Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Type Surname (from given name)
Other Forms FormsSanti, Sante Sancte, Santese, Santes, Santesi, Santia, Santhia, Di Santis, De Santis, De Sanctis, Desantis, Sanctis, Di Sanctis, Sancti, Di Sancti, Sanctius, Sancto, Di Sancto, Dei Santi, Delli Santi, Di Santi, Disanti, Di Santo, Disanto, Santinelli, Santinacci, Santini, Santinni

Meaning & History

It means holliness, hallowed, saintly, sainted, sanctity. It is a surname that corresponds with Italian Celts families (Italo-Celtic family groups), more precisely in Piemonte or Piedmont (north of Italy).
Added 5/16/2015 by asanti121