Browse Namesakes

Katherine WaterstonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Cynthia WatrosfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Lucile WatsonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Susan Kelechi WatsonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ruby WaxfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Catherine WeaverfFictional Characters from Television
Kerry WeaverfFictional Characters from Television
Chloe WebbfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Mary WebbfNotable Writers
Alice WeidelfNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Virginia WeidlerfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Liza WeilfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Margaret WeisfNotable Writers
Denise WelchfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Tuesday WeldfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ida WelkerfFictional Characters from Television
Tiffany WellesfFictional Characters from Television
Rhonda Wellington LloydfFictional Characters from Television
Dawn WellsfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Öllegård WelltonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Elmarie WendelfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Annie WerschingfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Rutina WesleyfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Dorothy WestfNotable Writers
Melanie WestfFictional Characters from Television
Natalie WestfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Sandy WestfNotable Musicians
Lucy WestonfFictional Characters from Television
Taylor WethersbyfFictional Characters from Television
Joanne WhalleyfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Frankie WhartonfFictional Characters from Television
Maggie WheelerfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Megan WheelerfFictional Characters from Television
Julie WhitefNotable Actors and Entertainers
Michole Briana WhitefNotable Actors and Entertainers
Skyler WhitefFictional Characters from Television
Vanna WhitefNotable Actors and Entertainers
Gemma WhitelyfFictional Characters from Television
June WhitfieldfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Sarah Frances WhitingfNotable Scientists and Inventors
Mae WhitmanfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Gretchen WhitmerfNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Margaret WhittonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
May WhittyfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Zofia WichłaczfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Daisy WickfFictional Characters from Television
Mary WickesfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Margaret WiddemerfPulitzer Award Winners
Eveline Widmer-SchlumpffSwiss Presidents
Penny WidmorefFictional Characters from Television
Geertje WielemafOlympic Medalists
Femke WiersmafNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Grace WilcoxfFictional Characters from Television
Gabriella WildefNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kim WildefNotable Musicians
Kitty WildefFictional Characters from Television
Olivia WildefNotable Actors and Entertainers
Samira WileyfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Wilhelmine of PrussiafOther Royalty
Wilhelmine of PrussiafOther Royalty
Wilhelmine of PrussiafOther Royalty
Andell WilkersonfFictional Characters from Television
Lois WilkersonfFictional Characters from Television
Piama WilkersonfFictional Characters from Television
Kendra WilkinsonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Elisabeth WilleboordsefOlympic Medalists
Allison WilliamsfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Cara WilliamsfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Deniece WilliamsfNotable Musicians
Esther WilliamsfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Hope Williams BradyfFictional Characters from Television
Jessica WilliamsfNotable Actors and Entertainers
JoBeth WilliamsfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kelli WilliamsfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kiely WilliamsfNotable Musicians
Kimberly Williams-PaisleyfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Maisie WilliamsfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Michelle WilliamsfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Tara WilliamsfFictional Characters from Television
Vanessa L. WilliamsfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Wendy WilliamsfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Carol WillickfFictional Characters from Television
Holly WilloughbyfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Catherine WillowsfFictional Characters from Television
Lynn WilmsfNotable Athletes
Casey WilsonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Chandra WilsonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Elizabeth WilsonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jacqueline WilsonfNotable Writers
Jo WilsonfFictional Characters from Television
Lulu WilsonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Mara WilsonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Shaunette Renée WilsonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Tara WilsonfFictional Characters from Television
Marie WindsorfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Oprah WinfreyfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Businesspeople
Leslie WinklefFictional Characters from Television
Dana WinnerfNotable Musicians
Katheryn WinnickfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Mare WinninghamfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kim WinonafNotable Actors and Entertainers
Estelle WinslowfFictional Characters from Television
Harriette WinslowfFictional Characters from Television
Judy WinslowfFictional Characters from Television
Laura WinslowfFictional Characters from Television
Mary Elizabeth WinsteadfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Lana WintersfFictional Characters from Television
WiskefFictional Characters from Books
