Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword swan.
See Also
swan meaning
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Diop Western African, Wolof
From Joob, the name of a Wolof clan, derived from a totemic word meaning "black craned swan" or "peacock".
Elkington English
According to Wikipedia Elkington is a deserted medieval village and civil parish in the West Northamptonshire in England. The villages name means "Elta's hill" or perhaps, less likely, "swan hill".... [more]
Gulbis Latvian
Means "swan".
Gülden Dutch, German
from gulden "golden" derived from vergulden vergolden "to gild" a metonymic occupational name for a craftsman who gilds objects; compare Guldner. From gulden the name of the coin (English guilder) applied as a topographic or habitational name referring to a house name such as In den silvren Gulden ("In the Silver Guilder") or from related verb meaning "to gild" applied as a topographic or habitational name referring to a house name such as De Gulden Hoeve ("The Gilded Farmhouse") or De Gulden Zwaan ("The Gilded Swan").
Hang Khmer
Means "swan, wild goose" in Khmer, also referring to a mythological bird known as the hamsa.
Hans Indian
Derived from Sanskrit hamsa "swan; goose".
Joutsen Finnish
Means “swan” in Finnish.
Konks Estonian
Konks is an Estonian surname meaning "hook", "swan neck", and "trammel".
Konksi Estonian
Konksi is an Estonian surname derived from "konks" meaning "hook", "swan neck" and "trammel".
Kuular Tuvan
Derived from Tuvan куу (kuu) meaning "swan" or "gray". Names bearing unfavourable meanings were traditionally used by Tuvans to ward off evil spirits.
Luiga Estonian
Luiga is an Estonian surname derived from "luik" meaning "swan". "Eluiga" is also an Estonian word meaning "life".
Luik Estonian
Luik is an Estonian surname, meaning "swan".
Luikpere Estonian
Luikpere is an Estonian surname meaning "swan family/folk".
Schwan German
Means "Swan" in German.
Schwanke German
From a short form of the German given name Swaneke, a pet form of Swane, ultimately derived from a Germanic compound name formed with swan meaning "swan" as the first element (see Schwenke 2).
Svahn Swedish
From Swedish Svan "swan".
Svan Swedish
Means "swan" in Swedish.
Svanström Swedish
Combination of Swedish svan "swan" and ström "stream".
Swannell English
From the Old Norse female personal name Svanhildr, literally "swan-battle".
Uik Estonian
Uik is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "luik", meaning "swan"; or "huik", meaning "crake".