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Kisaragi 1
Type Surname
Scripts 如月(Japanese Kanji)

Meaning & History

Old way to say February.
Added 9/6/2020 by stan bts

Kisaragi 2
Type Surname
Scripts 如月, 木皿儀, 木皿木(Japanese Kanji) キサラギ(Japanese Katakana) きさらぎ(Japanese Hiragana)
Pronounced Pron. KEE-SAH-RAH-GEE  [key]

Meaning & History

如月 (Kisaragi) can be translated as "February" and "second month of the lunar calendar" (obsolete term) and the kanji means (如月 = likeness; like; such as; as if; better; best; equal | month; moon)
Though it can alternatively be (木皿儀/木皿木 = tree; wood | dish; a helping; plate | ceremony; rule; affair; case; a matter | tree; wood)
Added 10/24/2023 by ElementalArson