Name | Gender | Categories | |
Greg Grunberg | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Luca Guadagnino | m | Notable Filmmakers |  |
Harry Guardino | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Bobby G. | m | Eurovision Song Contest Winners |  |
Michael Guerin | m | Fictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Television |  |
David Guetta | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Daniel Guggenheim | m | Notable Businesspeople |  |
Meyer Guggenheim | m | Notable Businesspeople |  |
Besarion Gugushvili | m | Georgian Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Didier Guillaume | m | Other Leaders |  |
Arthur Guinness | m | Notable Businesspeople |  |
Tito Guízar | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians |  |
Clu Gulager | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Ruud Gullit | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Gummarus of Lier | m | Saints |  |
Honeythorn Gump | m | Fictional Characters from Movies |  |
Gunifort | m | Saints |  |
Charles Gunn | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Moses Gunn | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Bob Gunton | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Vladimer Gurgenidze | m | Georgian Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Gustaf Adolf of Sweden | m | Other Royalty |  |
Gustav of Denmark | m | Other Royalty |  |
Arlo Guthrie | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Woody Guthrie | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Froy Gutierrez | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Manny Gutierrez | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Santos Gutiérrez | m | Other Leaders |  |
Steve Guttenberg | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Luis Guzmán | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Ryan Guzman | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Nika Gvaramia | m | Notable Politicians and Statespeople |  |
Valerian Gvilia | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Fred Gwynne | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Robert Haab | m | Swiss Presidents |  |
Arie Haan | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Geir Haarde | m | Icelandic Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Lukas Haas | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians |  |
Robin Haase | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Heinrich Häberlin | m | Swiss Presidents |  |
Üzeyir Hacıbəyov | m | Notable Musicians, Notable Writers |  |
Buddy Hackett | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Antti Hackzell | m | Finnish Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Bill Hader | m | Emmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
János Hadik | m | Hungarian Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Hannes Hafstein | m | Icelandic Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Jóhann Hafstein | m | Icelandic Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
John Hagen | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Mike Hagerty | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Larry Hagman | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Joe Hahn | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Jörg Haider | m | Notable Politicians and Statespeople |  |
Sid Haig | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Corey Haim | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Alan Hale Sr. | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Alan Hale Jr. | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Steve Hale | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Tony Hale | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Fromental Halévy | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Ludovic Halévy | m | Notable Writers |  |
Alex Haley | m | Notable Writers |  |
Jackie Earle Haley | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Rich Halke | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Albert Hall | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Anthony Michael Hall | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Ben Hall | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
John Hall | m | New Zealand Prime Ministers |  |
Michael C. Hall | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Philip Baker Hall | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
William Hall-Jones | m | New Zealand Prime Ministers |  |
Halldór Ásgrímsson | m | Icelandic Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Dieter Hallervorden | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Andy Hallett | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Chris Halliwell | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Wyatt Halliwell | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Lasse Hallström | m | Notable Filmmakers |  |
Basil Hallward | m | Fictional Characters from Books |  |
Jim Halpert | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Otto B. Halvorsen | m | Norwegian Prime Ministers |  |
Pete Ham | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Mark Hamill | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
George Hamilton | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
John Hamilton | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Hannibal Hamlin | m | Notable Politicians and Statespeople |  |
Marvin Hamlisch | m | Grammy Award Winners, Notable Musicians |  |
Jon Hamm | m | Emmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Hjalmar Hammarskjöld | m | Swedish Prime Ministers |  |
Armie Hammer | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Bernhard Hammer | m | Swiss Presidents |  |
Mike Hammer | m | Fictional Characters from Books |  |
Sledge Hammer | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Sid Hammerback | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Oscar Hammerstein II | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Albert Hammond | m | Notable Musicians |  |
George S. Hammond | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Nicholas Hammond | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Richard Hammond | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Chandler Hampton | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Fred Hampton | m | Notable Activists and Revolutionaries |  |
Felix Hamrin | m | Swedish Prime Ministers |  |
Hamzah bin Hussein | m | Other Royalty |  |
Irwin "Skippy" Handelman | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Daniel Handler | m | Notable Writers |  |
Evan Handler | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Larry Hankin | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Colin Hanks | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Adam Hann-Byrd | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
John Hannah | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Mike Hannigan | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Jim Hansen | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Peter Hansen | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Robbie Hansen | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Ryan Hansen | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Isaac Hanson | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Taylor Hanson | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Zac Hanson | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Per Albin Hansson | m | Swedish Prime Ministers |  |
Ridgeciano Haps | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Harald of Denmark | m | Other Royalty |  |
Mark Harbers | m | Notable Politicians and Statespeople |  |
David Harbour | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Keir Hardie | m | Notable Politicians and Statespeople |  |
