Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Type Surname (from given name)
Usage Croatian
Pronounced Pron. Ye-lu-shi-ch  [key]
Other Forms FormsYelushich, Yelussich, Jelussich, Jelusich, Gielusich

Meaning & History

The first ever appearance recorded to this date was even before the Turkish men (Ottoman) broke into the Kingdom of Croatia (around 13. century).

The name sounded slightly different then it does today, of course.
Gielusich is what they called themselves.

Between the 16th century the name was written slightly different: Gelussich. Most people with that name came from the island of Hvar and Klostar Podravski (then called Gorbonog).

The name is common in the 19th century: Ernest Jelussich (who fought in the Croatian National Revival),famous croatian photographer Edmondo Jelussich.

In the 20th century Mirko Jelusich was a famous austrian/croatian writer.
A lot of Jelušićs moved at that time to the USA and other European countries due to the wars and economical crisis.
Added 7/26/2015 by anonymous

See Also

User submission Jelusić