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Type Surname (from given name)
Gender Masculine
Pronounced Pron. /ˈhrɑvnɑ.ˌkonr/  [key·simplify]

Meaning & History

From Old Norse hrafn, meaning "raven," and konr, meaning "descendant" or "noble kin." The name konr is associated with Konr!, the youngest son of Jarl (or Skjöldr) and the grandson of Rígr, as described in Rígsþula. Rígr, often identified with the god Heimdallr, is credited with creating the social classes in Norse society. Konr ungr represents the noble warrior destined for greatness and is the etymological root of the later title konungr, meaning "king." Hrafnakonr can be interpreted as "raven's descendant," "raven's companion," or "raven's warrior," symbolizing both ancestral nobility and the raven's connection to the god Óðinn and to wisdom, war, and prophecy in Norse mythology.
Added 9/12/2024 by Aðakán Jamesarson Hrafnakonr