Rebecca WisockyfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Googie WithersfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jane WithersfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jessie WitherspoonfFictional Characters from Television
Kris WitherspoonfFictional Characters from Television
Molly WitherspoonfFictional Characters from Television
Alicia WittfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Cecilia WiznarskifFictional Characters from Television
Anne WojcickifNotable Businesspeople
Susan WojcickifNotable Businesspeople
Collette WolfefNotable Actors and Entertainers
Wolfsindis of ReisbachfSaints
Deborah Ann WollfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Lee Ann WomackfNotable Musicians
Anna May WongfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ling WoofFictional Characters from Television
Aimee Lou WoodfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Peggy WoodfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jackie WoodburnefNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kathleen E. WoodiwissfNotable Writers
Alexx WoodsfFictional Characters from Television
Fay WrayfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Lydia WrightfFictional Characters from Television
Vivian WufNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kari WuhrerfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ireen WüstfNotable Athletes, Olympic Medalists
Claire WyattfFictional Characters from Television
Margaret WycherlyfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Elinor WyliefNotable Writers
Tammy WynettefNotable Musicians
Dana WynterfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Diana WynyardfNotable Actors and Entertainers
XenafFictional Characters from Television
Cristina YangfFictional Characters from Television
Tasha YarfFictional Characters from Television
Hannah YarbyfFictional Characters from Television
Celeste YarnallfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Amy YasbeckfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Nadia YassirfFictional Characters from Television
Michelle YeohfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Dilan Yeşilgöz-ZegeriusfNotable Politicians and Statespeople
YolafNotable Musicians
Jane YolenfNotable Writers
Charlotte YorkfFictional Characters from Television
Susannah YorkfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Doris YounanefNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kendra YoungfFictional Characters from Television
Lucille YoungfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Mary Alice YoungfFictional Characters from Television
Odessa YoungfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Sean YoungfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Élodie YungfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Mia ZapatafNotable Musicians
Dorothy ZbornakfFictional Characters from Television
Natalie ZeafNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kelly ZeemanfNotable Athletes
Rachel ZeglerfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Zein bint HusseinfOther Royalty
Zein al-Sharaf bint JamilfOther Royalty
Mai ZetterlingfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Filmmakers
Zhang ZiyifNotable Actors and Entertainers
Zhao WeifNotable Actors and Entertainers
Maddie ZieglerfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Madeline ZimafNotable Actors and Entertainers
Marion Zimmer BradleyfNotable Writers
Zitkála-ŠáfNotable Activists and Revolutionaries, Notable Writers
Salome ZourabichvilifGeorgian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Arianne ZuckerfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Andrea ZuckermanfFictional Characters from Television
Daphne ZunigafNotable Actors and Entertainers
Claudia ZwiersfOlympic Medalists
Aage of DenmarkmOther Royalty
Willie AamesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Miguel Abadía MéndezmOther Leaders
Santiago AbascalmNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Dritan AbazovićmOther Leaders
Mahmoud AbbasmOther Leaders
Bright AbbottmFictional Characters from Television
Bud AbbottmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Christopher AbbottmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Harold AbbottmFictional Characters from Television
Tony AbbottmAustralian Prime Ministers
Yahya Abdul-Mateen IImNotable Actors and Entertainers
Abdumalik AbdullajanovmOther Leaders
Abdurrahman WahidmOther Leaders
Jake AbelmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Walter AbelmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Finn AbernathymFictional Characters from Television
Abibos of NekresimSaints
Abibus of SamosatamSaints
Virgil AblohmNotable Artists, Notable Businesspeople
Abo of TiflismSaints
Abraham ImCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
Jim AbrahamsmNotable Filmmakers
Jon AbrahamsmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Iason AbramashvilimNotable Athletes
Artie AbramsmFictional Characters from Television
Austin AbramsmNotable Actors and Entertainers
John AbruzzimFictional Characters from Television
Ali Abu Al-RaghebmJordanian Prime Ministers
Yago AbuladzemNotable Athletes
Tbeli AbuserisdzemSaints
Mukhammedkalyi AbylgazievmOther Leaders
Kirk AcevedomNotable Actors and Entertainers
Joss AcklandmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jensen AcklesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Santos AcostamOther Leaders
Jay AcovonemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Carlo AcutismSaints
Adalbert of PrussiamOther Royalty
Adalbert of PrussiamOther Royalty
Adolphe AdammNotable Musicians
Alvan AdamsmNotable Athletes
Charlie AdamsmFictional Characters from Television
Evan AdamsmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Gerry AdamsmNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Grantley Herbert AdamsmOther Leaders
Jean-Pierre AdamsmNotable Athletes
Nick AdamsmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Patrick J. AdamsmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Tom AdamsmOther Leaders
Tom AdamsmFictional Characters from Television
Michel AdansonmNotable Scientists and Inventors
Charles AddamsmNotable Artists
Thomas AddisonmNotable Scientists and Inventors
Mark AddymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Zack AddymFictional Characters from Television
