Browse Namesakes

Andrew HolnessmOther Leaders
Marius HolstmNotable Filmmakers
Cassie HoltfFictional Characters from Television
Claire HoltfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Lynn HoltfFictional Characters from Television
Olivia HoltfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Rupie HoltmFictional Characters from Television
Steve HoltmFictional Characters from Television
Tim HoltmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Zane HoltzmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Keith HolyoakemNew Zealand Prime Ministers
Adolf HölzelmNotable Artists
Nieky HolzkenmNotable Athletes
Oscar HomolkamNotable Actors and Entertainers
Oleksiy HoncharukmOther Leaders
Fritz HoneggermSwiss Presidents
James HongmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Pieter Corneliszoon HooftmNotable Writers
Sjoerd HoogendoornmNotable Athletes
Peter HookmNotable Musicians
Richard HookermNotable Writers
Jan HooksfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Nicholas HoopermNotable Musicians
Hop SingmFictional Characters from Television
Bob HopemNotable Actors and Entertainers
William HopemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Josh HopkinsmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Miriam HopkinsfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Tom HoppermNotable Actors and Entertainers
William HoppermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Mark HoppusmNotable Musicians
Niall HoranmNotable Musicians
Kaniehtiio HornfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Roger HornmFictional Characters from Television
Roy HornmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Lena HornefNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
James HornermNotable Musicians
Bruce HornsbymGrammy Award Winners, Notable Musicians
Russell HornsbymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Christopher HornsrudmNorwegian Prime Ministers
Eugene HorowitzmFictional Characters from Television
Michael HorsemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Addie HortonfFictional Characters from Television
Alice HortonfFictional Characters from Television
Allie HortonfFictional Characters from Television
Bill HortonmFictional Characters from Television
Jennifer HortonfFictional Characters from Television
Jeremy HortonmFictional Characters from Television
Laura HortonfFictional Characters from Television
Lucas HortonmFictional Characters from Television
Maggie HortonfFictional Characters from Television
Marie HortonfFictional Characters from Television
Melissa HortonfFictional Characters from Television
Mickey HortonmFictional Characters from Television
Mike HortonmFictional Characters from Television
Nathan HortonmFictional Characters from Television
Sandy HortonfFictional Characters from Television
Sarah HortonfFictional Characters from Television
Tom HortonmFictional Characters from Television
Tommy HortonmFictional Characters from Television
Will HortonmFictional Characters from Television
Brutil HosémNotable Athletes
Bob HoskinsmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Amo HoughtonmNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Ruben HoukesmOlympic Medalists
Nicholas HoultmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Djimon HounsoumNotable Actors and Entertainers
Joss HousefFictional Characters from Television
Tyson HousemanmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Donald HoustonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Glyn HoustonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Thelma HoustonfNotable Musicians
Hugo HovenkampmNotable Athletes
Arliss HowardmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ashleigh HowardfFictional Characters from Television
Becky HowardfFictional Characters from Movies, Fictional Characters from Television
Billie Dean HowardfFictional Characters from Television
Bryce Dallas HowardfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Clint HowardmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Curly HowardmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Dominic HowardmNotable Musicians
Fritz HowardmFictional Characters from Television
James Newton HowardmNotable Musicians
Katrina HowardfFictional Characters from Television
Ken HowardmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Leo HowardmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Moe HowardmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ryan HowardmFictional Characters from Television
Shemp HowardmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Terrence HowardmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Timothy HowardmFictional Characters from Television
Traylor HowardfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Trevor HowardmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Rebecca HowefFictional Characters from Television
C. Thomas HowellmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Glenn HowertonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Lil Rel HowerymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Sally Ann HowesfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Steve HoweymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jobyna HowlandfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Olin HowlandmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jack HoxiemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Woody HoytmFictional Characters from Television
Desmond HoytemOther Leaders
Elias HrawimOther Leaders
Volodymyr HroismanmOther Leaders
Stephanie HsufNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kelly HufNotable Actors and Entertainers
George HuangmFictional Characters from Television
Jensen HuangmNotable Businesspeople
L. Ron HubbardmNotable Writers, Other Religious Leaders
Hubertus of PrussiamOther Royalty
Sarah Huckabee SandersfNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Christy HuddlestonfFictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Television
Vanessa HudgensfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ernie HudsonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Finn HudsonmFictional Characters from Television
Jack HudsonmFictional Characters from Television
Oliver HudsonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Quinn HudsonmFictional Characters from Television
Stanley HudsonmFictional Characters from Television
Tyler HudsonmFictional Characters from Television
