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Type Surname
Usage English

Meaning & History

Norman origin. Habitational name from Saint-Hilaire-du-Harcouët in La Manche, which gets its name from the dedication of its church to St. Hilary, or alternatively from either of the places, in La Manche and Somme, called Saint-Lô. Both of the latter are named from a 6th-century St. Lauto, bishop of Coutances; his name is of variable form in the sources and uncertain etymology. North German: habitational name for someone from Sandel. Jewish (eastern Ashkenazic): occupational name for a cobbler or shoemaker, Yiddish sandler (from Hebrew sandelar, from Late Latin sandalarius, an agent derivative of sandalium "shoe").
Added 10/8/2019 by Gabreana