Paul AdelsteinmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jovan AdepomNotable Actors and Entertainers
Auguste Adib PachamOther Leaders
Balázs AdolfmNotable Athletes
Adolphus, Duke of CambridgemOther Royalty
Gustave AdormSwiss Presidents
Mario AdorfmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ibrahim AfellaymNotable Athletes
Casey AffleckmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Agapius of SebastemSaints
Agapius of RomemSaints
John AgarmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Agathon ImCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
Agathonicus of NicomediamSaints
Spiro AgnewmNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Cary AgosmFictional Characters from Television
Agrippinus ImCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
Freddie AguilarmNotable Musicians
Kemy AgustienmNotable Athletes
Brian AhernemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Philip AhnmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Esko AhomFinnish Presidents and Prime Ministers
Martti AhtisaarimFinnish Presidents and Prime Ministers, Nobel Prize Winners
Danny AiellomNotable Actors and Entertainers
Conrad AikenmNotable Writers, Pulitzer Award Winners
Liam AikenmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Don AireymNotable Musicians
Askar AkayevmOther Leaders
Nathan AkémNotable Athletes
Achmed AkkabimNotable Actors and Entertainers
Nazem AkkarimOther Leaders
AkonmNotable Musicians
Boris AkuninmNotable Writers
Mohammad Al-AbbasimJordanian Prime Ministers
Khayreddin al-AhdabmOther Leaders
Lawrence AlamainmFictional Characters from Television
Bashar al-AssadmOther Leaders
Hafez al-AssadmOther Leaders
Marouf al-BakhitmJordanian Prime Ministers
Wil AlbedamNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Adriaan AlbergamOther Leaders
Christijan AlbersmNotable Athletes
Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence and AvondalemOther Royalty
Eddie AlbertmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Mark AlbertmFictional Characters from Television
Cherubino AlbertimNotable Artists
Willy AlbertimNotable Musicians
Adolf AlbinmNotable Athletes
Tomaso AlbinonimNotable Musicians
Albrecht of PrussiamOther Royalty
Albrecht of PrussiamOther Royalty
Robert AldamNotable Actors and Entertainers
Nader Al-DahabimJordanian Prime Ministers
Jason AldeanmNotable Musicians
Ben AldridgemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kevin AlejandromNotable Actors and Entertainers
Miguel Alemán ValdésmOther Leaders
Galeazzo AlessimNotable Artists
Alexander IImCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
Alexander, Prince of OrangemOther Royalty
Alexander of the NetherlandsmOther Royalty
Alexander of LiechtensteinmOther Royalty
Alexander Ferdinand of PrussiamOther Royalty
Alexander of PrussiamOther Royalty
Alexander of SwedenmOther Royalty
Ross AlexandermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Alexandre of BelgiummOther Royalty
AlexandrosmOther Royalty
Sherman AlexiemNotable Filmmakers, Notable Writers
Mohamed Al-FayedmNotable Businesspeople
Faisal Al-FayezmJordanian Prime Ministers
Alfons of LiechtensteinmOther Royalty
Alfred, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and GothamOther Royalty
Alfred, Hereditary Prince of Saxe-Coburg and GothamOther Royalty
Amin al-HafezmOther Leaders
Hasan Abu Al-HudamJordanian Prime Ministers
Tawfik Abu Al-HudamJordanian Prime Ministers
Salim al-HussmOther Leaders
Ali bin HusseinmOther Royalty
Errol AlibuxmOther Leaders
Alu AlkhanovmOther Leaders
Awn Al-KhasawnehmJordanian Prime Ministers
Roger AllammNotable Actors and Entertainers
Gabriele AllegramSaints
Alfie AllenmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Chad AllenmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Tim AllenmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Salvador AllendemOther Leaders
Gregg AllmanmNotable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Tony AlmeidamFictional Characters from Television
Pedro AlmodóvarmNotable Filmmakers
Marc AlmondmNotable Musicians
Saadi Al MunlamOther Leaders
Hussein Al OweinimOther Leaders
Richard AlpertmFictional Characters from Television
Todd AlquistmFictional Characters from Television
Samir Al-RifaimJordanian Prime Ministers
Ali al-RikabimJordanian Prime Ministers, Other Leaders
Riad Al SolhmOther Leaders
Rafer AlstonmNotable Athletes
AltamiromFictional Characters from Books
Norovyn AltankhuyagmOther Leaders
J. ÁlvarezmNotable Musicians
Nicasio Álvarez de CienfuegosmNotable Writers
Diogo AlvesmNotable Evildoers
Joe AlwynmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Alois AlzheimermNotable Scientists and Inventors
Tom AmandesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Rinchinnyamyn AmarjargalmOther Leaders
Ambrosi of GeorgiamSaints
Morhad AmdounimNotable Athletes
Austin AmeliomNotable Actors and Entertainers
Robbie AmellmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Tony AmendolamNotable Actors and Entertainers
Derek AmesmFictional Characters from Television
Leon AmesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Najib AmhalimNotable Actors and Entertainers
Chabua AmirejibimNotable Writers
Ammianus MarcellinusmNotable Philosophers and Thinkers
John AmosmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Amphilochios of PatmosmSaints
Amphilochius of PochayivmSaints
Dev AnandmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Filmmakers
Anastasius ImCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
AnatoolmFictional Characters from Books
David AndersmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Joseph AndersmFictional Characters from Television
G. G. AndersonmNotable Musicians
Anthony AndersonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Blaine AndersonmFictional Characters from Television
Doug AndersonmFictional Characters from Television
Heath AndersonmFictional Characters from Television
Jacob AndersonmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Joe AndersonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Paul W. S. AndersonmNotable Filmmakers
Richard Dean AndersonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Richard AndersonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Roy AndersonmFictional Characters from Television