Terrence Hardiman | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Ty Hardin | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Ian Harding | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Cory Hardrict | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Chris Hardwick | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Omari Hardwick | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Cedric Hardwicke | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Edward Hardwicke | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Peter Hardy | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Tom Hardy | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Dorian Harewood | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Badr Hari | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Johann Hari | m | Notable Journalists |  |
Kit Harington | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Rafic Hariri | m | Other Leaders |  |
Saad Hariri | m | Other Leaders |  |
Jack Harkness | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Edward Harland | m | Notable Businesspeople |  |
Frank Harlow | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Ben Harmon | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Mark Harmon | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Michael Harney | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Elam Harnish | m | Fictional Characters from Books |  |
Gale Harold | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Alan Harper | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Charlie Harper | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Irv Harper | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Jake Harper | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Desmond Harrington | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Paul Harrington | m | Eurovision Song Contest Winners, Notable Musicians |  |
Calvin Harris | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Jared Harris | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Jonathan Harris | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Neil Patrick Harris | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Phil Harris | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians |  |
Richard Harris | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Rolf Harris | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Sean Harris | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Simon Harris | m | Irish Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Steve Harris | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Xander Harris | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Dominic "Yungblud" Harrison | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Kelvin Harrison Jr. | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Randy Harrison | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Robert Harron | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Colin Hart | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Jonathan Hart | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Vance Hartke | m | Notable Politicians and Statespeople |  |
Justin Hartley | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Matt Hartley | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Dan Hartman | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Jake Hartman | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Phil Hartman | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Quilindschy Hartman | m | Notable Athletes |  |
William Hartnell | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Josh Hartnett | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Larry Harvey | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Laurence Harvey | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Hashem bin Abdullah | m | Other Royalty |  |
Ibrahim Hashem | m | Jordanian Prime Ministers |  |
Hashim bin Hussein | m | Other Royalty |  |
Childe Hassam | m | Notable Artists |  |
Hassan bin Talal | m | Other Royalty |  |
Joshua Hassan | m | Other Leaders |  |
Omar Hassan | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Johann Adolph Hasse | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Ernst-Paul Hasselbach | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink | m | Notable Athletes |  |
David Hasselhoff | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Brian Hastings | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Dismas Hataš | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Richard Hatch | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Hans Hateboer | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Noah Hathaway | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Ergilio Hato | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Shawn Hatosy | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Raymond Hatton | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Jonah Hauer-King | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Rutger Hauer | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Cole Hauser | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Paul Walter Hauser | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Walter Hauser | m | Swiss Presidents |  |
Benjy Hawk | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Ethan Hawke | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
John Hawkes | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Sheldon Hawkes | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Corey Hawkins | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
D. L. Hawkins | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Jack Hawkins | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Emmet Hawksworth | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Nigel Hawthorne | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Barry Hay | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Sessue Hayakawa | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Christopher Hayden | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Robert Hayden | m | Notable Writers |  |
Sterling Hayden | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Richard Haydn | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Bill Hayes | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Darren Hayes | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Sean Hayes | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Boy Hayje | m | Notable Athletes |  |
David Hayman | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Dick Haymes | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians |  |
Colton Haynes | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Dennis Haysbert | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
George Hazard | m | Fictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Television |  |
André Hazes | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Anthony Head | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Murray Head | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians |  |
Jeff Healey | m | Notable Musicians |  |
David Healy | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Mark Healy | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Mark Healy II | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Tim Healy | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
John Heard | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
William Randolph Hearst | m | Notable Businesspeople, Notable Politicians and Statespeople |  |
Gordon Heath | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Heathcliff | m | Other Fictional Characters |  |
Charlie Heaton | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Fred Hechinger | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Dan Hedaya | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Lucas Hedges | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Garrett Hedlund | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Jan Heemskerk | m | Dutch Prime Ministers |  |
Theo Heemskerk | m | Dutch Prime Ministers |  |
Joachim Heer | m | Swiss Presidents |  |
Johannes Heesters | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians |  |
