In the past few months I've really started liking
Johanna more, too. But I like it pronounced it in English better. Either way, it's such a soft, romantic, pretty name. In English specifically I think it has a bright, upbeat, nice girl side, too.
Holy combos, Batman! Of those I like best:
Emma JohannaMargaret JohannaEdith JohannaRose JohannaBeatrix JohannaCharlotte JohannaEllen JohannaHedwig JohannaLaura JohannaLouise JohannaVera JohannaJohanna RebekkaJohanna MarjolaineJohanna MargrietJohanna MagdaleneJohanna Madelief - and I concur about
Madelief :)
Johanna BereniceJohanna Abigail - I have a friend whose daughters are named
Abigail and
Johanna combos:
Easter JohannaSara JohannaSunday JohannaJohanna AmyJohanna EmilyJohanna Roisin