This is a list of namesakes in which the category is Notable Philosophers and Thinkers; and the gender is male
Name | Lifespan | Other Names | |
Niels Henrik Abel | 1802-1829 | |  |
Pierre Abélard | 1079-1142 | |  |
Alfred Adler | 1870-1937 | |  |
Theodor W. Adorno | 1903-1969 | |  |
Ahmad ibn Hanbal | 780-855 | |  |
Alexis de Tocqueville | 1805-1859 | (Clérel, Tocqueville) |  |
Abu Nasr Muhammad al-Farabi | c. 872-c. 950 | (Alpharabius, Farabi) |  |
Abu Hamid Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Ghazali | 1058-1111 | (Algazel) |  |
Abu Ali al-Husayn ibn Sina | 980-1037 | |  |
Muhammad al-Idrisi | 1099-c. 1165 | |  |
Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi | c. 780-850 | (Algoritmi) |  |
Abu Yusuf Yaqub al-Kindi | 801-873 | |  |
Maurice Allais | 1911-2010 | |  |
al-Masudi | 896-956 | |  |
Abu Bakr Muhammad al-Razi | 865-925 | (Rhazes) |  |
Ja'far al-Sadiq | 702-765 | |  |
Al-Shafi'i | 767-820 | |  |
Ammianus Marcellinus | c. 325-c. 391 | |  |
Anaxagoras | c. 500-428 BC | |  |
Anaximander | c. 610-c. 546 BC | |  |
Anaximenes of Miletus | c. 585-c. 528 BC | |  |
Anselm of Canterbury | 1033-1109 | |  |
Apollonius of Perga | c. 262-c. 190 BC | |  |
Appian of Alexandria | 95-165 | |  |
Thomas Aquinas | 1225-1274 | |  |
Archimedes | c. 287-c. 212 BC | |  |
Archytas | 428-347 BC | |  |
Aristotle | 384-322 BC | |  |
Raymond Aron | 1905-1983 | |  |
François-Marie Arouet "Voltaire" | 1694-1778 | (Voltaire) |  |
Kenneth Arrow | 1921-2017 | |  |
Aryabhata | 476-550 | |  |
Graziadio Isaia Ascoli | 1829-1907 | |  |
Atticus | 1xx-? | |  |
Augustine of Hippo | 354-430 | |  |
Charles Babbage | 1791-1871 | |  |
Francis Bacon | 1561-1626 | |  |
Stefan Banach | 1892-1945 | |  |
Karl Barth | 1886-1968 | |  |
David Benatar | 1966- | |  |
Jeremy Bentham | 1748-1832 | |  |
Henri Bergson | 1859-1941 | |  |
George Berkeley | 1685-1753 | |  |
Ben Bernanke | 1953- | |  |
Daniel Bernoulli | 1700-1782 | |  |
Boethius | 480-524 | |  |
George Boole | 1815-1864 | |  |
Pierre Bourdieu | 1930-2002 | |  |
Giordano Bruno | 1548-1600 | |  |
Joseph Campbell | 1904-1987 | |  |
Albert Camus | 1913-1960 | |  |
Georg Cantor | 1845-1918 | |  |
Gerolamo Cardano | 1501-1576 | |  |
Edward Carpenter | 1844-1929 | |  |
Giovanni Domenico Cassini | 1625-1712 | |  |
Lucius Cassius Dio | c. 155-c. 235 | |  |
Augustin-Louis Cauchy | 1789-1857 | |  |
Jean-François Champollion | 1790-1832 | |  |
Jean Chauvin | 1509-1564 | (Calvin) |  |
Noam Chomsky | 1928- | |  |
Emil Cioran | 1911-1995 | |  |
Zerah Colburn | 1804-1839 | |  |
Auguste Comte | 1798-1857 | |  |
Confucius | c. 551-479 BC | (Kong) |  |
Haskell Curry | 1900-1982 | |  |
Vahakn Dadrian | 1926-2019 | |  |
Florimond de Beaune | 1601-1652 | |  |
Pierre de Fermat | 1607-1665 | |  |
Guidobaldo del Monte | 1545-1607 | |  |
Democritus | c. 460-c. 370 BC | |  |
Florimond de Raemond | 1540-1601 | (de Rémond) |  |
Jacques Derrida | 1930-2004 | |  |
Ferdinand de Saussure | 1857-1913 | |  |