Bruce C. Heezen | m | Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Hugh Hefner | m | Notable Businesspeople |  |
András Hegedüs | m | Hungarian Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Eduard Heger | m | Other Leaders |  |
Henry Heimlich | m | Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Piet Hein | m | Notable Military Figures |  |
Freddy Heineken | m | Notable Businesspeople |  |
Roy Heiner | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Heinrich of Mecklenburg-Schwerin | m | Other Royalty |  |
Heinrich of Prussia | m | Other Royalty |  |
Heinrich of Prussia | m | Other Royalty |  |
Heinrich of Prussia | m | Other Royalty |  |
Heinrich of Prussia | m | Other Royalty |  |
Heinrich of Prussia | m | Other Royalty |  |
Henry J. Heinz | m | Notable Businesspeople |  |
Klaus Heisler | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
John Heitinga | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Miles Heizer | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Simon Helberg | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
James Heller | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Monte Hellman | m | Notable Filmmakers |  |
Ed Helms | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Charles Helou | m | Other Leaders |  |
Isaac Hempstead-Wright | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Sherman Hemsley | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Chris Hemsworth | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Liam Hemsworth | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Fletcher "Smack" Henderson | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Floyd Henderson | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Marcus Henderson | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Martin Henderson | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Thomas A. Hendricks | m | Notable Politicians and Statespeople |  |
Benjamin Hendrickson | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Hendrik of the Netherlands | m | Other Royalty |  |
Jorrit Hendrix | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Kevin Henkes | m | Notable Writers |  |
Barry Shabaka Henley | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Paul Hennessy | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Rory Hennessy | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Paul Henreid | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Filmmakers |  |
Ben Henrickson | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Bill Henrickson | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Joey Henrickson | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
David Henrie | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Lorenzo James Henrie | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Lance Henriksen | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Henry, Duke of Gloucester | m | Other Royalty |  |
Brian Tyree Henry | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Buck Henry | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Filmmakers |  |
Gregg Henry | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Justin Henry | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Lenny Henry | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Keaton Henson | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Hergé | m | Notable Artists |  |
Jean Herly | m | Other Leaders |  |
Woody Herman | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Hermann Jónasson | m | Icelandic Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Peter Hermann | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Toon Hermans | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians |  |
Willem Frederik Hermans | m | Notable Writers |  |
Hermippus of Nicomedia | m | Saints |  |
Hermippus | m | Saints |  |
Hermocrates of Nicomedia | m | Saints |  |
Jay Hernandez | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Rafe Hernandez | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Teoscar Hernández | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Alfonso Herrera | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians |  |
Louis Herrey | m | Eurovision Song Contest Winners |  |
Per Herrey | m | Eurovision Song Contest Winners |  |
Richard Herrey | m | Eurovision Song Contest Winners |  |
Edward Herrmann | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Jean Hersholt | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Wilhelm Hertenstein | m | Swiss Presidents |  |
J. G. Hertzler | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Ejnar Hertzsprung | m | Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Hervé | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Alcide Herveaux | m | Fictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Jason Hervey | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Chaim Herzog | m | Israeli Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Isaac Herzog | m | Israeli Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Grant Heslov | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Filmmakers |  |
Otto Hesselbom | m | Notable Artists |  |
Sam Heughan | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Bill Hewlett | m | Notable Businesspeople |  |
David Hewlett | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Adolf Heyduk | m | Notable Writers |  |
William Hickey | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Adam Hicks | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians |  |
Tom Hiddleston | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Hierotheos the Thesmothete | m | Saints |  |
Jarad "Juice Wrld" Higgins | m | Notable Musicians |  |
John Michael Higgins | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Jonathan Higgins | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Michael D. Higgins | m | Irish Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Freddie Highmore | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Tomson Highway | m | Notable Writers |  |
Hilarion | m | Saints |  |
Hilarion the Iberian | m | Saints |  |
Hilarion the Georgian | m | Saints |  |
Hilarion of Tuali | m | Saints |  |
Bernard Hill | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Bobby Hill | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Conleth Hill | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Cotton Hill | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Hank Hill | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Jack Hill | m | Notable Filmmakers |  |
Jonah Hill | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Joseph "Dusty" Hill | m | Notable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers |  |
Reginald Hill | m | Notable Writers |  |
John Hillerman | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Patrick Hillery | m | Irish Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Sean Hillinger | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Barron Hilton | m | Notable Businesspeople |  |
Conrad Hilton | m | Notable Businesspeople |  |
James Hilton | m | Notable Filmmakers, Notable Writers |  |
Gordon B. Hinckley | m | Other Religious Leaders |  |
Charles T. Hinde | m | Notable Businesspeople |  |
Earl Hindman | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Ciarán Hinds | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Sam Hinds | m | Other Leaders |  |
Rupert Hine | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Cole Hines | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Earl Hines | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Gregory Hines | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Pat Hingle | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Chris Hipkins | m | New Zealand Prime Ministers |  |
Adolf Hirémy-Hirschl | m | Notable Artists |  |
Emile Hirsch | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Ernst Hirsch Ballin | m | Notable Politicians and Statespeople |  |
Damien Hirst | m | Notable Artists |  |