Sam AndersonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Shamier AndersonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Sherwood AndersonmNotable Writers
Zeke AndersonmFictional Characters from Television
Keith AndesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Gyula AndrássymHungarian Presidents and Prime Ministers
André OoijermNotable Athletes
Peter AndremNotable Musicians
Andreas of Greece and DenmarkmOther Royalty
Hans AndreusmNotable Writers
AndrewmFictional Characters from Television
Anthony AndrewsmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Dana AndrewsmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Henry AndrewsmFictional Characters from Television
Mark "Sisqó" AndrewsmNotable Musicians
Naveen AndrewsmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Frans AndriessenmNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Koos AndriessenmNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Andronicus ImCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
Michael AngaranomNotable Actors and Entertainers
AngelmFictional Characters from Television
Angus T. JonesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
John AnistonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Vurnon AnitamNotable Athletes
Dave AnnablemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Michael AnsaramNotable Actors and Entertainers
Reyer AnslomNotable Writers
Donald AnspaughmFictional Characters from Television
AntemFictional Characters from Television
Marc AnthonymNotable Musicians
Antipater of CyzicusmSaints
Anton II of GeorgiamSaints
Anton of MartkopimSaints
Jarchinio AntoniamNotable Athletes
Anuel AAmNotable Musicians
Cas AnvarmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Michel AounmOther Leaders
ApesanahkwatmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Larry AppletonmFictional Characters from Television
Caleb ApplewhitemFictional Characters from Television
Matthew ApplewhitemFictional Characters from Television
Pere AragonèsmNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Alfonso AraumNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Filmmakers
Jacques ArcadeltmNotable Musicians
Nathaniel ArcandmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Nate ArchibaldmFictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Television
Archie of SussexmOther Royalty
Archil of KakhetimSaints
David ArchuletamNotable Musicians
Lavrenti ArdazianimNotable Writers
Arthur ArdenmFictional Characters from Television
Geoffrey ArendmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jacco ArendsmNotable Athletes
Niels ArestrupmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Moisés AriasmNotable Actors and Entertainers
AriodantemFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
Richard ArlenmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Pedro ArmendárizmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Iain ArmitagemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Richard ArmitagemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Craig ArmstrongmNotable Musicians
Curtis ArmstrongmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jonas ArmstrongmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Robert ArmstrongmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Todd ArmstrongmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Arnaut DanjumamNotable Athletes
James ArnessmNotable Actors and Entertainers
David ArnoldmNotable Musicians
Jack ArnoldmFictional Characters from Television
Kevin ArnoldmFictional Characters from Television
Tom ArnoldmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Wayne ArnoldmFictional Characters from Television
Peter ArntzmNotable Athletes
Raymond AronmNotable Philosophers and Thinkers
David ArquettemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Henck ArronmOther Leaders
Sjoerd ArsmNotable Athletes
Arsen of NinotsmindamSaints
Arsen of IqaltomSaints
Giorgi ArsenishvilimGeorgian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Artemas of CyzicusmSaints
Arthur, Duke of Connaught and StrathearnmOther Royalty
Arthur of ConnaughtmOther Royalty
James ArthurmNotable Musicians
Owen ArthurmOther Leaders
Zackary ArthurmNotable Actors and Entertainers
René ArtoismFictional Characters from Television
Reginald "Fieldy" ArvizumNotable Musicians
Ali AsadovmOther Leaders
Lado AsatianimNotable Writers
Graziadio Isaia AscolimNotable Philosophers and Thinkers
Ásgeir ÁsgeirssonmIcelandic Presidents and Prime Ministers
Ermias "Nipsey Hussle" AsghedommNotable Musicians
Linden AshbymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Hank AshermFictional Characters from Television
Jay AshermNotable Writers
Matthew AshfordmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Aaron AshmoremNotable Actors and Entertainers
Shawn AshmoremNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ashot I of IberiamSaints
Luke AskewmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Hans AspergermNotable Scientists and Inventors
Jandino AsporaatmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Armand AssantemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Lodewijk AsschermNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Jesper AsselmanmNotable Athletes
Sampsa "Kita" AstalamEurovision Song Contest Winners, Notable Musicians
Skylar AstinmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Rick AstleymNotable Musicians
John Jacob AstormNotable Businesspeople
John Jacob Astor IVmNotable Businesspeople
William Backhouse Astor Sr.mNotable Businesspeople
William Backhouse Astor Jr.mNotable Businesspeople
Almazbek AtambayevmOther Leaders
Athanasius IIImCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
Athanasius IImCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
William AthertonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jeffrey "Ja Rule" AtkinsmNotable Musicians
Tom AtkinsmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Harry AtkinsonmNew Zealand Prime Ministers
Rowan AtkinsonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Barry AtsmamNotable Actors and Entertainers
Gabriel AttalmFrench Presidents and Prime Ministers
David AttenboroughmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Scientists and Inventors
Atticus of SebastemSaints
AtticusmNotable Philosophers and Thinkers
Lionel AtwillmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ryan AtwoodmFictional Characters from Television
René AuberjonoismNotable Actors and Entertainers
Pierre AubertmSwiss Presidents
James AubreymFictional Characters from Television
Mischa AuermNotable Actors and Entertainers
August Wilhelm of PrussiamOther Royalty
August Wilhelm of PrussiamOther Royalty
August Ferdinand of PrussiamOther Royalty
August of PrussiamOther Royalty
Jean-Pierre AumontmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Teuvo AuramFinnish Presidents and Prime Ministers
Jean AusseilmOther Leaders
Jake T. AustinmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Steve AustinmFictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Television
Gene AutrymNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Auxilius of IrelandmSaints
Hendrick AvercampmNotable Artists
Jackson AverymFictional Characters from Television
James AverymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Manuel Ávila CamachomOther Leaders
Axel of DenmarkmOther Royalty
Hoyt AxtonmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Ramón "Daddy Yankee" Ayala RodríguezmNotable Musicians
Richard AyoademNotable Actors and Entertainers
Lew AyresmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Hank AzariamNotable Actors and Entertainers
Mykola AzarovmOther Leaders
Yahyo AzimovmOther Leaders
Tijani BabangidamNotable Athletes
Ömürbek BabanovmOther Leaders
Antwon BabcockmFictional Characters from Television
Ryan BabelmNotable Athletes
Andrej BabišmOther Leaders
Babylas of NicomediamSaints
Facundo Bacardí MassómNotable Businesspeople
Burt BacharachmNotable Musicians
Jim BackusmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Irving BaconmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Juninho BacunamNotable Athletes
Leandro BacunamNotable Athletes
Michael BadaluccomNotable Actors and Entertainers
Klaus BadeltmNotable Musicians
Diedrich BadermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Penn BadgleymNotable Actors and Entertainers
John BadhammNotable Filmmakers
Kiran BadloemNotable Athletes
Adnan BadranmJordanian Prime Ministers
Mudar BadranmJordanian Prime Ministers
Natsagiin BagabandimOther Leaders
King BaggotmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Filmmakers
Theodore "T-Bag" BagwellmFictional Characters from Television
Eion BaileymNotable Actors and Entertainers
G. W. BaileymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jonathan BaileymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Les BaileymFictional Characters from Television
Scott BaiomNotable Actors and Entertainers
Tiémoué BakayokomNotable Athletes
Colin BakermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Corey BakermFictional Characters from Television
George BakermNotable Musicians
Ray BakermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Scott BakermFictional Characters from Television
Simon BakermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Simon R. BakermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Stanley BakermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Tom BakermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Mamuka BakhtadzemGeorgian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Kurmanbek BakiyevmOther Leaders
Dan BakkedahlmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ralph BakshimNotable Artists, Notable Filmmakers
Bob BalabanmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Andria BalanchivadzemNotable Musicians
Meliton BalanchivadzemNotable Musicians
Justin BaldonimNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Filmmakers
Adam BaldwinmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Daniel BaldwinmNotable Actors and Entertainers
James BaldwinmNotable Writers
Jerry BaldwinmNotable Businesspeople
Stephen BaldwinmNotable Actors and Entertainers
William BaldwinmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Thomas BalemFictional Characters from Television
Eric BalfourmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jan Peter BalkenendemDutch Prime Ministers
Robert Stawell BallmNotable Scientists and Inventors
Valentine BallmNotable Scientists and Inventors
John BallancemNew Zealand Prime Ministers
Finn BálormNotable Athletes
Terry BalsamomNotable Musicians
J. BalvínmNotable Musicians
Jamie BambermNotable Actors and Entertainers
BambimFictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Movies
Eric BanamNotable Actors and Entertainers
Canaan BananamOther Leaders
George BancroftmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Dezső BánffymHungarian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Carlton BanksmFictional Characters from Television
Dennis BanksmNotable Activists and Revolutionaries
Jonathan BanksmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ned BanksmFictional Characters from Television
Nicky BanksmFictional Characters from Television
Philip BanksmFictional Characters from Television
Ian BannenmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Hugo BanzermOther Leaders
B. A. BaracusmFictional Characters from Television
Ehud BarakmIsraeli Presidents and Prime Ministers
Giorgi BaramidzemNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Marius BarbeaumNotable Scientists and Inventors
Samuel BarbermNotable Musicians
Virgilio Barco VargasmOther Leaders
Jordan BardellamNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Reid BardemmFictional Characters from Television
László BárdossymHungarian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Blixa BargeldmNotable Musicians
Albert BarillémNotable Artists
Lex BarkermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ronnie BarkermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Travis BarkermNotable Musicians
Alben W. BarkleymNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Heath BarkleymFictional Characters from Television
Jarrod BarkleymFictional Characters from Television
Nick BarkleymFictional Characters from Television
Gary BarlowmNotable Musicians
Tom BarnabymFictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Television