Tenoch HuertamNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jon HuertasmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jack HueymFictional Characters from Television
Alaina HuffmanfNotable Actors and Entertainers
William HugginsmNotable Scientists and Inventors
Barnard HughesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Finola HughesfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Gareth HughesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Geoffrey HughesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Langston HughesmNotable Activists and Revolutionaries, Notable Writers
Merv HughesmNotable Athletes
Richard HughesmNotable Musicians
Rupert HughesmNotable Filmmakers, Notable Writers
Michiel HuismanmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Mark HuizingamOlympic Medalists
Tineke HuizingafNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Tom HulcemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Sandra HüllerfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Desmond HumemFictional Characters from Television
Burt HummelmFictional Characters from Television
Kurt HummelmFictional Characters from Television
Dan HumphreymFictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Television
Hubert HumphreymNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Jenny HumphreyfFictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Television
Barry HumphriesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Luke HumphriesmNotable Athletes
Wilberforce Clayborne HumphriesmFictional Characters from Television
Derek HumphrymNotable Activists and Revolutionaries, Notable Journalists, Notable Writers
Jens HundseidmNorwegian Prime Ministers
Charlie HunnammNotable Actors and Entertainers
Arthur HunnicuttmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Bonnie HuntfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Joan HuntfFictional Characters from Television
Megan HuntfFictional Characters from Television
Owen HuntmFictional Characters from Television
Sam HuntmNotable Musicians
Klaas-Jan HuntelaarmNotable Athletes
Bob HuntermFictional Characters from Television
Chet HuntermFictional Characters from Television
Howard W. HuntermOther Religious Leaders
Jack HuntermFictional Characters from Television
Jeffrey HuntermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Noah HuntermFictional Characters from Television
Shawn HuntermFictional Characters from Television
Tab HuntermNotable Actors and Entertainers
George HuntingtonmNotable Scientists and Inventors
Kayla Huntington ScavofFictional Characters from Television
Nora HuntingtonfFictional Characters from Television
Sam HuntingtonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Honor HuntzbergerfFictional Characters from Television
Logan HuntzbergermFictional Characters from Television
Mitchum HuntzbergermFictional Characters from Television
Nadja HüpscherfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Michelle HurdfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Hans HürlimannmSwiss Presidents
Ryan HurstmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Zora Neale HurstonfNotable Writers
Adolf HurwitzmNotable Philosophers and Thinkers
Hussein, Crown Prince of JordanmOther Royalty
Olivia HusseymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ruth HusseyfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Károly HuszármHungarian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Josh HutchersonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ken "Hutch" HutchinsonmFictional Characters from Television
Anna HutchisonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Doug HutchisonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Adi HüttermNotable Athletes
Betty HuttonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Lauren HuttonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Pascale HuttonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Julian HuxleymNotable Scientists and Inventors
Thomas Henry HuxleymNotable Scientists and Inventors
Clair HuxtablefFictional Characters from Television
Cliff HuxtablemFictional Characters from Television
Denise HuxtablefFictional Characters from Television
Rudy HuxtablefFictional Characters from Television
Sondra HuxtablefFictional Characters from Television
Theo HuxtablemFictional Characters from Television
Vanessa HuxtablefFictional Characters from Television
Constantijn HuygensmNotable Writers
Douglas HydemIrish Presidents and Prime Ministers
Jonathan HydemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Steven HydemFictional Characters from Television
Martha HyerfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Diana HylandfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Sarah HylandfNotable Actors and Entertainers
IagomFictional Characters from Movies
IagomFictional Characters from Books
Janis IanfNotable Musicians
Armando IannuccimNotable Filmmakers
Paolo IashvilimNotable Writers
Eréndira IbarrafNotable Actors and Entertainers
Hussein ibn NassermJordanian Prime Ministers
Zaid ibn ShakermJordanian Prime Ministers
Jumabek IbraimovmOther Leaders
Eric IdlemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Damson IdrismNotable Actors and Entertainers
Frank IeromNotable Musicians
Rhys IfansmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Mohamed IhattarenmNotable Athletes
Piet IkelaarmOlympic Medalists
Ion IliescumRomanian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Annie IlonzehfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Iman bint AbdullahfOther Royalty
Iman bint HusseinfOther Royalty
Natalie ImbrugliafNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Michael ImperiolimNotable Actors and Entertainers
Béla ImrédymHungarian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Celia ImriefNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ines of SwedenfOther Royalty
Ralph InesonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ingeborg of DenmarkfOther Royalty
Lauri IngmanmFinnish Presidents and Prime Ministers
Grethe IngmannfEurovision Song Contest Winners, Notable Musicians
Jørgen IngmannmEurovision Song Contest Winners, Notable Musicians
Ingolf of DenmarkmOther Royalty
James IngrammNotable Musicians
Nathan IngrammFictional Characters from Television
Rex IngrammNotable Filmmakers
Laura InnesfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Samuel InsullmNotable Businesspeople
Katerina IoannoufFictional Characters from Television
Stella IoannoufFictional Characters from Television
John IrelandmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Marin IrelandfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Irene of the NetherlandsfOther Royalty