Garret Hobart | m | Notable Politicians and Statespeople |  |
Gary Hobson | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Francis "Doc Hoc" Hockenbury | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Cal Hockley | m | Fictional Characters from Movies |  |
Aldis Hodge | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Edwin Hodge | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Orson Hodge | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
David Hodges | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
William Hodges | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Jack Hodgins | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Jack Hodgson | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Tyler Hoechlin | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Peter Hoekstra | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Wopke Hoekstra | m | Notable Politicians and Statespeople |  |
Norbert Hofer | m | Notable Politicians and Statespeople |  |
Rick Hoffman | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Thom Hoffman | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Arthur Hoffmann | m | Swiss Presidents |  |
Adolf Hoffmeister | m | Notable Artists, Notable Writers |  |
Florentijn Hofman | m | Notable Artists |  |
Louis Hofmann | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Leonard Hofstadter | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Bosco Hogan | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Drake Hogestyn | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Cletus Hogg | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Hughie Hogg | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
J. D. "Boss" Hogg | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Adolfo Hohenstein | m | Notable Artists |  |
Boyd Holbrook | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Griffin Holbrook | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Geoffrey Holder | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Thomas Holenstein | m | Swiss Presidents |  |
Jorge Holguín | m | Other Leaders |  |
Harri Holkeri | m | Finnish Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
André Holland | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Dexter Holland | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Jools Holland | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians |  |
Sidney Holland | m | New Zealand Prime Ministers |  |
Tom Holland | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Tom Hollander | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Rupert Hollaus | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Earl Holliman | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Josh Holloway | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Stanley Holloway | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians |  |
Sterling Holloway | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Ian Holm | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Ashton Holmes | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Rupert Holmes | m | Notable Musicians, Notable Writers |  |
Andrew Holness | m | Other Leaders |  |
Marius Holst | m | Notable Filmmakers |  |
Rupie Holt | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Steve Holt | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Tim Holt | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Zane Holtz | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Keith Holyoake | m | New Zealand Prime Ministers |  |
Adolf Hölzel | m | Notable Artists |  |
Nieky Holzken | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Oscar Homolka | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Oleksiy Honcharuk | m | Other Leaders |  |
Fritz Honegger | m | Swiss Presidents |  |
James Hong | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Pieter Corneliszoon Hooft | m | Notable Writers |  |
Sjoerd Hoogendoorn | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Peter Hook | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Richard Hooker | m | Notable Writers |  |
Nicholas Hooper | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Hop Sing | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Bob Hope | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
William Hope | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Josh Hopkins | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Tom Hopper | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
William Hopper | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Mark Hoppus | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Niall Horan | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Roger Horn | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Roy Horn | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
James Horner | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Bruce Hornsby | m | Grammy Award Winners, Notable Musicians |  |
Russell Hornsby | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Christopher Hornsrud | m | Norwegian Prime Ministers |  |
Eugene Horowitz | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Michael Horse | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Bill Horton | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Jeremy Horton | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Lucas Horton | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Mickey Horton | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Mike Horton | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Nathan Horton | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Tom Horton | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Tommy Horton | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Will Horton | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Brutil Hosé | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Bob Hoskins | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Amo Houghton | m | Notable Politicians and Statespeople |  |
Ruben Houkes | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Nicholas Hoult | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Djimon Hounsou | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Tyson Houseman | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Donald Houston | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Glyn Houston | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Hugo Hovenkamp | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Arliss Howard | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Clint Howard | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Curly Howard | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Dominic Howard | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Fritz Howard | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
James Newton Howard | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Ken Howard | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Leo Howard | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Moe Howard | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Ryan Howard | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Shemp Howard | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Terrence Howard | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Timothy Howard | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Trevor Howard | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
C. Thomas Howell | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Glenn Howerton | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Lil Rel Howery | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Steve Howey | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Olin Howland | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Jack Hoxie | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Woody Hoyt | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Desmond Hoyte | m | Other Leaders |  |
Elias Hrawi | m | Other Leaders |  |
Volodymyr Hroisman | m | Other Leaders |  |
