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Type Surname (from given name)
Usage Spanish
Pronounced Pron. santander  [key]

Meaning & History

From the toponymy, it is discussed whether Santander is a derivation of San Emeterio or San Andrés. Due to the proximity of the Basque country (Ander = Andrés) and the tenor of some ancient texts, it can be concluded that it refers to San Andrés. As an example, I cite a privilege dictated in 1255 by Alfonso X for the benefit of his brother, the Archbishop of Toledo: "D Alfonso, by the grace of God, Rei de Castilla, de Toledo, León, Gallicia, Sevilla, Córdova, Murcia et de Jahen Do and I grant to D Sancho, my brother, elect of Tholedo, and my Chanceller, that the Abbadia de Sant Ander has to be placed in the town of Sant Ander by mayors and jurors and merinos and writers and all other contributors, so as I put them in the time of Rei D Fernando, my father. And I send all of Sant Ander, whose belly Don Sancho, my brother still abides the Abbey, to obey him. "
Added 2/21/2020 by Anne