AmagawaJapanese From the Japanese 天 (ama or ten) "heaven," 塰 (ama) the title of a Noh play or 余 (ama) "complimentary" and 川 or 河 (gawa or kawa) "river."
AndoJapanese From the Japanese 安 (an or yasu) "relax," "inexpensive," "low," and 藤 (to or fuji) "wisteria." The second character may indicate historical or familial links to the formerly powerful Fujiwara (藤原) clan.
AraJapanese From the Japanese 荒 (ara) "primitive," "rude," "crude."
AsakaJapanese From the Japanese 淺 or 浅 (asa) "superficial" and 香 (ka) "odour," "smell," 加 (ka) "increase," "step-up" or 賀 (ka) "congratulation."
EndōJapanese From Japanese 遠 (en) meaning "distant, far" and 藤 (dō) meaning "wisteria".
EnomotoJapanese From Japanese 榎 (enoki) meaning "hackberry, nettle tree" and 本 (moto) meaning "base, root, origin".
FukaseJapanese From the Japanese 深 (fuka) "deep" and 瀬 (se) "current, rapids, riffle".
FukudaJapanese From Japanese 福 (fuku) meaning "happiness, good fortune, blessing" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
FukuizumiJapanese From the Japanese 福 (fuku) "fortune" and 泉 (izumi) "spring," "fountain."
FukushimaJapanese From Japanese 福 (fuku) meaning "happiness, good fortune, blessing" and 島 (shima) meaning "island".
FukuyoJapanese From the Japanese 福 (fuku) "fortune" or 副 (fuku) "accessory" and 與 or 与(yo) "together with."
FurusawaJapanese From Japanese 古 (furu) meaning "old" and 沢 or 澤 (sawa) meaning "marsh".
FuruseJapanese From the Japanese 古 (furu) "old" and 瀬 (se) "riffle."
HamadateJapanese From the Japanese 浜 or 濱 (hama) "beach" and 舘 or 館(date or tate) "mansion," "large building," "palace"
HamakawaJapanese From the Japanese 浜 or 濱 (hama) "beach" and 川 or 河 (kawa) "river."
HamanoJapanese From Japanese 浜 or 濱 (hama) meaning "beach, seashore" and 野 (no) meaning "field, wilderness".
HaradaJapanese From Japanese 原 (hara) meaning "field, plain" and 田 (ta) meaning "field".
HarigaeJapanese From the Japanese 張 (hari) "Extended Net constellation" and 替 (kae or gae) "exchange," "spare," "substitute."
HatanoJapanese From Japanese 波 (ha) meaning "waves, billows", 羽 (ha) meaning "feather, wing", 秦 (hata), a place name, or 畑 (hata) meaning "farm, field, garden" combined with 多 (ta) meaning "many, frequent" and 野 (no) meaning "field, wilderness".
HattoriJapanese From Japanese 服 (hatsu) meaning "clothing" and 部 (tori) meaning "part, section".
HimiJapanese From the Japanese 氷 (hi) "ice" and 見 (mi) "mindset," "outlook."
HirashimaJapanese From the Japanese 平 (hira) "peace" and 島, 嶋 or 嶌 (shima) "island."
HiroiJapanese From the Japanese 廣 or 広 (hiro) "wide" and 井 (i) "well."
HiroseJapanese From Japanese 広 or 廣 (hiro) meaning "broad, wide, spacious" and 瀬 (se) meaning "rapids, current".
HirumaJapanese From the Japanese 蛭 (hiru) "leech" and 間 (ma) "pause."
HosooJapanese From the Japanese 細 (hoso) "narrow" and 尾 (o) "tail."
IkeharaJapanese From Japanese 池 (ike) meaning "pool, pond" and 原 (hara) meaning "field, plain".
ImadaJapanese From the Japanese 今 (ima) "now" and 田 (ta) "rice paddy" or 多 (ta) "many."
ImaedaJapanese From the Japanese 今 (ima) meaning "present, now" and 枝 (eda) meaning "bough, twig, branch."
ImamuraJapanese From Japanese 今 (ima) meaning "now, present" and 村 (mura) meaning "town, village".