George Huang | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Jensen Huang | m | Notable Businesspeople |  |
L. Ron Hubbard | m | Notable Writers, Other Religious Leaders |  |
Hubertus of Prussia | m | Other Royalty |  |
Ernie Hudson | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Finn Hudson | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Jack Hudson | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Oliver Hudson | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Quinn Hudson | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Stanley Hudson | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Tyler Hudson | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Tenoch Huerta | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Jon Huertas | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Jack Huey | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
William Huggins | m | Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Barnard Hughes | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Gareth Hughes | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Geoffrey Hughes | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Langston Hughes | m | Notable Activists and Revolutionaries, Notable Writers |  |
Merv Hughes | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Richard Hughes | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Rupert Hughes | m | Notable Filmmakers, Notable Writers |  |
Michiel Huisman | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Mark Huizinga | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Tom Hulce | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Desmond Hume | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Burt Hummel | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Kurt Hummel | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Dan Humphrey | m | Fictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Hubert Humphrey | m | Notable Politicians and Statespeople |  |
Barry Humphries | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Luke Humphries | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Wilberforce Clayborne Humphries | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Derek Humphry | m | Notable Activists and Revolutionaries, Notable Journalists, Notable Writers |  |
Jens Hundseid | m | Norwegian Prime Ministers |  |
Charlie Hunnam | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Arthur Hunnicutt | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Owen Hunt | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Sam Hunt | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Klaas-Jan Huntelaar | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Bob Hunter | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Chet Hunter | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Howard W. Hunter | m | Other Religious Leaders |  |
Jack Hunter | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Jeffrey Hunter | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Noah Hunter | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Shawn Hunter | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Tab Hunter | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
George Huntington | m | Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Sam Huntington | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Logan Huntzberger | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Mitchum Huntzberger | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Hans Hürlimann | m | Swiss Presidents |  |
Ryan Hurst | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Adolf Hurwitz | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers |  |
Hussein, Crown Prince of Jordan | m | Other Royalty |  |
Olivia Hussey | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Károly Huszár | m | Hungarian Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Josh Hutcherson | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Ken "Hutch" Hutchinson | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Doug Hutchison | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Adi Hütter | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Julian Huxley | m | Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Thomas Henry Huxley | m | Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Cliff Huxtable | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Theo Huxtable | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Constantijn Huygens | m | Notable Writers |  |
Douglas Hyde | m | Irish Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Jonathan Hyde | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Steven Hyde | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Iago | m | Fictional Characters from Books |  |
Iago | m | Fictional Characters from Movies |  |
Armando Iannucci | m | Notable Filmmakers |  |
Paolo Iashvili | m | Notable Writers |  |
Hussein ibn Nasser | m | Jordanian Prime Ministers |  |
Zaid ibn Shaker | m | Jordanian Prime Ministers |  |
Jumabek Ibraimov | m | Other Leaders |  |
Eric Idle | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Damson Idris | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Frank Iero | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Rhys Ifans | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Mohamed Ihattaren | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Piet Ikelaar | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Ion Iliescu | m | Romanian Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Michael Imperioli | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Béla Imrédy | m | Hungarian Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Ralph Ineson | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Lauri Ingman | m | Finnish Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Jørgen Ingmann | m | Eurovision Song Contest Winners, Notable Musicians |  |
Ingolf of Denmark | m | Other Royalty |  |
James Ingram | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Nathan Ingram | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Rex Ingram | m | Notable Filmmakers |  |
Samuel Insull | m | Notable Businesspeople |  |
John Ireland | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Max Irons | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Michael Ironside | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
John Irvin | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Jeremy Irvine | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Isaac I | m | Coptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria |  |
Jason Isaacs | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Azim Isabekov | m | Other Leaders |  |
Sapar Isakov | m | Other Leaders |  |
Nasirdin Isanov | m | Other Leaders |  |
Mugur Isărescu | m | Romanian Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Mark Isham | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Kazuo Ishiguro | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Writers |  |
Isidore of Samtavisi | m | Saints |  |
Hastings Ismay | m | Notable Politicians and Statespeople |  |
Thomas Ismay | m | Notable Businesspeople |  |
Rinus Israël | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Istucarius of Sebaste | m | Saints |  |
Bera Ivanishvili | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Bidzina Ivanishvili | m | Georgian Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Artis "Coolio" Ivey | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Henry Jackman | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Hugh Jackman | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Terry Jacks | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Bob Jackson | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Cheyenne Jackson | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians |  |
Daniel Jackson | m | Fictional Characters from Movies, Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Jeremy Jackson | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians |  |