Irini of Greece and DenmarkfOther Royalty
Max IronsmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Michael IronsidemNotable Actors and Entertainers
John IrvinmFictional Characters from Television
Jeremy IrvinemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Amy IrvingfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Isaac ImCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
Jason IsaacsmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Azim IsabekovmOther Leaders
Liana IsakadzefNotable Musicians
Sapar IsakovmOther Leaders
Nasirdin IsanovmOther Leaders
Mugur IsărescumRomanian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Madison IsemanfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Mark IshammNotable Musicians
Kazuo IshiguromNobel Prize Winners, Notable Writers
Isidore of SamtavisimSaints
Maura IslesfFictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Television
Hastings IsmaymNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Thomas IsmaymNotable Businesspeople
Rinus IsraëlmNotable Athletes
Istucarius of SebastemSaints
Bera IvanishvilimNotable Musicians
Bidzina IvanishvilimGeorgian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Artis "Coolio" IveymNotable Musicians
Eddie IzzardNotable Actors and Entertainers
Mieke JaapiesfOlympic Medalists
Anneli JäätteenmäkifFinnish Presidents and Prime Ministers
Daphne JablonskyfFictional Characters from Television
Henry JackmanmNotable Musicians
Hugh JackmanmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Terry JacksmNotable Musicians
Bob JacksonmFictional Characters from Television
Cheyenne JacksonmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Daniel JacksonmFictional Characters from Movies, Fictional Characters from Television
Jeremy JacksonmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Jett JacksonmFictional Characters from Television
Jonathan JacksonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Joshua JacksonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kate JacksonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Niecy JacksonfFictional Characters from Television
O'Shea "Ice Cube" JacksonmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Skai JacksonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Tom JacksonmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Derek JacobimNotable Actors and Entertainers
Devery JacobsfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Gillian JacobsfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ruth JacottfNotable Musicians
Jacques of MonacomOther Royalty
Jacquet of MantuamNotable Musicians
Richard JaeckelmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Sam JaegermNotable Actors and Entertainers
JafarmFictional Characters from Movies
Sam JaffemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Sakina JaffreyfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Cheddi JaganmOther Leaders
Janet JaganfOther Leaders
Poorna JagannathanfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Bharrat JagdeomOther Leaders
Thorbjørn JaglandmNorwegian Prime Ministers
J. August RichardsmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jaime of Bourbon-ParmamOther Royalty
Jake the DogmFictional Characters from Television
John JakesmNotable Writers
Jakko JakszykmNotable Musicians
Kew JaliensmNotable Athletes
Nigar JamalfEurovision Song Contest Winners
James ImCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
Bradley JamesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Carwyn JamesmNotable Athletes
Eli JamesmFictional Characters from Television
Elmore JamesmNotable Musicians
Geraldine JamesfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kevin JamesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
P. D. JamesfNotable Writers
Stephan JamesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Theo JamesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jerry Jamal "3J" JamesonmFictional Characters from Television
Joyce JamesonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Sandy JamesonfFictional Characters from Television
Mylène JampanoïfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jamphel GyatsomOther Religious Leaders
Thomas JanemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Clément JanequinmNotable Musicians
Kathryn JanewayfFictional Characters from Television
Adam JanikowskimFictional Characters from Television
Cas JansenmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Renate JansenfNotable Athletes
Wim JansenmNotable Athletes
David JanssenmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Dominique JanssenfNotable Athletes
Famke JanssenfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Vincent JanssenmNotable Athletes
Chantal JanzenfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Tedo JaparidzemNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Akylbek JaparovmOther Leaders
Sadyr JaparovmOther Leaders
Claude Jarman Jr.mNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jim JarmuschmNotable Filmmakers
Sayid JarrahmFictional Characters from Television
Maurice JarremNotable Musicians
Al JarreaumNotable Musicians
Wojciech JaruzelskimPolish Presidents and Prime Ministers
JasminefFictional Characters from Movies
David JasonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Peter JasonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Puntsagiin JasraimOther Leaders
Marianne Jean-BaptistefNotable Actors and Entertainers
Zizi JeanmairefNotable Actors and Entertainers
Sooronbay JeenbekovmOther Leaders
Aaron JefferymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Anne JeffreysfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Garland JeffreysmNotable Musicians
Lionel JeffriesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Will JeffriesmFictional Characters from Television
Anya JenkinsfFictional Characters from Television
Billie JenkinsfFictional Characters from Television
Carter JenkinsmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Christy JenkinsfFictional Characters from Television
Katherine JenkinsfNotable Musicians
Ken JenkinsmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Maxwell JenkinsmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Brody JennermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Dorothy JenningsfFictional Characters from Television
Mark JenningsmFictional Characters from Television
Will JenningsmNotable Musicians
Adolf JensenmNotable Musicians
