Sugizaki杉崎, すぎさきJapanese Sugizaki (杉崎) can be translated out to (杉 = cedar; cryptomeria & 崎 = promontory; cape; spit) can be fully read as "Promontory of the cedar" it simply as "Cedar Promontory"
Sumeragi皇, すめらぎJapanese From Japanese 皇 (sumeragi), script-changed from 皇木 (sumeragi), from 皇 (sumera), a sound-changed clipping of 皇華山 (Kōkasan) meaning "Kōka Mountain", a mountain in the area of Kitahanazawa in the city of Higashiōmi in the prefecture of Shiga in Japan, and 木 (gi), the joining form of 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood"... [more]
Sumida住田, 隅田, すみだJapanese From Japanese 住 (sumi) meaning "dwelling, residence, abode" or 隅 (sumi) meaning "corner, nook" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
SumigaiJapanese Possibly from (ko) meaning "small" and 住 (sumi) meaning "residence, dwelling, abode" or 隅 (sumi) meaning "corner, nook.
SuzumotoJapanese Suzu means "bell, chime" and moto means "base, source, root, origin".
Suzumura錫村, 鈴村Japanese From Japanese 錫 (suzu) meaning "copper, tin" or 鈴 (suzu) meaning "bell" combined with 村 (mura) meaning "village, town". Other kanji combinations are possible. ... [more]
Suzumura鈴村, すずむらJapanese From Japanese 鈴 (suzu) meaning "bell" and 村 (mura) meaning "town, village".
Suzushiro鈴城Japanese From 鈴 (suzu) meaning "bell, chime" and 城 (shiro) meaning "castle".