palermo.
Scuderi Sicilian
Patronymic form of Scudero, a status name equivalent to English Squire, from scudero "shield-bearer", Latin scutarius, an agent derivative of scutum "shield"... [more]
Siciliano Italian, Sicilian
One who came from Sicily.
Siracusa Italian, Sicilian
From the name of the city of Syracuse in Sicily, Italy (siracusa in Italian and sarausa in Sicilian).
Sodano Italian, Sicilian
nickname or ethnic name from Arabic sawdān "black Negro". nickname from Old Sicilian sudanu "sultan".
Soldano Italian, Sicilian
from soldano "sultan" (earlier sultano from Arabic sulṭān "ruler") used as a nickname for someone who behaved in an outlandish or autocratic manner.
Surace Italian, Sicilian
From the italian Greek surname Surakes possibly from Arabic surraq "robber".
Taibbi Sicilian (Americanized, Modern)
A Sicilian name of Lebanese origin, Taibbi is a variant spelling of Taibi.
Taibi Sicilian
Taibi is a Sicilian nickname for a robust person; from Arabic ṭayyib "in good health".
Trifiletti Sicilian
Topographic name from a diminutive of Greek triphyllon "trefoil".
Turturro Italian, Sicilian
Metonymic occupational name for a groom (a person employed to take care of horses), derived from Sicilian turturo, (ultimately from Italian tortoro) meaning "straw, hay, plait used for strapping horses"... [more]
Urbino Sicilian, Italian
Possibly from the name of an Italian town. Could also be from Sicilian urbu or orbu, meaning "blind", in which case it may refer to literal blindness, or a more metaphorical "blind to one's sins", especially in the case of foundlings.
Zicari Italian, Sicilian
Southern Italian and Sicilian from an unattested Arabic personal name Zikri or Zikari.