Jett Jackson | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Jonathan Jackson | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Joshua Jackson | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
O'Shea "Ice Cube" Jackson | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers |  |
Tom Jackson | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians |  |
Derek Jacobi | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Jacques of Monaco | m | Other Royalty |  |
Jacquet of Mantua | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Richard Jaeckel | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Sam Jaeger | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Jafar | m | Fictional Characters from Movies |  |
Sam Jaffe | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Cheddi Jagan | m | Other Leaders |  |
Bharrat Jagdeo | m | Other Leaders |  |
Thorbjørn Jagland | m | Norwegian Prime Ministers |  |
J. August Richards | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Jaime of Bourbon-Parma | m | Other Royalty |  |
Jake the Dog | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
John Jakes | m | Notable Writers |  |
Jakko Jakszyk | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Kew Jaliens | m | Notable Athletes |  |
James I | m | Coptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria |  |
Bradley James | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Carwyn James | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Eli James | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Elmore James | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Kevin James | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Stephan James | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Theo James | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Jerry Jamal "3J" Jameson | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Jamphel Gyatso | m | Other Religious Leaders |  |
Thomas Jane | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Clément Janequin | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Adam Janikowski | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Cas Jansen | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Wim Jansen | m | Notable Athletes |  |
David Janssen | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Vincent Janssen | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Tedo Japaridze | m | Notable Politicians and Statespeople |  |
Akylbek Japarov | m | Other Leaders |  |
Sadyr Japarov | m | Other Leaders |  |
Claude Jarman Jr. | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Jim Jarmusch | m | Notable Filmmakers |  |
Sayid Jarrah | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Maurice Jarre | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Al Jarreau | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Wojciech Jaruzelski | m | Polish Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
David Jason | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Peter Jason | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Puntsagiin Jasrai | m | Other Leaders |  |
Sooronbay Jeenbekov | m | Other Leaders |  |
Aaron Jeffery | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Garland Jeffreys | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Lionel Jeffries | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Will Jeffries | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Carter Jenkins | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Ken Jenkins | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Maxwell Jenkins | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Brody Jenner | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Mark Jennings | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Will Jennings | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Adolf Jensen | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Clay Jensen | m | Fictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Ken Jeong | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Jeroentje | m | Fictional Characters from Books |  |
Jerom | m | Fictional Characters from Books |  |
Jesse of Tsilkani | m | Saints |  |
Connor Jessup | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Michael Jeter | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Rob Jetten | m | Notable Politicians and Statespeople |  |
Norman Jewison | m | Notable Filmmakers |  |
Joachim of Prussia | m | Other Royalty |  |
Joachim Albrecht of Prussia | m | Other Royalty |  |
João Gilberto | m | Grammy Award Winners, Notable Musicians |  |
Edmund Joensen | m | Other Leaders |  |
Adolph Joffe | m | Notable Activists and Revolutionaries, Notable Politicians and Statespeople |  |
Aksel V. Johannesen | m | Other Leaders |  |
Kaj Leo Johannesen | m | Other Leaders |  |
Lars-Emil Johansen | m | Other Leaders |  |
Gerald Johanssen | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Paul Johansson | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
John Henry | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
John XIX | m | Coptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria |  |
John XVIII | m | Coptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria |  |
John XVII | m | Coptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria |  |
John XVI | m | Coptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria |  |
John XV | m | Coptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria |  |
John XIV | m | Coptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria |  |
John XIII | m | Coptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria |  |
John XII | m | Coptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria |  |
John XI | m | Coptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria |  |
John X | m | Coptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria |  |
John IX | m | Coptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria |  |
John VIII | m | Coptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria |  |
John VII | m | Coptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria |  |
John VI | m | Coptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria |  |
John V | m | Coptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria |  |
John IV | m | Coptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria |  |
John III | m | Coptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria |  |
John II | m | Coptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria |  |
John I | m | Coptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria |  |
John of Zedazeni | m | Saints |  |
John of the United Kingdom | m | Other Royalty |  |
Johnny Number 5 | m | Fictional Characters from Movies |  |
Mervyn Johns | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Andre "Junior" Johnson Jr. | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Clark Johnson | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Devante Johnson | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Don Johnson | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Dre Johnson | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Dwayne Johnson | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Athletes |  |
Earl "Pops" Johnson | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Eric Johnson | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Jack Johnson | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Jake Johnson | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
James Weldon Johnson | m | Notable Activists and Revolutionaries, Notable Writers |  |
James P. Johnson | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Joey Johnson | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Marvin Johnson | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Richard Mentor Johnson | m | Notable Politicians and Statespeople |  |