René Descartes | 1596-1650 | |  |
Charles de Secondat | 1689-1755 | |  |
John Dewey | 1859-1952 | |  |
Denis Diderot | 1713-1784 | |  |
Diogenes of Sinope | c. 412-323 BC | |  |
Diophantus of Alexandria | c. 205-c. 290 | |  |
Georges Dumézil | 1898-1986 | |  |
Émile Durkheim | 1858-1917 | |  |
Freeman Dyson | 1923-2020 | |  |
Arthur Eddington | 1882-1944 | |  |
Einhard | c. 775-840 | |  |
Mircea Eliade | 1907-1986 | |  |
Norbert Elias | 1897-1990 | |  |
Empedocles | c. 490-430 BC | |  |
Friedrich Engels | 1820-1895 | |  |
Epictetus | c. 55-c. 135 | |  |
Epicurus | 341-270 BC | |  |
Desiderius Erasmus | 1466-1536 | |  |
Eratosthenes of Cyrene | c. 276-c. 195 BC | |  |
Paul Erdős | 1913-1996 | |  |
Erik Erikson | 1902-1994 | |  |
Rudolf Christoph Eucken | 1846-1926 | |  |
Euclid | c. 330-275 BC | |  |
Leonhard Euler | 1707-1783 | |  |
Fibonacci | c. 1170-c. 1250 | (Bonacci) |  |
Johann Gottlieb Fichte | 1762-1814 | |  |
Michel Foucault | 1926-1984 | |  |
Joseph Fourier | 1768-1830 | |  |
Abraham Fraenkel | 1891-1965 | |  |
Francis of Assisi | c. 1182-1226 | |  |
Viktor Frankl | 1905-1997 | |  |
Gottlob Frege | 1848-1925 | |  |
Sigmund Freud | 1856-1939 | |  |
Milton Friedman | 1912-2006 | |  |
Ragnar Frisch | 1895-1973 | |  |
Erich Fromm | 1900-1980 | |  |
Ljudevit Gaj | 1809-1872 | (Gay) |  |
Évariste Galois | 1811-1832 | |  |
Carl Friedrich Gauss | 1777-1855 | |  |
Gautama Buddha | c. 563-c. 483 BC | |  |
Geoffrey of Monmouth | c. 1100-c. 1155 | |  |
Anthony Giddens | 1938- | |  |
Kurt Gödel | 1906-1978 | |  |
Erving Goffman | 1922-1982 | |  |
Franciscus Gomarus | 1563-1641 | (Gomaer) |  |
Gorgias | c. 485-c. 380 BC | |  |
Gregory of Tours | c. 538-594 | |  |
James Gregory | 1638-1675 | |  |
Hugo Grotius | 1583-1645 | |  |
Hakuin Ekaku | 1686-1769 | |  |
G. H. Hardy | 1877-1947 | |  |
Friedrich Hayek | 1899-1992 | |  |
Hecataeus of Miletus | c. 550-c. 476 BC | |  |
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel | 1770-1831 | |  |
Martin Heidegger | 1889-1976 | |  |
Heraclitus of Ephesus | c. 535-c. 475 BC | |  |
Hero of Alexandria | 10-70 | |  |
Herodotus | c. 484-425 BC | |  |
David Hilbert | 1862-1943 | |  |
Hipparchus of Nicaea | c. 190-c. 120 BC | |  |
Christopher Hitchens | 1949-2011 | |  |
Thomas Hobbes | 1588-1679 | |  |
David Hume | 1711-1776 | |  |
Adolf Hurwitz | 1859-1919 | |  |
Jan Hus | c. 1370-1415 | |  |
Edmund Husserl | 1859-1938 | |  |
Christiaan Huygens | 1629-1695 | |  |
Ibn Khaldun | 1332-1406 | |  |
Isidore of Seville | 560-636 | |  |
William James | 1842-1910 | |  |
Jean Le Rond d'Alembert | 1717-1783 | |  |
Jesus Christ | c. 4 BC-c. 33 | |  |
John Duns Scotus | c. 1266-1308 | |  |
Jordanes | ?-5xx | |  |
Josephus | 37-c. 100 | (Flavius) |  |
Carl Jung | 1875-1961 | |  |
Oriol Junqueras i Vies | 1969- | |  |
Daniel Kahneman | 1934- | |  |
Immanuel Kant | 1724-1804 | |  |
Leonid Kantorovich | 1912-1986 | |  |
Nikolay Karamzin | 1766-1826 | |  |
John Maynard Keynes | 1883-1946 | |  |
