Arabic Submitted Surnames

Arabic names are used in the Arab world, as well as some other regions within the larger Muslim world. They are not necessarily of Arabic origin, though most in fact are. Compare also Persian names and Turkish names. See also about Arabic names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aali عالي Arabic
From the given name Aali.
Aarab عرب Arabic
Ethnic name for an Arab, from ʿarab, a collective, meaning literally ‘Arabdom, Arabs’. The surname is most frequent in countries, such as Iran and Algeria, that were not populated by ethnic Arabs in the first millennum; its bearers are both Muslims and Christians.
Aaziz عزيز Arabic
From the given name Aziz.
Ababneh عبابنة Arabic
From the name of a town in Jordan, indicating someone originally from this town.
Abas عباس Arabic, Filipino, Maguindanao, Maranao
From the given name Abbas.
Abaza أباظة Arabic
From the name of the Abazin (or Abaza) people native to the Northwest Caucasus. This name was adopted by Abazins, Circassians, and Abkhaz who were expelled from the Caucasus in the 19th century.
Abbass عباس Arabic
From the given name Abbas.
Abbassi عباسي Arabic (Maghrebi)
From the given name Abbas.
Abbès عباس Arabic (Maghrebi)
From the given name Abbas.
Abbood عبود Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبود (see Abboud).
Abbou عبو Arabic (Maghrebi)
From a diminutive of the given name Abd Allah.
Abboud عبود Arabic
From a diminutive of the given name Abdul, as well as any of numerous names beginning with this element.
Abdalla عبد الله Arabic
From the given name Abd Allah.
Abdallah عبد الله Arabic
From the given name Abd Allah.
Abdelaal Arabic (Egyptian)
Arabic name, Egyptian form for “Abdul-Aal” (with „Al-Aali“ being one of the names of Allah, and “Abd” meaning servant)
Abdelazim عبد العظيم Arabic
From the given name Abd al-Azim.
Abdelaziz عبد العزيز Arabic
From the given name Abd al-Aziz.
Abdelfattah عبد الفتاح Arabic
From the given name Abd al-Fattah.
Abdelhadi عبد الهادي Arabic
From the given name Abd al-Hadi.
Abdelhafid عبد الحفيظ Arabic (Maghrebi)
From the given name Abd al-Hafiz.
Abdelhak عبد الحق Arabic
From the given name Abd al-Haqq.
Abdelhakim عبد الحكيم Arabic
From the given name Abd al-Hakim.
Abdellaoui عبد اللاوي Arabic (Maghrebi)
From the given name Abd Allah.
Abdellatif عبد اللطيف Arabic
From the given name Abd al-Latif.
Abdelli عبدلي Arabic (Maghrebi)
From the given name Abd Allah or Abdul.
Abdelmajid عبد المجيد Arabic
From the given name Abd al-Majid.
Abdelmassih عبد المسيح Arabic
Means "servant of the anointed (Christ)" from Arabic عبد ال (‘abd al) meaning "servant of the" and مسيح (masīḥ) meaning "anointed, Messiah, Christ", used by Arabic-speaking Christians.
Abdelnour عبد النور Arabic
From the given name Abd an-Nur.
Abdelqader عبد القادر Arabic
From the given name Abdelqader.
Abdelrahim عبد الرحيم Arabic
Derived from the given name Abd ar-Rahim.
Abdelrahman عبد الرحمن Arabic
Derived from the given name Abd ar-Rahman.
Abdelrasoul Arabic
From the given name Abdelrasoul
Abdelsalam عبد السلام Arabic
Derived from the given name Abd as-Salam.
Abdelwahab عبد الوهاب Arabic
Derived from the given name Abd al-Wahab.
Abdennour عبد النور Arabic (Maghrebi)
From the given name Abd an-Nur.
Abdenour عبد النور Arabic (Maghrebi)
From the given name Abd an-Nur.
Abderrahim عبد الرحيم Arabic (Maghrebi)
From the given name Abderrahim.
Abderrahmane عبد الرحمن Arabic (Maghrebi)
From the given name Abderrahmane.
Abderrazzaq عبدالرزاق Arabic
Means "Servant of the Sustainer" in Arabic.
