Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Type Surname
Usage Korean

Meaning & History

There is only one Chinese character for the Na surname. Some sources indicate that there are 46 different Na clans, but only two of them can be documented, and it is believed that these two sprang from a common founding ancestor. The Na clan’s founding ancestor, Na Pu, migrated from China sometime during the mid-seventh century and settled in the Naju area.Chinese : there are two sources of this surname. One is the state of Na that existed during the Zhou dynasty (1122–221 bc). The other source is the Hu ethnic group, some of whom adopted Na as their surname.
Added 12/4/2015 by cutenose
Edited 12/20/2015 by cutenose

Na 3