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Type Surname
Usage German

Meaning & History

1 German and Jewish (Ashkenazic): descriptive epithet for a wise person or counselor, from Middle High German rāt ‘counsel’, ‘advice’, German Rat ‘counsel’, ‘advice’, also ‘stock’, ‘supply’.

2 German (also Swiss Räth): from a short form of any of the various Germanic compound personal names formed with rād, rāt ‘counsel’, ‘advice’ as the first element.

3 German (Rhineland): habitational name from any of various places called Rath, which derives from Middle Low German roden, raden ‘to clear land for cultivation’.

4 Irish: in some cases a habitational name from a place called Rath; in County Derry it is a reduced form of McIlwraith ( see McIlrath ).
Added 12/15/2020 by IPeeOnApples