Abdeslam عبد السلام Arabic (Maghrebi)
From the given name Abdeslam.
Abdessalam عبد السلام Arabic (Maghrebi)
From the given name Abdessalam.
Abdo عبده Arabic
From Arabic عبده (abduh) meaning "his slave, his servant". This is one of the epithets of Muhammad.
Abdo عبده Arabic
Derived from the given name Abduh.
Abdou عبده Arabic
Derived from the given name Abduh.
Abdouh عبده Arabic
Derived from the given name Abduh.
Abdulali عبد العلي Arabic
From the given name Abdulali).
Abdulaziz عبد العزيز Arabic
From the given name Abdulaziz.
Abdulghani عبد الغني Arabic
From the given name Abdulghani.
Abdulhadi عبد الهادي Arabic
From the given name Abdulhadi.
Abdulhameed عبد الحميد Arabic
From the given name Abdulhameed.
Abdulhamid عبد الحميد Arabic
From the given name Abdulhamid.
Abdul-Jabbar عبد الجبار Arabic, Indian
This last name is famous for a basketball player, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.
Abduljabbar عبد الجبار Arabic, Filipino, Maranao
Derived from the given name Abd al-Jabbar.
Abduljalil عبد الجليل Arabic, Malaysian
From the given name Abd al-Jalil
Abdul-Karim عبدالكريم Arabic
Derived from the given name Abd al-Karim.
Abdulla عبد الله Arabic, Bengali, Filipino, Tausug, Dhivehi, Uyghur
From the given name Abd Allah.
Abdulmajeed عبد المجيد Arabic
From the given name Abd al-Majid.
Abdulmawla Arabic
Combination of the Arabic word “Abdul,” which means “servant of,” and the word “Mawla,” which means “lord” or “patron.”
Abdulnour عبد النور Arabic
From the given name Abd an-Nur.
Abdulrafi Arabic
Abd "slave/servant", Al Rafi "The Exaulted" as in God
Abdulrahim عبد الرحيم Arabic
Derived from the given name Abd ar-Rahim.
Abdulrahman عبد الرحمٰن Arabic
From the given name Abd al-Rahman
Abdurahman عبد الرحمن Arabic, Filipino, Tausug
From the given name Abd al-Rahman.
Abdurrahman عبد الرحمٰن Arabic
From the given name Abd al-Rahman
Abed عابد Arabic, Persian
From the given name Abed.
Abid عابد Arabic, Urdu, Bengali
Derived from the given name Abid.
Abidaoud Arabic
Arabic surname meaning "son of Dawud".
Abisamra Arabic
Means "Father of Brown" - comes from AbouSamra, which means "Son of Brown."
Abloh Arabic
Arabic origin
Abood عبود Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبود (see Abboud).
Abou أبو Arabic
From the given name Abu.
Aboud عبود Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبود (see Abboud).
Abouelkassem أبو القاسم Arabic (Egyptian, Rare)
From the given name Abu al-Qasim. A known bearer is Egyptian fencer Alaaeldin Abouelkassem (1990-).
Abrar أبرار Arabic, Urdu
From the given name Abrar.
Achour عاشور Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عاشور (see Ashour) chiefly used in Northern Africa.
Adeeb أديب Arabic
Derived from the given name Adib.
Adeel عادل Arabic, Urdu
Derived from the given name Adil.
Adham أدهم Arabic
From the given name Adham.
Adib أديب Arabic, Persian, Bengali
From the given name Adib.
Adil عادل Arabic, Urdu
From the given name Adil.
Adjadj حجاج Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic حجاج (see Hadjadj).
Adlan عدلان Arabic
From the given name Adlan.
Adlani عدلاني Arabic (Maghrebi)
From the given name Adlène (chiefly Moroccan).
Adly عدلي Arabic
Derived from the given name Adli.
Adnan عدنان Arabic, Urdu, Bengali
From the given name Adnan.
Adnane عدنان Arabic (Maghrebi)
From the given name Adnan.
Afeef عفيف Arabic, Dhivehi
From the given name Afif.
Affan عفان Arabic
Derived from the given name Affan.
