[Opinions] Re: Claire
I think she's being petty. It should be that once your child is born you would help bring a good association to the name and over time it wouldn't bother her so much. And saying it would make her mad, is very different from using the manipulative "you don't love me if you do that".
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Claire  ·  Telfalathiel  ·  5/28/2010, 9:20 PM
Re: Claire  ·  Anneza  ·  5/31/2010, 12:05 AM
Re: Claire  ·  orchid  ·  5/29/2010, 8:59 PM
She's 21. nt.  ·  Telfalathiel  ·  5/29/2010, 9:45 PM
Re: Claire  ·  Elena  ·  5/29/2010, 8:12 PM
Re: Claire  ·  Speranza  ·  5/29/2010, 3:09 PM
Re: Claire  ·  Ozma  ·  5/29/2010, 9:23 AM
Re: Claire  ·  Telfalathiel  ·  5/29/2010, 11:09 AM
Re: Claire  ·  Ozma  ·  5/29/2010, 11:42 AM
Re: Claire  ·  Gracie (nsi)  ·  5/29/2010, 7:48 AM
Re: Claire  ·  abbasdaughter  ·  5/29/2010, 5:22 PM
Re: Claire  ·  Mikah  ·  5/29/2010, 6:13 AM
Re: Claire  ·  Cristina_es  ·  5/29/2010, 5:35 AM
Re: Claire  ·  abbasdaughter  ·  5/29/2010, 3:20 AM
Re: Claire  ·  Telfalathiel  ·  5/29/2010, 10:56 AM
Re: Claire  ·  abbasdaughter  ·  5/29/2010, 5:17 PM
Re: Claire  ·  Telfalathiel  ·  5/29/2010, 5:51 PM
Re: Claire  ·  abbasdaughter  ·  5/29/2010, 6:19 PM
Re: Claire  ·  safety pin  ·  5/28/2010, 9:59 PM
Re: Claire  ·  Telfalathiel  ·  5/28/2010, 10:06 PM
Re: Claire  ·  queenv  ·  5/28/2010, 9:39 PM
Re: Claire  ·  Telfalathiel  ·  5/28/2010, 9:49 PM