Ashley JensenfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Clay JensenmFictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Television
Ken JeongmNotable Actors and Entertainers
JeroentjemFictional Characters from Books
JerommFictional Characters from Books
Jesse of TsilkanimSaints
Connor JessupmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Michael JetermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Rob JettenmNotable Politicians and Statespeople
JewelfNotable Musicians
Norman JewisonmNotable Filmmakers
Ann JillianfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Eva JinekfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Joachim Albrecht of PrussiamOther Royalty
Joachim of PrussiamOther Royalty
João GilbertomGrammy Award Winners, Notable Musicians
Edmund JoensenmOther Leaders
Adolph JoffemNotable Activists and Revolutionaries, Notable Politicians and Statespeople
Jóhanna SigurðardóttirfIcelandic Presidents and Prime Ministers
Aksel V. JohannesenmOther Leaders
Kaj Leo JohannesenmOther Leaders
Lars-Emil JohansenmOther Leaders
Gerald JohanssenmFictional Characters from Television
Paul JohanssonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
John HenrymFictional Characters from Television
John ImCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
John IImCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
John IIImCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
John IVmCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
John IXmCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
John of the United KingdommOther Royalty
John of ZedazenimSaints
John VmCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
John VImCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
John VIImCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
John VIIImCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
John XmCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
John XImCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
John XIImCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
John XIIImCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
John XIVmCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
John XIXmCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
John XVmCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
John XVImCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
John XVIImCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
John XVIIImCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
Hannah John-KamenfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Margaret JohnfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Johnny Number 5mFictional Characters from Movies
Glynis JohnsfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Mervyn JohnsmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Adrienne Johnson KiriakisfFictional Characters from Television
Alexz JohnsonfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Andre "Junior" Johnson Jr.mFictional Characters from Television
Brenda Leigh JohnsonfFictional Characters from Television
Celia JohnsonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Clark JohnsonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Dakota JohnsonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Devante JohnsonmFictional Characters from Television
Diane JohnsonfFictional Characters from Television
Don JohnsonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Dre JohnsonmFictional Characters from Television
Dwayne JohnsonmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Athletes
Earl "Pops" JohnsonmFictional Characters from Television
E. Pauline JohnsonfNotable Writers
Eric JohnsonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Helene JohnsonfNotable Writers
Jack JohnsonmFictional Characters from Television
Jake JohnsonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
James P. JohnsonmNotable Musicians
James Weldon JohnsonmNotable Activists and Revolutionaries, Notable Writers
Joanna JohnsonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Joey JohnsonmFictional Characters from Television
Marvin JohnsonmFictional Characters from Television
Maxine JohnsonfFictional Characters from Television
Rainbow "Bow" JohnsonfFictional Characters from Television
Richard Mentor JohnsonmNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Ruby JohnsonfFictional Characters from Television
Russell JohnsonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Stephanie JohnsonfFictional Characters from Television
Steve "Patch" JohnsonmFictional Characters from Television
Timothy JohnsonmFictional Characters from Television
Van JohnsonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Viv JohnsonfFictional Characters from Television
Zoey JohnsonfFictional Characters from Television
Kristen JohnstonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Joko WidodomOther Leaders
Gerard JolingmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
JommekemFictional Characters from Books
Jón MagnússonmIcelandic Presidents and Prime Ministers
Jón ÞorlákssonmIcelandic Presidents and Prime Ministers
Daniel JonasmFictional Characters from Television
Joe JonasmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Kevin JonasmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Nick JonasmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
JonathasmFictional Characters from Books
Anissa JonesfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Baldwin JonesmFictional Characters from Television
Calliope JonesfFictional Characters from Television
Cappie JonesmFictional Characters from Television
Carolyn JonesfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Carwyn JonesmOther Leaders
Craig "133" JonesmNotable Musicians
Dean JonesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Diana Wynne JonesfNotable Writers
Donald JonesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Emilia JonesfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Erasmus JonesmFictional Characters from Television
Felicity JonesfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Gary JonesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Isham JonesmNotable Musicians
Jack JonesmFictional Characters from Television
January JonesfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jeffrey JonesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jim JonesmOther Religious Leaders
John Marshall JonesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Julia JonesfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Martha JonesfFictional Characters from Television