Omar Khayyám | 1048-1131 | |  |
Søren Kierkegaard | 1813-1855 | |  |
Karl Knies | 1821-1898 | |  |
Donald Knuth | 1938- | |  |
Andrey Kolmogorov | 1903-1987 | |  |
Jan Amos Komenský | 1592-1670 | (Comenius) |  |
Pyotr Kropotkin | 1842-1921 | |  |
Paul Krugman | 1953- | |  |
Thomas Kuhn | 1922-1996 | |  |
Simon Kuznets | 1901-1985 | |  |
Jacques Lacan | 1901-1981 | |  |
Lactantius | c. 250-c. 325 | (Caecilius, Firmianus) |  |
Joseph Louis Lagrange | 1736-1813 | (Lagrangia) |  |
Laozi | ?-5xx BC | |  |
Pierre-Simon Laplace | 1749-1827 | |  |
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz | 1646-1716 | |  |
Wassily Leontief | 1906-1999 | |  |
Urbain Le Verrier | 1811-1877 | |  |
Livy | c. 64 BC-17 | (Livius, Patavinus) |  |
Nikolai Lobachevsky | 1792-1856 | |  |
Alain Locke | 1885-1954 | |  |
John Locke | 1632-1704 | |  |
Lucretius | c. 99-c. 55 BC | (Carus) |  |
Martin Luther | 1483-1546 | |  |
Niccolò Machiavelli | 1469-1527 | (Machiavel) |  |
Moses Maimonides | 1135-1204 | |  |
Thomas Robert Malthus | 1766-1834 | |  |
Benoit Mandelbrot | 1924-2010 | |  |
Manetho | ?-2xx BC | |  |
Mani | 216-274 | |  |
Marcus Aurelius | 121-180 | |  |
Alfred Marshall | 1842-1924 | |  |
Karl Marx | 1818-1883 | |  |
Abraham Maslow | 1908-1970 | |  |
Mazdak | ?-c. 524 | |  |
Meng Ke | c. 372-c. 289 BC | |  |
Gerardus Mercator | 1512-1594 | |  |
Robert K. Merton | 1910-2003 | |  |
Jules Michelet | 1798-1874 | |  |
Stanley Milgram | 1933-1984 | |  |
John Stuart Mill | 1806-1873 | |  |
Ferdinand Minding | 1806-1885 | |  |
Mo Di | c. 470-c. 391 BC | |  |
Theodor Mommsen | 1817-1903 | |  |
G. E. Moore | 1873-1958 | |  |
Thomas More | 1478-1535 | |  |
Abu l-Walid Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Rushd | 1126-1198 | |  |
Muhammad | 570-632 | |  |
Max Müller | 1823-1900 | |  |
Gunnar Myrdal | 1898-1987 | |  |
Nagarjuna | c. 150-250 | |  |
John Napier | 1550-1617 | |  |
John Forbes Nash Jr. | 1928-2015 | |  |
Isaac Newton | 1642-1727 | |  |
Nicholas of Cusa | 1401-1464 | |  |
Friedrich Nietzsche | 1844-1900 | |  |
Adolf Noreen | 1854-1925 | |  |
Helmuth Nyborg | 1937- | |  |
Origen | 184-253 | |  |
Luca Pacioli | c. 1447-1517 | |  |
Panini | ?-4xx BC | |  |
Vilfredo Pareto | 1848-1923 | |  |
Parmenides of Elea | c. 515-c. 450 BC | |  |
Talcott Parsons | 1902-1979 | |  |
Blaise Pascal | 1623-1662 | |  |
Pausanias | 110-180 | |  |
Charles Sanders Peirce | 1839-1914 | |  |
Grigori Perelman | 1966- | |  |
Jordan Peterson | 1962- | |  |
Philo | c. 20 BC-c. 50 | |  |
Jean Piaget | 1896-1980 | |  |
Plato | c. 427-347 BC | |  |
Plotinus | c. 205-270 | |  |
Plutarch | c. 46-120 | (Mestrius, Plutarchus) |  |
Henri Poincaré | 1854-1912 | |  |
Polybius | c. 200-c. 118 BC | |  |
Karl Popper | 1902-1994 | |  |
Procopius of Caesarea | 500-565 | |  |
Protagoras | c. 490-c. 420 BC | |  |
Ptolemy | c. 100-c. 168 | (Ptolemaeus) |  |
Pyrrho | c. 360-c. 270 BC | |  |
Pythagoras | c. 580-500 BC | |  |
Willard Van Orman Quine | 1908-2000 | |  |