Aneurin BarnardmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Clive BarnardmFictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Television
Ben BarnesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Cliff BarnesmFictional Characters from Television
C. J. BarnesmFictional Characters from Television
Willard "Digger" BarnesmFictional Characters from Television
Miles BarnettmFictional Characters from Television
Ray BarnettmFictional Characters from Television
Michel BarniermFrench Presidents and Prime Ministers
Sacha Baron CohenmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Frank BaronemFictional Characters from Television
Geoffrey BaronemFictional Characters from Television
Michael BaronemFictional Characters from Television
Ray BaronemFictional Characters from Television
Robert BaronemFictional Characters from Television
Benny BaronimFictional Characters from Television
Matt BarrmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Alain BarrièremNotable Musicians
Errol BarrowmOther Leaders
John BarrowmanmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Gene BarrymNotable Actors and Entertainers
John BarrymNotable Musicians
Raymond J. BarrymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Thom BarrymNotable Actors and Entertainers
John BarrymoremNotable Actors and Entertainers
John Drew BarrymoremNotable Actors and Entertainers
Justin BarthamNotable Actors and Entertainers
Richard BarthelmessmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Frédéric Auguste BartholdimNotable Artists
Freddie BartholomewmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Murray BartlettmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Balki BartokomousmFictional Characters from Television
Billy BartymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jay BaruchelmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Mikhail BaryshnikovmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Dante BascomNotable Actors and Entertainers
Richard BasehartmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Traian BăsescumRomanian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Basili of KhakhulimSaints
Chuck BassmFictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Television
Albert BassermannmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Adolf BastianmNotable Scientists and Inventors
Jacob BatalonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Sükhbaataryn BatboldmOther Leaders
Jason BatemanmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Alan BatesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Fulgencio BatistamOther Leaders
Lajos BatthyánymHungarian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Hinton BattlemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Khaltmaagiin BattulgamOther Leaders
Patrick BauchaumNotable Actors and Entertainers
Thierry BaudetmNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Baudouin of BelgiummOther Royalty
Frans BauermNotable Musicians
Jack BauermFictional Characters from Television
Marius BauermNotable Artists
Steven BauermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Johannes BaumannmSwiss Presidents
Dave BautistamNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Athletes
Simeon BaviermSwiss Presidents
Jody BaxtermFictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Movies
Michael BaymNotable Filmmakers
Richard BaymFictional Characters from Television
Sanjaagiin BayarmOther Leaders
Mathew BayntonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
François BayroumFrench Presidents and Prime Ministers
Riechedly BazoermNotable Athletes
Adam BeachmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Michael BeachmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Orson BeanmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Marius BearmNotable Musicians
Frank BeardmNotable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Romare BeardenmNotable Artists
John BeasleymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ned BeattymNotable Actors and Entertainers
James BeaumontmFictional Characters from Television
Christophe BeckmNotable Musicians
Glenn BeckmNotable Journalists
Russell "Rusty" BeckmFictional Characters from Television
Graham BeckelmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Tyson BeckfordmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Richard BeckinsalemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Brian BedfordmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Daniel BedingfieldmNotable Musicians
Louis BeelmDutch Prime Ministers
Noah BeerymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jason BeghemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jason BehrmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jovan BelchermNotable Athletes
Richard BeldingmFictional Characters from Television
Jordan BelfimNotable Actors and Entertainers
Marek BelkamPolish Presidents and Prime Ministers
Andrew BellmFictional Characters from Television
Drake BellmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Francis BellmNew Zealand Prime Ministers
Jamie BellmNotable Actors and Entertainers
William BellmFictional Characters from Television
Ralph BellamymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Andy BellefleurmFictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Television
Terry BellefleurmFictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Television
Jackson BellevillemFictional Characters from Television
Brad BellickmFictional Characters from Television
Gil BellowsmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Robert BeltranmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jim BelushimNotable Actors and Entertainers
Richard BelzermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kingsley Ben-AdirmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Zine El Abidine Ben AlimOther Leaders
David BenatarmNotable Philosophers and Thinkers
Brian BenbenmNotable Actors and Entertainers
William BendixmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Benedikt of LiechtensteinmOther Royalty
David Ben-GurionmIsraeli Presidents and Prime Ministers
Benjamin IImCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
Benjamin ImCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
