Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Type Surname (from occupation)
Usage Russian
Scripts Токарев(Russian)
Other Forms FormsTokaryev, Tokaryeva, Tokareva, Tokorev, Tokoreva, Tokareff, Tokaryov, Tokaryova, Tokoryov, Tokoryova, Tokarov, Tokarova, Tokarevs, Tokarew, Tocarev, Tocareva

Meaning & History

Patronymic name derived from Russian токарь (tokar) meaning "turner". A turner was a person who used a lathe to create small objects from wood or bone. A notable bearer of this name was the Russian-American singer and songwriter Willi Tokarev (1934-2019).
Added 11/27/2022 by General9696