Mercedes JonesfFictional Characters from Television
Richard T. JonesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ron Cephas JonesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Russell "Ol' Dirty Bastard" JonesmNotable Musicians
Ruth JonesfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Samantha JonesfFictional Characters from Television
Samuel J. JonesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Stephen Graham JonesmNotable Writers
Terry JonesmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Filmmakers
Toby JonesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Vinnie JonesmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Athletes
Jan JongbloedmNotable Athletes
Wim JonkmNotable Athletes
Trudy JoplinfFictional Characters from Television
Avtandil JorbenadzemGeorgian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Jeremy JordanmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Leslie JordanmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Montell JordanmNotable Musicians
Neil JordanmNotable Filmmakers
Richard JordanmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Spencer JordanmFictional Characters from Television
Joey JordisonmNotable Musicians
Annemarie JorritsmafNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Josef Emanuel of LiechtensteinmOther Royalty
Joseph ImCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
Joseph IImCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
Joseph of AlaverdimSaints
Joseph Wenzel of LiechtensteinmOther Royalty
Aubrey JosephmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Joséphine of BelgiumfOther Royalty
Joséphine of BelgiumfOther Royalty
Louis JourdanmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Milla JovovichfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Leatrice JoyfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Alice JoycefNotable Actors and Entertainers
JuanesmNotable Musicians
Naomi JuddfNotable Musicians
Mike JudgemNotable Artists, Notable Filmmakers
Augustus D. JuilliardmNotable Businesspeople
Raul JuliamNotable Actors and Entertainers
Julian ImCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
Julian of SwedenmOther Royalty
Caroline JulianfFictional Characters from Television
Rupert JulianmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Filmmakers
Saad JumaamJordanian Prime Ministers
Apas JumagulovmOther Leaders
Kubanychbek JumaliyevmOther Leaders
Annie Jump CannonfNotable Scientists and Inventors
Noah JupemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Katy JuradofNotable Actors and Entertainers
Curd JürgensmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Justus ImCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
Sigrid KaagfNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Jerney KaagmanfNotable Musicians
Abdul Karim KabaritimJordanian Prime Ministers
Nika KacharavamNotable Athletes
Jane KaczmarekfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ryszard KaczorowskimPolish Presidents and Prime Ministers
Jarosław KaczyńskimPolish Presidents and Prime Ministers
Lech KaczyńskimPolish Presidents and Prime Ministers
János KádármHungarian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Akhmad KadyrovmOther Leaders
Ramzan KadyrovmOther Leaders
Daan KagchellandmOlympic Medalists
Wolf KahlermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Madeline KahnfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Tim KainemNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Stien KaiserfOlympic Medalists
Bianca KajlichfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Konstanti KakhimSaints
Kalistrate of GeorgiamSaints
Gyula KállaimHungarian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Kaja KallasfEstonian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Miklós KállaymHungarian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Kyösti KalliomFinnish Presidents and Prime Ministers
Anfinn KallsbergmOther Leaders
Israel Kamakawiwo'olemNotable Musicians
Nick KamenmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Antonie KamerlingmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ida KamińskafNotable Actors and Entertainers
Arno KammingamNotable Athletes
Henk KampmNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Ingvar KampradmNotable Businesspeople
KanaalaqfFictional Characters from Movies
Melina KanakaredesfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Sean KananmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Christian KanemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Duncan KanemFictional Characters from Television
Ethan KaninmFictional Characters from Television
Archie KaomNotable Actors and Entertainers
Dimple KapadiafNotable Actors and Entertainers
Joe KaplanmFictional Characters from Television
Kelly KapoorfFictional Characters from Television
Ravi KapoormNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kelly KapowskifFictional Characters from Television
Marnix KappersmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jan Kappeyne van de CoppellomDutch Prime Ministers
Jacobus KapteynmNotable Scientists and Inventors
Abdul Hamid KaramimOther Leaders
Omar KaramimOther Leaders
Rashid KaramimOther Leaders
Andria KarbelashvilimSaints
Petre KarbelashvilimSaints
Pilimon KarbelashvilimSaints
Polievktos KarbelashvilimSaints
Vasil KarbelashvilimSaints
Alex KarevmFictional Characters from Television
Jamshed KarimovmOther Leaders
Krišjānis KariņšmLatvian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Alar KarismEstonian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Ahti KarjalainenmFinnish Presidents and Prime Ministers
Karl Franz of PrussiamOther Royalty
Karl Ludwig of AustriamOther Royalty
Karl Ludwig of LiechtensteinmOther Royalty
Boris KarloffmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Richard KarnmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Karol GfNotable Musicians
Gyula KárolyimHungarian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Mihály KárolyimHungarian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Tzavalas KarousosmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Rick KarsdorpmNotable Athletes
Vincent KartheisermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Pierre KartnermNotable Musicians
Lavrenti KartvelishvilimNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Claudia KarvanfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Lawrence KasdanmNotable Filmmakers
Casey KasemmNotable Actors and Entertainers
John KasichmNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Getty KaspersfEurovision Song Contest Winners, Notable Musicians
Jyrki KatainenmFinnish Presidents and Prime Ministers
Kerry KatonafNotable Musicians
Katrín JakobsdóttirfIcelandic Presidents and Prime Ministers
Moshe KatsavmIsraeli Presidents and Prime Ministers
Alex KatsopolismFictional Characters from Television
Jesse KatsopolismFictional Characters from Television
Nicky KatsopolismFictional Characters from Television
Andreas KatsulasmNotable Actors and Entertainers
William KattmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Chris KattanmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ephraim KatzirmIsraeli Presidents and Prime Ministers
Grace KaufmanfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Niamh KavanaghfEurovision Song Contest Winners, Notable Musicians
Mikheil KavelashvilimGeorgian Presidents and Prime Ministers, Notable Athletes
Lika KavzharadzefNotable Actors and Entertainers
Danny KayemNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Gorden KayemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Zoe KazanfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Stacy KeachmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Martin KeamymFictional Characters from Television
Moise KeanmNotable Athletes
Helen "Nana" KeanefFictional Characters from Television
Susan KeanefFictional Characters from Television
Ronan KeatingmNotable Musicians
Alex P. KeatonmFictional Characters from Television
Andy KeatonmFictional Characters from Television
Elyse KeatonfFictional Characters from Television
Jennifer KeatonfFictional Characters from Television
Mallory KeatonfFictional Characters from Television
Steven KeatonmFictional Characters from Television
Toby KebbellmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Asher KeddiefNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kedron ImCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
Michelle KeeganfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Rupert KeeganmNotable Athletes
David KeelmFictional Characters from Television
Howard KeelmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ruby KeelerfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Charles David KeelingmNotable Scientists and Inventors
Max KeenanmFictional Characters from Television
Cynthia KeenerfFictional Characters from Television
Joe "Djo" KeerymNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Mona KeijzerfNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Harley KeinermFictional Characters from Television
Brian KeithmNotable Actors and Entertainers
David KeithmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Toby KeithmNotable Musicians
Piet KeizermNotable Athletes
Sibel KekillifNotable Actors and Entertainers
Urho KekkonenmFinnish Presidents and Prime Ministers
Travis KelcemNotable Athletes
KelisfNotable Musicians
Cecil KellawaymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Karin Keller-SutterfSwiss Presidents
Marthe KellerfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Paul KellermanmFictional Characters from Television
Sally KellermanfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Madison KellnerfFictional Characters from Television
Will Keith KelloggmNotable Businesspeople
Echo KellummNotable Actors and Entertainers
Alex KellyfFictional Characters from Television
Angelo KellymNotable Musicians
Charlie KellymFictional Characters from Television
David KellymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Grace KellyfFictional Characters from Television
Jean Louisa KellyfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jimmy KellymFictional Characters from Television
John KellymFictional Characters from Television
Libby KellyfFictional Characters from Television
Maite KellyfNotable Musicians
Mark KellymNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Michael KellymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Michael Patrick KellymNotable Musicians
Minka KellyfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Nancy KellyfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Patrick KellymFictional Characters from Television
Patsy KellyfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Quentin KellymFictional Characters from Television
Erin KellymanfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Michael KelsomFictional Characters from Television
Pert KeltonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kelzang GyatsomOther Religious Leaders
Gerard KemkersmOlympic Medalists
Boy KempermNotable Athletes
Ellie KemperfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Abe KenarbanmFictional Characters from Television
Stevie KenarbanmFictional Characters from Television
Harmony KendallfFictional Characters from Television
Jill KendallfFictional Characters from Television
Kay KendallfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Martin KendallmFictional Characters from Television
Olivia KendallfFictional Characters from Television
Anna KendrickfNotable Actors and Entertainers
KennedyfFictional Characters from Television
Arthur KennedymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Dermot KennedymNotable Musicians
Florynce KennedyfNotable Activists and Revolutionaries
Jamie KennedymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jessica Parker KennedyfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Karl KennedymFictional Characters from Television
Mimi KennedyfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Susan KennedyfFictional Characters from Television
Ted KennedymNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Emma KenneyfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Colin KennymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jean KentfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Marwan KenzarimNotable Actors and Entertainers
Barry KeoghanmNotable Actors and Entertainers
April KepnerfFictional Characters from Television
Heidi KeppertfFictional Characters from Television
Ken KerchevalmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kirk KerkorianmNotable Businesspeople
Jerome KernmNotable Musicians
Joanna KernsfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Katharine KerrfNotable Writers
John KerrymNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Jerome KerseymNotable Athletes
Seána KerslakefNotable Actors and Entertainers
Brian KerwinmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Hank KetchammNotable Artists
Ketevan the MartyrfSaints
Dale KettlewellmFictional Characters from Television