Srinivasa Ramanujan | 1887-1920 | |  |
Rasmus Rask | 1787-1832 | |  |
Wilhelm Reich | 1897-1957 | |  |
Adolf Reinach | 1883-1917 | |  |
David Ricardo | 1772-1823 | |  |
Bernhard Riemann | 1826-1866 | |  |
David Rittenhouse | 1732-1796 | |  |
Carl Ritter | 1779-1859 | |  |
Carl Rogers | 1902-1987 | |  |
Nouriel Roubini | 1958- | |  |
Jean-Jacques Rousseau | 1712-1778 | |  |
Rupert of Deutz | c. 1075-1129 | |  |
Bertrand Russell | 1872-1970 | |  |
Sallust | 86-c. 35 BC | (Sallustius, Crispus) |  |
Paul Samuelson | 1915-2009 | |  |
George Santayana | 1863-1952 | |  |
Jean-Paul Sartre | 1905-1980 | |  |
Hjalmar Schacht | 1877-1970 | |  |
Arthur Schopenhauer | 1788-1860 | |  |
Joseph Schumpeter | 1883-1950 | |  |
Albert Schweitzer | 1875-1965 | |  |
Amartya Sen | 1933- | |  |
Seneca the Younger | 4 BC-65 | |  |
Claude Shannon | 1916-2001 | |  |
Diodorus Siculus | ?-0xx BC | |  |
Sima Qian | c. 145-86 BC | (Szu-ma) |  |
Georg Simmel | 1858-1918 | |  |
Josias Simmler | 1530-1576 | (Simler) |  |
Ferdo Šišić | 1869-1940 | |  |
B. F. Skinner | 1904-1990 | |  |
Hryhorii Skovoroda | 1722-1794 | |  |
Adam Smith | 1723-1790 | |  |
Willebrord Snellius | 1580-1626 | (Snel van Royen) |  |
Socrates | c. 470-399 BC | |  |
Baruch Spinoza | 1632-1677 | |  |
Rudolf Steiner | 1861-1925 | |  |
Joseph Stiglitz | 1943- | |  |
Svetozar Stojanović | 1931-2010 | |  |
Strabo | c. 64 BC-c. 24 | |  |
Hew Strachan | 1949- | |  |
Suetonius | 69-122 | (Tranquillus) |  |
Sun Tzu | c. 544-c. 496 BC | |  |
Tacitus | c. 56-c. 117 | (Cornelius) |  |
Tertullian | c. 160-c. 225 | (Septimius, Florens, Tertullianus) |  |
Thales | c. 624-c. 546 BC | |  |
Paul-Henri Thiry, Baron d'Holbach | 1723-1789 | (Dietrich) |  |
Henry David Thoreau | 1817-1862 | |  |
Thucydides | c. 460-c. 395 BC | |  |
Jan Tinbergen | 1903-1994 | |  |
Jean Tirole | 1953- | |  |
Leonida Tonelli | 1885-1946 | |  |
Arnold J. Toynbee | 1889-1975 | |  |
Alan Turing | 1912-1954 | |  |
Ulpian | c. 170-223 | (Domitius, Annius, Ulpianus) |  |
Karl Verner | 1846-1896 | (Werner) |  |
Adolf von Harnack | 1851-1930 | (Harnack) |  |
Alexander von Humboldt | 1769-1859 | |  |
John von Neumann | 1903-1957 | (Neumann) |  |
Ludwig von Strümpell | 1812-1899 | (Strümpell) |  |
Lev Vygotsky | 1896-1934 | |  |
Max Weber | 1864-1920 | |  |
Alfred North Whitehead | 1861-1947 | |  |
Norbert Wiener | 1894-1964 | |  |
Andrew Wiles | 1953- | |  |
William of Ockham | c. 1287-1347 | |  |
Geordie Williamson | 1981- | |  |
Johann Joachim Winckelmann | 1717-1768 | |  |
Edward Witten | 1951- | |  |
Ludwig Wittgenstein | 1889-1951 | |  |
Wilhelm Wundt | 1832-1920 | |  |
Xenophanes of Colophon | c. 570-c. 475 BC | |  |
Xenophon | c. 427-c. 355 BC | |  |
Lotfi A. Zadeh | 1921-2017 | |  |
L. L. Zamenhof | 1859-1917 | |  |
Peter Wessel Zapffe | 1899-1990 | |  |
Zeno of Citium | c. 334-c. 262 BC | |  |
Zeno of Elea | c. 490-c. 430 BC | |  |
Philip Zimbardo | 1933-2024 | |  |
Slavoj Žižek | 1949- | |  |
Zoroaster | ?-1xxx BC | |  |