Afif عفيف‎‎ Arabic
From the given name Afif.
Afrah Arabic
From the given name Afrah.
Afzal أفضل Arabic, Urdu, Bengali
From the given name Afzal.
Agbaria إغبارية Arabic
Ageeb Arabic
Means exotic or strange
Ahad أحد Arabic, Urdu, Bengali
Derived from the given name Ahad.
Ahsan أحسن Arabic, Bengali, Urdu
From the given name Ahsan.
Aiman أيمن Arabic
Derived from the given name Ayman.
Aisha عائشة Arabic, Urdu, Bengali
From the given name Aisha.
Aissani عيساني Arabic (Maghrebi)
Derived from the given name Isa 1.
Aissaoui عيساوي Arabic (Maghrebi)
From the given name Isa 1.
Aissaouia عيساوية Arabic (Maghrebi)
Derived from the given name Aïssa (chiefly used in Algeria). This is also the name of a town in Médéa Province, Algeria.
Aissi عيسي Arabic (Maghrebi)
Derived from the given name Isa 1.
Ajami عجمي Arabic, Persian
Variant of Ajam.
Ajmal أجمل Arabic, Urdu
Derived from the given name Ajmal.
Akbar أكبر Arabic, Urdu, Bengali, Persian
From the given name Akbar.
Akhlaq أخلاق Arabic, Urdu
From the given name Akhlaq.
Akhras أخرس Arabic
Meaning unknown.
Akkawi عكاوي Arabic
Means "from Akka" in Arabic.
Akkawy عكاوي Arabic
Variant of Akkawi.
Akmal أكمل Arabic, Urdu
Derived from the given name Akmal.
Akram أكرم Arabic, Urdu, Bengali
Derived from the given name Akram.
Alaa علاء Arabic
Derived from the given name Ala 1.
Alabed العبد Arabic
means "The Servant of" in Arabic
Al-Ageeli العجيلي Arabic
al-Ahmar الأحمر Arabic
From the given name Ahmar.
Alam علم, عالم Arabic, Bengali, Urdu, Persian
Means "world, universe" (عالم) or "flag, sign, mark" (علم) in Arabic. This spelling represents two separate words in Arabic.
Alami Arabic (Maghrebi)
Derived from Arabic عَلِيم (ʿalīm) meaning "knowing, learned, education" (see Alim), mainly used in a religious context.
Alamiri العامري Arabic
From the given name Al-Amir.
Al-Anazi العنزي Arabic
Al-anburi العنبوري Arabic
al-Ansari الأنصاري Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic أنصاري and Persian/Urdu انصاری (see Ansari).
Alaoui علوي Arabic (Maghrebi)
From the given name Ali 1. This is the name of the current ruling royal family of Morocco, which was founded in 1631.
Al-Aqouri العقوري Arabic
Al-Aryani العرياني Arabic
Al-attar العطار Arabic
Means "the perfumer, the druggist" from Arabic عَطَّار (ʿaṭṭār) "perfumer, druggist, pharmacist".
Alawi علوي Arabic
From the given name Ali 1.
al-Awlaki العولقي Arabic
Means "the Awlaki" in Arabic, referring to a person from the Awalik (عواليك) tribe of south Yemen.
al-Baghdadi البغدادي Arabic
Originally denoted a person who came from Baghdad, the capital city of Iraq.
Albakri البكري Arabic, Malaysian
Alternate transcription of Albakri also used in Malaysia.
Al-Bedwawi البدواوي Arabic
Al Behairy البحيري Arabic
Linguistic: Comes from the word BOHAYṘA which means lake, the name "lake" is being employed as an adjective.
Albehbehani أل بهبهاني Arabic
Meaning "The Behbehani", with "Behbehani" possibly a given name.
Al-Boukhili البوكحيلي Arabic (Maghrebi)
Al-Brahmi البراهمي Arabic (Maghrebi)
Al-Dahmani الدهماني Arabic
Al-Dayyeni الدايني Arabic
Aldeeb الديب Arabic
Al Delaimi الدليمي Arabic (Rare)
Variant transcription of al-Dulaimi.