Russell Johnson | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Steve "Patch" Johnson | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Timothy Johnson | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Van Johnson | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Joko Widodo | m | Other Leaders |  |
Gerard Joling | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians |  |
Jommeke | m | Fictional Characters from Books |  |
Jón Þorláksson | m | Icelandic Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Jón Magnússon | m | Icelandic Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Daniel Jonas | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Joe Jonas | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians |  |
Kevin Jonas | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians |  |
Nick Jonas | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians |  |
Jonathas | m | Fictional Characters from Books |  |
Baldwin Jones | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Cappie Jones | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Carwyn Jones | m | Other Leaders |  |
Craig "133" Jones | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Dean Jones | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Donald Jones | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Erasmus Jones | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Gary Jones | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Isham Jones | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Jack Jones | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Jeffrey Jones | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Jim Jones | m | Other Religious Leaders |  |
John Marshall Jones | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Richard T. Jones | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Ron Cephas Jones | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Russell "Ol' Dirty Bastard" Jones | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Samuel J. Jones | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Stephen Graham Jones | m | Notable Writers |  |
Terry Jones | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Filmmakers |  |
Toby Jones | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Vinnie Jones | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Athletes |  |
Jan Jongbloed | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Wim Jonk | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Avtandil Jorbenadze | m | Georgian Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Jeremy Jordan | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Leslie Jordan | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Montell Jordan | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Neil Jordan | m | Notable Filmmakers |  |
Richard Jordan | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Spencer Jordan | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Joey Jordison | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Josef Emanuel of Liechtenstein | m | Other Royalty |  |
Joseph II | m | Coptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria |  |
Joseph I | m | Coptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria |  |
Joseph of Alaverdi | m | Saints |  |
Joseph Wenzel of Liechtenstein | m | Other Royalty |  |
Aubrey Joseph | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Louis Jourdan | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Juanes | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Mike Judge | m | Notable Artists, Notable Filmmakers |  |
Augustus D. Juilliard | m | Notable Businesspeople |  |
Raul Julia | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Julian | m | Saints |  |
Julian I | m | Coptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria |  |
Julian of Sweden | m | Other Royalty |  |
Rupert Julian | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Filmmakers |  |
Saad Jumaa | m | Jordanian Prime Ministers |  |
Apas Jumagulov | m | Other Leaders |  |
Kubanychbek Jumaliyev | m | Other Leaders |  |
Noah Jupe | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Curd Jürgens | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Justus I | m | Coptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria |  |
Abdul Karim Kabariti | m | Jordanian Prime Ministers |  |
Nika Kacharava | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Ryszard Kaczorowski | m | Polish Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Jarosław Kaczyński | m | Polish Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Lech Kaczyński | m | Polish Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
János Kádár | m | Hungarian Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Akhmad Kadyrov | m | Other Leaders |  |
Ramzan Kadyrov | m | Other Leaders |  |
Daan Kagchelland | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Wolf Kahler | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Tim Kaine | m | Notable Politicians and Statespeople |  |
Konstanti Kakhi | m | Saints |  |
Kalistrate of Georgia | m | Saints |  |
Gyula Kállai | m | Hungarian Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Miklós Kállay | m | Hungarian Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Kyösti Kallio | m | Finnish Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Anfinn Kallsberg | m | Other Leaders |  |
Israel Kamakawiwo'ole | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Nick Kamen | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians |  |
Antonie Kamerling | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Arno Kamminga | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Henk Kamp | m | Notable Politicians and Statespeople |  |
Ingvar Kamprad | m | Notable Businesspeople |  |
Sean Kanan | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Christian Kane | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Duncan Kane | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Ethan Kanin | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Archie Kao | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Joe Kaplan | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Ravi Kapoor | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Marnix Kappers | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Jan Kappeyne van de Coppello | m | Dutch Prime Ministers |  |
Jacobus Kapteyn | m | Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Abdul Hamid Karami | m | Other Leaders |  |
Omar Karami | m | Other Leaders |  |
Rashid Karami | m | Other Leaders |  |
Andria Karbelashvili | m | Saints |  |
Petre Karbelashvili | m | Saints |  |
Pilimon Karbelashvili | m | Saints |  |
Polievktos Karbelashvili | m | Saints |  |
Vasil Karbelashvili | m | Saints |  |
Alex Karev | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Jamshed Karimov | m | Other Leaders |  |
Krišjānis Kariņš | m | Latvian Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Alar Karis | m | Estonian Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Ahti Karjalainen | m | Finnish Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Karl Ludwig of Liechtenstein | m | Other Royalty |  |
Karl Franz of Prussia | m | Other Royalty |  |
Karl Ludwig of Austria | m | Other Royalty |  |
Boris Karloff | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Richard Karn | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Gyula Károlyi | m | Hungarian Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Mihály Károlyi | m | Hungarian Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Tzavalas Karousos | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Rick Karsdorp | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Vincent Kartheiser | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Pierre Kartner | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Lavrenti Kartvelishvili | m | Notable Politicians and Statespeople |  |
Lawrence Kasdan | m | Notable Filmmakers |  |
Casey Kasem | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
John Kasich | m | Notable Politicians and Statespeople |  |