IshidoJapanese From the Japanese 石 (ishi) "stone" and 堂 (do) "hall."
IshiyamaJapanese From the Japanese 石 (ishi) "stone" and 山 (yama) "mountain."
IsobeJapanese From the Japanese 磯 (iso) meaning "beach" and 部 (be) meaning "region, division, part".
IsozakiJapanese From Japanese 磯 (iso) meaning "seashore" and 崎 (saki) meaning "cape, peninsula".
JinnouchiJapanese From the Japanese 陣 (jin) "camp" and 内 (uchi or nai) "inside." The grammatical and phonetic particle ノ or 之 (no) is sometimes written between the other two characters.
KagaJapanese From the Japanese 加 (ka) "increase," "step up" and 賀 (ka or ga) "congratulation."
KamataJapanese From Japanese 鎌 (kama) meaning "sickle, scythe" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
KanbayashiJapanese From the Japanese 上 (kan, kami or ue) "upper," "above," 管 (kan) "tube," "canal," 官 (kan) "authorities," "government" or 神 (kan, kami or shin) "god" and 林 (bayashi or hayashi) "forest," "woods," "grove."
KannoJapanese From the Japanese 菅 (kan or suga) "sedge" and 野 (no) "field," "area." This name can also be read as Sugano.
KatagiriJapanese From the Japanese 片 (kata) "single-" and 桐 (giri) "foxglove tree."
KawamuraJapanese From Japanese 川 or 河 (kawa) meaning "river, stream" and 村 (mura) meaning "town, village".
KawanoJapanese From the Japanese 川 or 河 (kawa or gawa) meaning "river, stream" and 野 (no) meaning "field, plain, wilderness."
KinjoJapanese From the Japanese 金 (kin or kane) "gold," "money" and 城 (jo or shiro) "castle."
KitabayashiJapanese From the Japanese 北 (kita) "North" and 林 (bayashi or hayashi) "forest," "woods."
KitaniJapanese From the Japanese 木 (ki or moku) "tree," "wood" and 谷 (tani or ya) "valley."
KiyotaJapanese From the Japanese 清 (kiyo) "clearly," "brightly," "cleanly" and 田 (ta or da) "rice paddy."
KoideJapanese From Japanese 小 (ko) meaning "small" and 出 (ide or de) meaning "rising."
KoikeJapanese From Japanese 小 (ko) meaning "little, small" and 池 (ike) meaning "pond."
KomuroJapanese From the Japanese 小 (ko) "small" and 室 (muro) "room."
KondōJapanese From Japanese 近 (kon) meaning "near, close" and 藤 (tō) meaning "wisteria". The latter character could indicate a connection to the Fujiwara clan.
KotakeJapanese From the Japanese 小 (ko) meaning "little, small" and 竹 (take) meaning "bamboo."
KoyamaJapanese From the Japanese 小 (ko) meaning "small" and 山 (yama) meaning "mountain."
KoyasuJapanese From the Japanese 子 (ko) "child" and 安 (yasu or an) "relax," "inexpensive," "low."
KubotaJapanese From the Japanese 久 (ku) meaning "long time ago" combined with 保 (ho) "protect, defend, guard" or 窪 (kubo) meaning "hollow" that is then combined with and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy."
KugaJapanese From the Japanese 久 (ku or hisa) "long time," and 我 (ga) "self."
KuriharaJapanese From Japanese 栗 (kuri) meaning "chesnut" and 原 (hara) meaning "field, plain".
KurobaJapanese From the Japanese 黒 (kuro) meaning "black" and 羽 (ha) meaning "feather, plume."
KurokawaJapanese From Japanese 黒 (kuro) meaning "black" combined with 川 (kawa) or 河 (kawa) both meaning "river."
MashimoJapanese From the Japanese 真 (ma) "real" and 下 (shimo or shita) "down," "bottom."
MasuyamaJapanese From the Japanese 増 (masu) "increase," 益 (masu) "benefit," 桝 (masu) "box seat," "measure" or 升 (masu) "box" and 山 (yama) "mountain."