Al-Dhanhani الدهاناني Arabic
al-Dosari الدوسري Arabic
Means "the Dosari" in Arabic, referring to a person from the Dawasir (الدواسر) Bedouin tribe of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Yemen, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates. The tribe was formed in the town of Wadi Al Dawasir, in the Riyadh Province of Saudi Arabia.
al-Dulaimi الدليمي Arabic
Means "the Dulaimi" in Arabic, referring to a person from the Dulaim (الدليم) royal tribe of Iraq, Syria, Kuwait and Jordan.
Aleem عليم Arabic, Urdu, Dhivehi
Derived from the given name Alim.
al-Fayadh الفياض Arabic
Means "the generous, the charitable, the bountiful" in Arabic, derived from Arabic فَيَّاض (fayyāḍ) meaning "to overflow".
Al-Gburi الجبوري Arabic
Algerie Arabic (Maghrebi)
Derived from the French Algérie meaning "Algeria" (referring directly to the country itself). It also refers to someone from Annaba, Algeria.
Al-ghamdi الغامدي‎‎ Arabic
Means "the Ghamdi", referring to the Ghamd tribe of Saudi Arabia.
Al-ghoul غول Arabic
Palestinian surname.
al-Ghoul الغول Arabic (Mashriqi)
Perhaps from the Arabic folklore tradition of the ghoul. In the English speaking world, this name is probably known from the Batman comic/movie characters Ra's al Ghul and Talia al Ghul.
al-Habash الحبش Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic حبش (see Habash).
Al-Haddad الحداد Arabic
Variant of Haddad with the definite article ال (al).
Al-haj الحاج Arabic
Variant of Haj.
Al-Hajaj الحجاج Arabic
Al-Hameed الحميد Arabic
Al Harbi الحربي Arabic
Originally indicated a person from the Harb tribe derived from Arabic حَرْبيّ (ḥarbiyy) meaning "military, war, army".
Al-hashimi الهاشمي Arabic
From the given name Hashim.
Alhassan الحسن Arabic, Somali, Urdu
From the given name Al-Hasan.
Al-Hindi الهندي Arabic
Al-Hussein أل حسين Arabic
al-Husseini الحسيني Arabic
Derived from the given name Hussein.
Alim عليم Arabic, Bengali
From the given name Alim.
Aljalal أل جلال Arabic
Meaning "Son of Jalal". Jalal, a Given Name.
Aljazar الجزار Arabic
Al-Jumaah الجمعة Arabic
Al-Kaabi الكعبي Arabic
Al-Kadamani Arabic
used Dutch "The Voice Of Holland"'s Hanin Al-Kadamani
al-Kashgari آل قشقري Uyghur, Arabic
Alternate transcription of Uyghur كاشغەرىي and Arabic كاشغري (see Kashgari). A famous bearer was Mahmud al-Kashgari (1005-1102), an 11th-century Kara-Khanid scholar and lexicographer of the Turkic languages from the city of Kashgar in Xinjiang, China.
Al Kayyali Arabic
Arabic surname from aleppo
Al-Khafaji الخفاجي Arabic
Al Khatib الخطيب Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic الخطيب (see Al-khatib).
Al-khatib الخطيب Arabic
Variant of Khatib.
Alkhatib الخطيب Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic الخطيب (see Al-khatib).
Al-kindi Arabic
"From the Kinda tribe".
Al-Ktebi الكتبي Arabic
Alkurdi Arabic
Arabic surname, denoting someone who had Kurdish ancestry.
Al Kuwari الكواري Arabic
Mainly found in Qatar.
Allali العلالي Arabic (Maghrebi)
Possibly from a shortened form of the name Abd Allah (chiefly Moroccan and Algerian).
Allam Arabic
originally an arabic name but has been used by english speakers. the name means "recognized" or "famous". in other languages it means "one who represents us" and in some languages translates as "flag"
Allaoui علاوي Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Alaoui.
Alloula عَلُّولَة‎ Arabic, French
Al-Luhaibi اللهيبي Arabic
Al-Madhkhooli المدخلي Arabic
Almas ألماس, الماس Persian, Arabic
From the given name Almas.
