Surnames with "home" in Meaning

This is a list of surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword home.
See Also
home meaning
Brigham English
Originally referred to one who came from a town called Brigham, meaning "homestead by the bridge" in Old English. This is the name of towns in Cumberland and Yorkshire.
Hampton English
From the name of multiple towns in England, derived from Old English ham "home" or ham "water meadow, enclosure" and tun "enclosure, yard, town".
Homewood English
From various place names derived from Old English ham meaning "home" and wudu meaning "wood".
Miyake Japanese
From Japanese (mi) meaning "three" and (yake) meaning "house, home".
Solheim Norwegian
From the name various of various villages in Norway, derived from Old Norse sól meaning "sun" and heimr meaning "home".
Woodham English
Indicated a person who had a home near a wood, derived from Old English wudu "wood" and ham "home, settlement".