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Type Surname (from given name)
Usage Italian
Pronounced Pron. Tro var rel lo  [key]
Other Forms FormsTrovarelli, Trovatelli, Trovato

Meaning & History

First mention of the surname was in Marche in the 14th century, given to a foundling Trovarello di Paolo or "Paolo's foundling".The name was transcribed as a last name, as this person adopted the first name Claudio Trovarello. The name had died out in Marche by the end of the 16th century with the Trovarello family relocating in Abruzzo.The name derived from the verb Trovare- to find and a joinng with the suffix -ello, given to a small male, hence the finding of a small male. The word trovatello means a foundling in Italian. There are many related names all meaning the same thing, a foundling i.e. torvarelli, trovatelli, trovato.
Added 12/22/2020 by James Trovarello