Al-Mashaykhi المشايخي Arabic
Al Masri المصري Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic المصري (see Al-masri).
Al-masri المصري Arabic
Means "the Egyptian" from Arabic مصر (Misr) referring to Egypt.
Al-masri المصري Arabic
Means "the Egyptian" from Arabic مصر (Misr) referring to Egypt.
Almasri المصري Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic المصري (see Al-masri).
Almathrahi Arabic (Rare)
Origin unknown, but most likely an anglicized version of 'Almathami'.... [more]
Al-Mehairi المهيري Arabic
Al Mohannadi المهندي Arabic (Mashriqi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic المهندي (see al-Mohannadi).
al-Mohannadi المهندي Arabic (Mashriqi)
Originally indicated a person from the Al Muhannadi (أل مهند) or Al-Mahanda (المهاندة) tribe based primarily in the Arab states of the Persian Gulf, especially in Qatar. The tribe itself is derived from the given name Muhannad.
Al Mokaddem المقدم Arabic
History: Descendants of the blessed Fatima the daughter of prophet Mohammed in the Arabian Peninsula.... [more]
al-Musrati Arabic (Maghrebi)
Denoted a person from Misrata (also called Misurata or Misratah), a city in the Misrata district in northwestern Libya.
Al-mutairi المطيري Arabic
Means “the Mutairi” referring to the Mutayr (مطير) tribe of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.
al-Muzaffari المظفري Arabic
From the given name Muzaffar.
Al Najjar النجار Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic النجار (see Al-najjar).
Al-najjar النجار Arabic
Variant of Najjar.
Alnajjar النجار Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic النجار (see Al-najjar).
Al-Nakhli النخلي Arabic
Al-Nuami النعيمي Arabic
Al-Nukhailawi النخيلاوي Arabic
Al-Ogaili العكيلي Arabic
Al-Omari العمري Arabic
Al-Otaibi العتيبي Arabic
Means "the Otaibi", referring to the Otaibah (عتيبة) tribe of Saudi Arabia and the Arabian peninsula.
Al-Qahtani القحطاني Arabic
Means "the Qahtani" in Arabic, referring to a Qahtanite person from the southern Arabian Peninsula and Yemen.
Al Qatrani Arabic
A tarrer, from 'qatrani' (tar). Most common in Yemen and Libya.... [more]
Al-Qurashi القرشي Arabic
Al-Rajehi الراجحي Arabic
Al Ramana أل رامانا Arabic
Possibly an Arabic Form of Ramani and Ramadan.
Al-Rikabi الركابي Arabic
al-Rumaithi الرميثي Arabic
Originally indicated a person who came from the city of Al-Rumaitha in Iraq, or the Rumaithiya area in Kuwait City, Kuwait. The place names are derived from either the Arabic words الرمث (al-ramth) or حافة (rimth), both the names of a type of flowering plant (genus Haloxylon), called saxaul in English... [more]
Alsaggaf السقاف Arabic
Alternate transcription of Al Saqqaf.
Alsagoff السقاف Arabic
Variant of Al Saqqaf primarily used in Southeast Asia. This is the name of a prominent Arab family in Singapore.
Al Saleh الصالح Arabic
Means "the virtuous" from Arabic صالح (salih).
Al-Sana الصانع Arabic
Al Saqqaf السقاف Arabic
Means "the roofer" from Arabic سقف (saqf) meaning "ceiling, roof".
Al-Saqqaf السقاف Arabic
Alternate transcription of Al Saqqaf.
Al Sayad Arabic (Egyptian)
This is a rare Arabic title meaning "fisherman" or "fisherman"
Al-shair الشاعر Arabic
Means "the poet" in Arabic, derived from شاعر (sha'ir) meaning "poet, bard".
Al-Shami الشامي Arabic
Means "the Levantine" or "the Syrian", derived from Arabic شَامِيّ (šāmiyy) meaning "Levantine, Syrian, Damascene".
Al-Shamsi الشامسي Arabic
Al-shaykh الشيخ Arabic
From the Arabic honorific شيخ (shaykh) meaning "sir, master", used for tribal or village chiefs as well as Muslim religious scholars.
al-Shebani Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic شيباني (see Shebani). This name is chiefly used in Libya.
