Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Type Surname
Usage Arabic
Other Forms FormsBah

Meaning & History

Arabic from a shortened form of Aba, accusative case of Abu ‘father’.
Added 10/20/2016 by Alex v
Edited 3/10/2017 by LMS

Type Surname (from location)
Usage Chinese

Meaning & History

Chinese from the name of the kingdom of Ba, which existed in Sichuan during the Zhou dynasty (1122–221 bc). Descendants of some of the ruling class adopted the name of the kingdom as their surname. This character still has as one of its meanings an ancient name for Sichuan province. Researchers believe that another branch of the Ba clan came from Shanxi province during the Han dynasty (206 bc–220 ad). Additionally, when Manchus and Mongolians came from the north to China several hundred years ago, many adopted the surname Ba.
Added 3/10/2017 by LMS
Edited 3/11/2017 by LMS

Type Surname (from nickname)
Usage Manding

Meaning & History

From the Mandinka word ba(a) meaning "big, great".
Added 2/17/2025 by namefix
Edited 2/18/2025 by namefix

See Also

User submission