Jyrki Katainen | m | Finnish Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Moshe Katsav | m | Israeli Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Alex Katsopolis | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Jesse Katsopolis | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Nicky Katsopolis | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Andreas Katsulas | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
William Katt | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Chris Kattan | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Ephraim Katzir | m | Israeli Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Mikheil Kavelashvili | m | Georgian Presidents and Prime Ministers, Notable Athletes |  |
Danny Kaye | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians |  |
Gorden Kaye | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Stacy Keach | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Martin Keamy | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Moise Kean | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Ronan Keating | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Alex P. Keaton | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Andy Keaton | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Steven Keaton | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Toby Kebbell | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Kedron I | m | Coptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria |  |
Rupert Keegan | m | Notable Athletes |  |
David Keel | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Howard Keel | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Charles David Keeling | m | Notable Scientists and Inventors |  |
Max Keenan | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Joe "Djo" Keery | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians |  |
Harley Keiner | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Brian Keith | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
David Keith | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Toby Keith | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Piet Keizer | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Urho Kekkonen | m | Finnish Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Travis Kelce | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Cecil Kellaway | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Paul Kellerman | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Will Keith Kellogg | m | Notable Businesspeople |  |
Echo Kellum | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Angelo Kelly | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Charlie Kelly | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
David Kelly | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Jimmy Kelly | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
John Kelly | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Mark Kelly | m | Notable Politicians and Statespeople |  |
Michael Patrick Kelly | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Michael Kelly | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Patrick Kelly | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Quentin Kelly | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Michael Kelso | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Kelzang Gyatso | m | Other Religious Leaders |  |
Gerard Kemkers | m | Olympic Medalists |  |
Boy Kemper | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Abe Kenarban | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Stevie Kenarban | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Martin Kendall | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Arthur Kennedy | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Dermot Kennedy | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Jamie Kennedy | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Karl Kennedy | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Ted Kennedy | m | Notable Politicians and Statespeople |  |
Colin Kenny | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Marwan Kenzari | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Barry Keoghan | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Ken Kercheval | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Kirk Kerkorian | m | Notable Businesspeople |  |
Jerome Kern | m | Notable Musicians |  |
John Kerry | m | Notable Politicians and Statespeople |  |
Jerome Kersey | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Brian Kerwin | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Hank Ketcham | m | Notable Artists |  |
Dale Kettlewell | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Jack Kevorkian | m | Notable Activists and Revolutionaries |  |
John Key | m | New Zealand Prime Ministers |  |
Keegan-Michael Key | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Skandar Keynes | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Vahagn Khachaturyan | m | Other Leaders |  |
DJ Khaled | m | Notable Musicians |  |
Hussein Khalidi | m | Jordanian Prime Ministers |  |
Zak Khan | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Izatullo Khayoyev | m | Other Leaders |  |
Khedrup Gyatso | m | Other Religious Leaders |  |
Anupam Kher | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Károly Khuen-Héderváry | m | Hungarian Presidents and Prime Ministers |  |
Ukhnaagiin Khürelsükh | m | Other Leaders |  |
Bert Kibbler | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Herbert Kickl | m | Notable Politicians and Statespeople |  |
Wim Kieft | m | Notable Athletes |  |
Kim Kielsen | m | Other Leaders |  |
Udo Kier | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Jakaya Kikwete | m | Other Leaders |  |
Terry Kilburn | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Daniel Dae Kim | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Harry Kim | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Kim Il-sung | m | Other Leaders |  |
Joel Kim Booster | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Kim Jong-il | m | Other Leaders |  |
Kim Jong-un | m | Other Leaders |  |
Spencer W. Kimball | m | Other Religious Leaders |  |
Jimmy Kimmel | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Anatoliy Kinakh | m | Other Leaders |  |
Richard Kind | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Erik King | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Griff King | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Henry King | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Filmmakers |  |
Larry King | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Martin King | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Perry King | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
William R. King | m | Notable Politicians and Statespeople |  |
Sam Kinison | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Ben Kinkirk | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Kevin Kinkirk | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Harvey Kinkle | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Joel Kinnaman | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Greg Kinnear | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Rory Kinnear | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Terry Kinney | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Neil Kinnock | m | Notable Politicians and Statespeople |  |
Thomas Kinsella | m | Notable Writers |  |
W. P. Kinsella | m | Notable Writers |  |
Paul Kinsey | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Nikolai Kinski | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Bruno Kirby | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Luke Kirby | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers |  |
Justin Kiriakis | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Philip Kiriakis | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Sonny Kiriakis | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |
Victor Kiriakis | m | Fictional Characters from Television |  |