Atje Keulen-DeelstrafOlympic Medalists
Jack KevorkianmNotable Activists and Revolutionaries
John KeymNew Zealand Prime Ministers
Keegan-Michael KeymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Evelyn KeyesfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Skandar KeynesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Vahagn KhachaturyanmOther Leaders
DJ KhaledmNotable Musicians
Hussein KhalidimJordanian Prime Ministers
Zak KhanmFictional Characters from Television
Izatullo KhayoyevmOther Leaders
Khedrup GyatsomOther Religious Leaders
Imane KheliffOlympic Medalists
Anupam KhermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Babilina KhositashvilifNotable Activists and Revolutionaries, Notable Writers
Károly Khuen-HédervárymHungarian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Ukhnaagiin KhürelsükhmOther Leaders
KiawentiiofNotable Actors and Entertainers
Bert KibblermFictional Characters from Television
Herbert KicklmNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Margot KidderfNotable Activists and Revolutionaries, Notable Actors and Entertainers
Wim KieftmNotable Athletes
Kim KielsenmOther Leaders
Udo KiermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Annemieke Kiesel-GriffioenfNotable Athletes
Rinko KikuchifNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jakaya KikwetemOther Leaders
Terry KilburnmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Q'orianka KilcherfNotable Activists and Revolutionaries, Notable Actors and Entertainers
Lil' KimfNotable Musicians
Claudia KimfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Daniel Dae KimmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Harry KimmFictional Characters from Television
Kim Il-sungmOther Leaders
Joel Kim BoostermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kim Jong-ilmOther Leaders
Kim Jong-unmOther Leaders
Lane KimfFictional Characters from Television
Sandra KimfEurovision Song Contest Winners, Notable Musicians
Clara Kimball YoungfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Spencer W. KimballmOther Religious Leaders
Jimmy KimmelmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Lisa Kimmel FisherfFictional Characters from Television
Anatoliy KinakhmOther Leaders
Claire KincaidfFictional Characters from Television
Gina KincaidfFictional Characters from Television
Richard KindmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Allyn KingfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Cammie KingfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Candice KingfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Charlotte KingfFictional Characters from Television
Erik KingmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Griff KingmFictional Characters from Television
Henry KingmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Filmmakers
Joey KingfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Larry KingmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Martin KingmFictional Characters from Television
Perry KingmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Randi KingfFictional Characters from Television
Tara KingfFictional Characters from Television
William R. KingmNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Alex KingstonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Grace Kingston McLeodfFictional Characters from Television
Sam KinisonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ben KinkirkmFictional Characters from Television
Kevin KinkirkmFictional Characters from Television
Savannah KinkirkfFictional Characters from Television
Harvey KinklemFictional Characters from Television
Joel KinnamanmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Greg KinnearmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Rory KinnearmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Emily KinneyfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Terry KinneymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Neil KinnockmNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Sophie KinsellafNotable Writers
Thomas KinsellamNotable Writers
W. P. KinsellamNotable Writers
Angela KinseyfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Paul KinseymFictional Characters from Television
Nastassja KinskifNotable Actors and Entertainers
Nikolai KinskimNotable Actors and Entertainers
Cor KintfNotable Athletes
Bruno KirbymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Luke KirbymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Vanessa KirbyfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Justin KiriakismFictional Characters from Television
Philip KiriakismFictional Characters from Television
Sonny KiriakismFictional Characters from Television
Victor KiriakismFictional Characters from Television
Kirion II of GeorgiamSaints
Justin KirkmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Norman KirkmNew Zealand Prime Ministers
Phyllis KirkfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jemima KirkefNotable Actors and Entertainers
Lola KirkefNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jill KirkendallfFictional Characters from Television
Hardee KirklandmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Filmmakers
Sally KirklandfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Mia KirshnerfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kees KistmNotable Athletes
Tawny KitaenfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Michael KitchenmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Tory KittlesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Roberta KittlesonfFictional Characters from Television
Sheila KitzingerfNotable Activists and Revolutionaries
Toivo KivimäkimFinnish Presidents and Prime Ministers
Mari KiviniemifFinnish Presidents and Prime Ministers
Myleene KlassfNotable Musicians
Jesse KlavermNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Chris KleinmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Dani KleinfNotable Musicians
Harry KleinmFictional Characters from Television
Robert KleinmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Piet KleinemOlympic Medalists
Simone KleinsmafNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Kuupik KleistmOther Leaders
Pom KlementiefffNotable Actors and Entertainers
Reinette KleverfNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Harry KlinefeltermNotable Scientists and Inventors
Ab KlinkmNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Dennis KlinsmannmFictional Characters from Television