MawatariJapanese From the Japanese 馬 (ma, uma or ba) "horse" and 渡 (watari or wata) "ferry" or ferryboat."
MichizoeJapanese From the Japanese 道 (michi) "road," "way," "path" and 添 (zoe or soe) "addition," "add-on," "improvememnt."
MikamiJapanese From Japanese 三 (mi) meaning "three" and 上 (kami) meaning "above, top, upper".
MitsuiJapanese From the Japanese 三 (mi or san) and 井 (i) "well." The grammatical and phonetic add-on ツ (tsu) is not always included in this name's spelling.
MiyabeJapanese From the Japanese 宮 (miya) "{Shinto} shrine" and 部 (be) "region," "division," "part."
MiyaguchiJapanese From the Japanese 宮 (miya) "{Shinto} shrine" and 口 (guchi or kuchi) "mouth," "opening."
MiyaraJapanese From the Japanese 宮 (miya) "{Shinto} shrine" and 良 (ra) "good."
MoriaiJapanese From the Japanese 盛 (mori) "assortment" or 森 (mori) "forest" and 合 (ai) "fit," "suit," "join."
MoriyaJapanese From the Japanese 守 (mori) meaning "watchman, keeper, caretaker, guard, protect, defend" or 森 (mori) meaning "forest" combined with 屋 (ya) meaning "house, dwelling" or 谷 (ya or tani) meaning "valley."
MotekiJapanese From the Japanese 茂 (mote) "overgrown," "to grow thick" and 木 (ki, moku or boku) "tree."
MotozawaJapanese From the Japanese 本 (moto) "base" or 元 (moto) "original" and 沢 or 澤 (zawa or sawa) "swamp."
MurakamiJapanese From the Japanese 村, 邑 or 邨 (mura) meaning "hamlet, town, village" combined with 上 (kami) meaning "upper, top, above" or 神 (kami) meaning "god" or 守 (kami) meaning "guard, protect, defend."
MurataJapanese From Japanese 村 (mura) meaning "town, village" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
NagaokaJapanese From Japanese 長 (naga) meaning "long" and 岡 (oka) meaning "hill, ridge".
NakauchiJapanese From the Japanese 中 (naka) meaning "middle" or 仲 (naka) meaning "relationship, relations" and 内 (uchi) meaning "inside."
NakayamaJapanese From the Japanese 中 (naka) meaning "middle" or 仲 (naka) "relationship, relations" and 山 (yama) meaning "mountain, hill".
NarisawaJapanese From the Japanese 成 (nari) "turn into," "become" and 澤 or 沢 (sawa or zawa) "swamp."
NiikuraJapanese From the Japanese 新 (nii) "new" and 倉 or 蔵 (kura) "storehouse" or 鞍 (kura) "saddle."
NobiraJapanese From the Japanese 野 (no) "field," "area" and 平 (hira) "peace."
NomiJapanese From the Japanese possessive particle 乃 (no) and 美 (mi) "beauty."
NomuraJapanese From Japanese 野 (no) meaning "field, wilderness" and 村 (mura) meaning "town, village".
OdaJapanese From the Japanese 小 (o) "small," 尾 (o) "tail" or 織 (o) "fabric," "material," "cloth" and 田 (ta or da) "rice paddy" or 多 (ta or da) "many."... [more]
OhoriJapanese From the Japanese 大 (o) "big" and 堀 (hori) "moat."
OkanoJapanese From Japanese 岡 (oka) meaning "hill, ridge" and 野 (no) meaning "field, wilderness".
OkawaJapanese From the Japanese 大 (o) "big" and 川 or 河 (kawa) "river."
OkuyamaJapanese From Japanese 奥 (oku) meaning "inside" and 山 (yama) meaning "mountain, hill".
OmoriJapanese From the Japanese 大 (o) "big" and 森 (mori) "forest," "woods."
ŌnoJapanese From the Japanese 大 (oo) "big" and 野 (no) "field," "area."
OnoueJapanese From the Japanese 尾 (o) "tail" and 上 (ue) "above" (the possessive particle ノ (no) is not always written down but is always included when the name is spoken aloud).
