Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Type Surname (from location)
Usage Japanese
Scripts 加世田, 忰田(Japanese Kanji)
Pronounced Pron. KAH-SEH-DAH  [key]
Other Forms FormsKaseta, Kayoda, Kayota

Meaning & History

If kase is spelled like 加 (ka) meaning "add, increase, join, include, Canada" and 世 (se, yo) meaning "generation, world, society, public", then it can also be read as kayo. This surname could also be spelled with 忰 (kase) meaning "to become emancipated, haggard, suffer". Kase in either spelling is combined with 田 (da) meaning "rice paddy, field".
Added 8/30/2024 by ShioTanbo1