Amy KlobucharfNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Hans KlokmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Marga KlompéfNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Justin KluivertmNotable Athletes
Patrick KluivertmNotable Athletes
Nate KnaborskimFictional Characters from Television
Hildegard KneffNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Robert KneppermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Karl KniesmNotable Philosophers and Thinkers
Eric KnightmNotable Writers
Etheridge KnightmNotable Writers
Gladys KnightfNotable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Jess KnightfFictional Characters from Television
Lucy KnightfFictional Characters from Television
Phil KnightmNotable Businesspeople
Shirley KnightfNotable Actors and Entertainers
T. R. KnightmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Wayne KnightmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Zachary KnightonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Monique KnolfOlympic Medalists
Don KnottsmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Alexander KnoxmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Terence KnoxmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Knud, Hereditary Prince of DenmarkmOther Royalty
Gunnar KnudsenmNorwegian Prime Ministers
Melchior Josef Martin KnüselmSwiss Presidents
Gustav KnuthmNotable Actors and Entertainers
KobamFictional Characters from Books
Irakli KobakhidzemGeorgian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Karl KobeltmSwiss Presidents
Victoria KoblenkofNotable Actors and Entertainers
Pyke KochmNotable Artists
David KoechnermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Erwin KoemanmNotable Athletes
Ronald KoemanmNotable Athletes
Bert KoendersmNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Andrew KoenigmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Walter KoenigmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Hedwig KohnfNotable Scientists and Inventors
Susan KohnerfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Helmut KoiniggmNotable Athletes
Mauno KoivistomFinnish Presidents and Prime Ministers
Mimi KokfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Wim KokmDutch Prime Ministers
Hermann KolbemNotable Scientists and Inventors
Arnold KollermSwiss Presidents
Peder KolstadmNorwegian Prime Ministers
Bronisław KomorowskimPolish Presidents and Prime Ministers
Gerrit KomrijmNotable Writers
Wollert KonowmNorwegian Prime Ministers
Konstantinos ImOther Royalty
Peter KooijmansmNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Shannon KookmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Anton KoolhaasmNotable Writers
Wesley KoolhofmNotable Athletes
Martin KoolhovenmNotable Filmmakers
Dean KoontzmNotable Writers
Teun KoopmeinersmNotable Athletes
Adick KootmNotable Athletes
Raj KoothrappalimFictional Characters from Television
Lize KopfNotable Athletes
Ewa KopaczfPolish Presidents and Prime Ministers
Bernie KopellmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Miliza KorjusfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Harvey KormanmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Sergei KorsakovmNotable Scientists and Inventors
Frits Korthals AltesmNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Lars KorvaldmNorwegian Prime Ministers
Tadeusz KościuszkomNotable Military Figures, Notable Politicians and Statespeople
Lauren KoslowfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Lajos KossuthmHungarian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Adolf KöstermNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Daphne KosterfNotable Athletes
Hoda KotbfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Journalists
Ted KotcheffmNotable Filmmakers
Elias KoteasmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Luka KovačmFictional Characters from Television
Michal KováčmOther Leaders
Dimitar KovačevskimOther Leaders
Martin KovemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ed KowalczykmNotable Musicians
Ray KowalskimFictional Characters from Television
Danila KozlovskymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Linda KozlowskifNotable Actors and Entertainers
Johan KraagmOther Leaders
Jaap KraaiermOlympic Medalists
John Kraaijkamp Sr.mNotable Actors and Entertainers
Hans Kraay Jr.mNotable Actors and Entertainers
Hans Kraay Sr.mNotable Athletes
Jeroen KrabbémNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Filmmakers
Martijn KrabbémNotable Actors and Entertainers
Emil KraepelinmNotable Scientists and Inventors
Michaëlla KrajicekfNotable Athletes
Richard KrajicekmNotable Athletes
Jane KrakowskifNotable Actors and Entertainers
Eddie KramermFictional Characters from Television
Sven KramermNotable Athletes, Olympic Medalists
Wayne KramermNotable Musicians
Judith KrantzfNotable Writers
John KrasinskimNotable Actors and Entertainers
Zygmunt KrasińskimNotable Writers
Marlene KratzfFictional Characters from Television
Rupert KratzermNotable Athletes
Brian KrausemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Peter KrausemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Leonid KravchukmOther Leaders
Ray KrebbsmFictional Characters from Television
Carson KressleymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Thomas KretschmannmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kristin KreukfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Vincas Krėvė-MickevičiusmNotable Writers
Vicky KriepsfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Greg K.mNotable Musicians
Alice KrigefNotable Actors and Entertainers
Barry KripkemFictional Characters from Television
Sylvia KristelfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ulf KristerssonmSwedish Prime Ministers
Kristján JónssonmIcelandic Presidents and Prime Ministers
Borjana KrištofOther Leaders
Kris KristoffersonmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Kristrún FrostadóttirfIcelandic Presidents and Prime Ministers
Zdravko KrivokapićmOther Leaders
Ray KrocmNotable Businesspeople
Chad KroegermNotable Musicians
Neelie KroesfNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Hanne KroghfEurovision Song Contest Winners, Notable Musicians
Henk KrolmNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Thomas KrolmNotable Athletes
Nick KrollmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ranomi KromowidjojofOlympic Medalists
Diane KrugerfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jan KruismNotable Artists
David KrumholtzmNotable Actors and Entertainers