OsakiJapanese From the Japanese 大 (o) "big" and 崎, 埼, 﨑 or 岬 (saki) "peninsula," "cape" or 嵜 (saki) "steep," "promontory."
ŌtaJapanese From Japanese 大 (o) meaning "big, great" or 太 (o) meaning "plump, fat, thick" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
ŌtakiJapanese From Japanese 大 (o) meaning "big, great" and 滝 or 瀧 (taki) meaning "waterfall".
ŌtaniJapanese From Japanese 大 (ō) meaning "big, great" and 谷 (tani) meaning "valley".
OtsukaJapanese From the Japanese 大 (o) "big" or 太 (o) "fat," "thick" and 塚 (tsuka) "mound."
OyakawaJapanese From the Japanese 親 (oya) "parent" and 川 (kawa) "river."
OyamaJapanese From the Japanese 大 (o) "big" and 山 (yama) "mountain."
SakaiJapanese From Japanese 坂 or 阪 (saka) meaning "slope" and 井 (i) meaning "well, mine shaft, pit".
SakaneJapanese From the Japanese 坂 or 阪 (saka) "slope" or 酒 (saka or sake) "alcohol" and 根 (ne) "root."
SakuraiJapanese From the Japanese 桜 or 櫻 (sakura) meaning "cherry blossom" or 桃 (sakura or momo) meaning "peach" and 井 (i) meaning "well, mineshaft, pit".
SazaJapanese From Japanese 佐 (sa) meaning "to assist, to help" and 座 (za) meaning "seat."
SekiguchiJapanese From Japanese 関 (seki) meaning "frontier pass" and 口 (kuchi) meaning "mouth, entrance".
ShibataJapanese From Japanese 柴 (shiba) meaning "brushwood, firewood" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
ShojiJapanese From the Japanese 庄 (sho) "level" and 司 (shi or ji) "director," "official."
SonodaJapanese From Japanese 園 or 薗 (sono) meaning "park, garden, orchard" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
SueokaJapanese From the Japanese 末 (sue) "end" and 岡 (oka) "hill."
SugaJapanese From the Japanese 須 (su) "necessarily" and 賀 (ga or ka) "congratulation."
SuganoJapanese From the Japanese 菅 (suga or kan) "sedge" and 野 (no) "field," "area." This name can also be read as Kanno.
TadaJapanese From the Japanese 多 (ta) "many" and 田 (ta or da) "rice paddy."
TakagiJapanese From Japanese 高 (taka) meaning "tall, high" and 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood".
TakaharaJapanese From Japanese 高 (taka) meaning "tall, high" and 原 (hara) meaning "field, plain".
TakaiJapanese From the Japanese 高 (taka) "high," "expensive" and 井 (i) "well."
TakakuwaJapanese From the Japanese 高 (taka) "high," "tall," "expensive" and 桑 (kuwa) "mulberry tree."
TamaiJapanese From the Japanese 玉 (tama) meaning "jewel, ball, bundle" and 井 (i) meaning "well, pit, mineshaft".
TanikawaJapanese From the Japanese 谷 (tani) meaning "valley" and 川 or 河 (kawa) meaning "stream, river."
TatewakiJapanese From the Japanese 舘 (tate) meaning "mansion, large building, palace" and 脇 (waki) meaning "side."
TazawaJapanese From the Japanese 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy" or 多 (ta) meaning "various, many" combined with 澤 or 沢 (sawa) meaning "wetland, marsh, swamp."
TerauchiJapanese From the Japanese 寺 (tera) "{Buddhist} temple" and 内 (uchi or nai) "inside."
TomatsuJapanese From the Japanese 戸 (to or do) "door," "shutter" and 松 (matsu) "pine tree."
TsuchidaJapanese From the Japanese 土 (tsuchi) "earth," "soil," 槌 (tsuchi) "mallet" or 津 (tsu) "harbour" and 知 (chi) "wisdom," "intellect" and 田 (da or ta) "rice paddy" or 多 (da or ta) "many."