Alec BenjaminmNotable Musicians
Lyle BennetmFictional Characters from Television
Noah BennetmFictional Characters from Television
Keith BennettmFictional Characters from Television
Naftali BennettmIsraeli Presidents and Prime Ministers
Sam BennettmFictional Characters from Television
Victor BennettmFictional Characters from Television
Chester BenningtonmNotable Musicians
Michael "Lucky" BenoitmFictional Characters from Television
Barry B. BensonmFictional Characters from Movies
Ezra Taft BensonmOther Religious Leaders
Freddie BensonmFictional Characters from Television
Robby BensonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Galeazzo BentimNotable Actors and Entertainers
W. O. BentleymNotable Businesspeople
Wes BentleymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Dave BentonmEurovision Song Contest Winners, Notable Musicians
Peter BentonmFictional Characters from Television
Luke BenwardmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Carl BenzmNotable Businesspeople, Notable Scientists and Inventors
Yitzhak Ben-ZvimIsraeli Presidents and Prime Ministers
Gurbanguly BerdimuhamedowmOther Leaders
Serdar BerdimuhamedowmOther Leaders
Tom BerengermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Bruce BeresfordmNotable Filmmakers
Justin BerfieldmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Abraham BergemNorwegian Prime Ministers
Jack BergermFictional Characters from Television
Wolfram BergermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Steven BerghuismNotable Athletes
Tim "Avicii" BerglingmNotable Musicians
Steven BergwijnmNotable Athletes
Lavrenti BeriamNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Dénes BerinkeymHungarian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Jake BerkeleymFictional Characters from Television
Jimmy BerlutimFictional Characters from Television
Harold BermanmFictional Characters from Television
Nicasius BernaertsmNotable Artists
Andy BernardmFictional Characters from Television
Carlos BernardmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kevin BernardmFictional Characters from Television
Artur BernardesmBrazilian Presidents
Hugo BernatzikmNotable Scientists and Inventors
Bernhard of Orange-NassaumOther Royalty
Bernhard of Lippe-BiesterfeldmOther Royalty
J. BernlefmNotable Writers
Elmer BernsteinmNotable Musicians
Jon BernthalmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ken BerrymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Guy BerrymanmNotable Musicians
Alain BersetmSwiss Presidents
Bertil of SwedenmOther Royalty
Eddy C. BertinmNotable Writers
Alberto BertorellimFictional Characters from Television
Jacob BertrandmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Franz BerwaldmNotable Musicians
Andy BeshearmNotable Politicians and Statespeople
James BestmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Belisario BetancurmOther Leaders
Wilson BethelmNotable Actors and Entertainers
István BethlenmHungarian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Paul BettanymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Don BexleymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Turhan BeymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Yasiin "Mos Def" BeymNotable Musicians
Wim BeyenmNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Abdallah BeyhummOther Leaders
Jello BiaframNotable Musicians
Nick BiancavillamFictional Characters from Television
Jules BianchimNotable Athletes
Bianor of PisidiamSaints
Demián BichirmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Charles BickfordmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Joe BidenmAmerican Presidents
Paul BiegelmNotable Writers
Michael BiehnmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jan Krzysztof BieleckimPolish Presidents and Prime Ministers
Ambrose BiercemNotable Writers
Bolesław BierutmPolish Presidents and Prime Ministers
Barend BiesheuvelmDutch Prime Ministers
Jason BiggsmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Trophime BigotmNotable Artists
Chief John Big TreemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Justin BijlowmNotable Athletes
Theodore BikelmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Carl BildtmSwedish Prime Ministers
"Bushwick" BillmNotable Musicians
John BillingsleymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jean-Luc BilodeaumNotable Actors and Entertainers
Horace BingmFictional Characters from Television
Seth "Shifty Shellshock" BinzermNotable Musicians
Mike BirbigliamNotable Actors and Entertainers
Gil BirminghammNotable Actors and Entertainers
David BirneymNotable Actors and Entertainers
David BisbalmNotable Musicians
Harold BishopmFictional Characters from Television
Nicholas BishopmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Peter BishopmFictional Characters from Television
Walter BishopmFictional Characters from Television
István BittómHungarian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Bill BixbymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Bjarni BenediktssonmIcelandic Presidents and Prime Ministers
Björgólfur Thor BjörgólfssonmNotable Businesspeople
Björn ÞórðarsonmIcelandic Presidents and Prime Ministers
Björn JónssonmIcelandic Presidents and Prime Ministers
Adriaan BlaauwmNotable Scientists and Inventors
Brady BlackmFictional Characters from Television
Jack BlackmNotable Actors and Entertainers
John BlackmFictional Characters from Television
Lewis BlackmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Roy BlackmNotable Musicians
Token BlackmFictional Characters from Television
Edmund BlackaddermFictional Characters from Television
Tyler BlackburnmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ray BlackwellmFictional Characters from Television
Algernon BlackwoodmNotable Writers
George BlagdenmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Matthew BlaisdelmFictional Characters from Television
Eubie BlakemNotable Musicians
Benny BlancomNotable Musicians
Stanford BlatchmFictional Characters from Television
Otto BlehrmNorwegian Prime Ministers
Brian BlessedmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Corbin BleumNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Danny BlindmNotable Athletes
