Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Type Surname
Usage Japanese
Scripts 新藤, 進藤, 信藤, 真堂(Japanese Kanji)
Pronounced Pron. /ɕĩɴ.do̞ː/  [key·simplify]
Other Forms FormsShindo, Shindou

Meaning & History

From Japanese 新 (shin) meaning "new", 進 (shin) meaning "advance, progress", 信 (shin) meaning "trust, faith", or 真 (shin) meaning "truth, reality" combined with 藤 (dō) meaning "wisteria" or 堂 (dō) meaning "temple, shrine".
Added 3/27/2020 by LittleBunnyXoXo
Edited 9/26/2020 by HL