Al-Shehri الشهري‎‎ Arabic
Means "the Shehri" in Arabic, referring to a member of the Shehri (شهري) tribe of Saudi Arabia.
Al-shemari الشمری Arabic
Alshihab الشهاب Arabic (Mashriqi, Rare)
Means "son of Shihab." It is Saudi Arabian.
Al-Shishani الشيشاني Arabic, Chechen (Expatriate)
Means "the Chechen" in Arabic. This was adopted by Chechens who migrated to the Arab world from the Caucasus.
Al-Sudani السوداني Arabic
Altaf ألطاف Arabic, Urdu
Derived from the given name Altaf.
Al-tamimi التميمي Arabic
Variant of Tamimi with the definite article ال (al).
Al-tayyib الطيب Arabic
Means "the pleasant one" from Arabic طيب (tayyib).
Al Thani اَل ثاني Arabic
Means "the second" in Arabic. This is the name of the royal family of Qatar.
al-Tikriti التكريتي Arabic
Originally indicated a person who came from the city of Tikrit in Iraq. This was the birth surname of the Iraqi president Saddam Hussein (1937-2006).
Al-Turayk التريك Arabic
al-Warfalli Arabic (Maghrebi)
Means "the Warfalli" in Arabic, referring to a person from the Warfalla (ورفلة) tribal confederation of western Libya. The tribe is of mixed Arab and Arabized Berber origin, and they mainly reside in the city of Bani Walid in the Misrata district.
al-Werfalli Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic الورفلي (see al-Warfalli).
Aly علي Arabic (Egyptian)
Derived from the given name Ali 1.
Al-Yafai اليافعي Arabic
From the name of the tribe Yafa of south Yemen, one of the biggest tribes that descended from the ancient Himyarite tribe.
Al-Zahrani الزهراني Arabic
Means "the Zahrani" in Arabic, referring to the Zahran (زهران) tribe in Saudi Arabia. The name itself is derived from Arabic زهراني (zahran) meaning "flowering, blossoming", ultimately from زَهْرَة (zahra) meaning "flower, blossom" (see Zahrah).
Alzahrani الزهراني Arabic
Variant of Al-Zahrani.
Alzalg Arabic
Means "the sharp sword that can slid smoothly from its sheath" in Arabic.
Al-Zeyoudi الزيودي Arabic
Amaimia عمايمية Arabic (Maghrebi)
Amani امانی, أماني Arabic, Urdu
From the given name Amani.
Amanullah امان الله Pashto, Bengali, Dari Persian, Sindhi, Arabic
From the given name Amanullah
Amari عماري Arabic (Maghrebi)
From the given name Ammar (chiefly Algerian).
Ameen أمين Arabic, Urdu
From the given name Amin.
Ameer أمير Arabic, Urdu
From the given name Amir 1.
Amer عامر Arabic, Urdu
Variant of 'Aamir.
Amidane أميدان Arabic (Maghrebi)
Meaning uncertain.
Amin أمين Arabic, Bengali, Urdu, Persian
From the given name Amin.
Amine أمين Arabic (Maghrebi)
From the given name Amin.
Amini أميني Persian, Arabic
From the given name Amin.
Amir أمير, عامر Arabic, Urdu
From the given name Amir 1 or 'Aamir.
Ammar عمار Arabic
Derived from the given name Ammar.
Ammari عماري Arabic (Maghrebi)
From the given name Ammar (chiefly Algerian).
Amr عمرو Arabic
Derived from the given name Amr.
Amrani عمراني Arabic (Maghrebi)
From the given name Imran (chiefly Moroccan and Algerian).
Amro عمرو Arabic
Derived from the given name Amr.
Anas أنس Arabic
From the given name Anas.
Anbar عنبر Arabic
Means "amber" in Arabic (see English name Amber). Notable actress Nihal Anbar was born in 1960.
Andalib Persian, Arabic, Urdu
From the given name Andalib.
Anees أنيس Arabic, Urdu, Dhivehi
From the given name Anis.
Anis أنيس Arabic, Bengali
Derived from the given name Anis.