Abraham BloemaertmNotable Artists
Ted-Jan BloemenmNotable Athletes
Peter BlokmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Stef BlokmNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Brian BloommNotable Actors and Entertainers
Stuart BloommFictional Characters from Television
Marc BlucasmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Callum BluemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Monte BluemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Sam BluemFictional Characters from Television
Jason BlummNotable Filmmakers
Sean BlumbergmFictional Characters from Television
Lothaire BluteaumNotable Actors and Entertainers
Buster BluthmFictional Characters from Television
Don BluthmNotable Artists, Notable Filmmakers
George Bluth Sr.mFictional Characters from Television
George Michael BluthmFictional Characters from Television
Gob BluthmFictional Characters from Television
Michael BluthmFictional Characters from Television
Oscar BluthmFictional Characters from Television
Bruce BoamNotable Actors and Entertainers
True BoardmanmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Michael BoatmanmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Emil BocmRomanian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Andrea BocellimNotable Musicians
Kim BodniamNotable Actors and Entertainers
John BoehnermNotable Politicians and Statespeople
BoesmFictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Television
Dirk BogardemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Winston BogardemNotable Athletes
Peter BogdanovichmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Filmmakers
Eric BogosianmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ian BohenmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Karlheinz BöhmmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jan BöhmermannmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Daniël BoissevainmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Håvard BøkkomOlympic Medalists
Pierre BokmamNotable Actors and Entertainers
Danny BolenmFictional Characters from Television
Nick BolenmFictional Characters from Television
Jim BolgermNew Zealand Prime Ministers
Ray BolgermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Frits BolkesteinmNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Jair BolsonaromBrazilian Presidents
Gustaf Adolf Boltenstern Sr.mOlympic Medalists
Alan BoltonmFictional Characters from Television
Michael BoltonmNotable Musicians
Godfried BomansmNotable Writers
Matt BomermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Eduard BomhoffmNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Campion BondmFictional Characters from Books
Ward BondmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kjell Magne BondevikmNorwegian Prime Ministers
Diego BonetamNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
John BonhammNotable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Hugh BonnevillemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Arna BontempsmNotable Writers
Roger BonvinmSwiss Presidents
Cory BookermNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Jeff BoomhauermFictional Characters from Television
Pat BoonemNotable Musicians
Richard BoonemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Cor BoonstramNotable Businesspeople
John BoormanmNotable Filmmakers
Douglas BoothmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Parker BoothmFictional Characters from Television
F. BordewijkmNotable Writers
Con BordinomFictional Characters from Television
Roberto BordinomFictional Characters from Television
David BoreanazmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Andy BorgmNotable Musicians
Marius BorgeaudmNotable Artists
Al BorlandmFictional Characters from Television
Wes BorlandmNotable Musicians
Adolf BornmNotable Artists
Kubatbek BoronovmOther Leaders
Marco BorsatomNotable Musicians
Per BortenmNorwegian Prime Ministers
Jan BosmOlympic Medalists
Stef BosmNotable Musicians
Theo BosmOlympic Medalists
Wouter BosmNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Gerard Bosch van DrakesteinmOlympic Medalists
Boro BosićmOther Leaders
Johan BoskampmNotable Athletes
John BosleymFictional Characters from Television
Tom BosleymNotable Actors and Entertainers
John BosmanmNotable Athletes
Joe BossanomOther Leaders
Tinus BosselaarmNotable Athletes
Devon BostickmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Barry BostwickmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Paul BosveltmNotable Athletes
Peter BoszmNotable Athletes
Ben BotmNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Naas BothamNotable Athletes
Sven BotmanmNotable Athletes
Juan Diego BottomNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ali B.mNotable Musicians
Mark BoudreaumFictional Characters from Television
Maurice Bouilloux-LafontmOther Leaders
Khalid BoulahrouzmNotable Athletes
Robert BoulinmNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Matthew BoultonmNotable Businesspeople
Wilfred BoumamNotable Athletes
Anthony BourdainmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Writers
Rob BourdonmNotable Musicians
Múte Bourup EgedemOther Leaders
Desi BoutersemOther Leaders
Dennis BoutsikarismNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jonathan BowermFictional Characters from Television
Grant BowlermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Josh BowmanmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Bruce BoxleitnermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Billy BoydmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Luke BoydmFictional Characters from Television
Peter BoydmFictional Characters from Television
Stephen BoydmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Woody BoydmFictional Characters from Television
Joseph BoydenmNotable Writers
Charles BoyermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Frankie BoylemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Peter BoylemNotable Actors and Entertainers
C. V. BoysmNotable Scientists and Inventors
Edson BraafheidmNotable Athletes
Eddie BrackenmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Eugene BradfordmFictional Characters from Television
David BradleymNotable Actors and Entertainers