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Type Surname (from given name)
Pronounced Pron. CO-enz  [key]
Other Forms FormsCoen, Coehn, Coehner, Coehnle, Coene, Coener, Cohen, Cohn, Cone, Conen, Conen, Conens, Coan, Conan, Koen, Koene, Koener, Kohen, Koehne, Koehnle, Kohn, Kone

Meaning & History

Variation of Coen. A diminutive of Konrad/Conrad, an old German Emperor's name (compare its Dutch form 'Coenraad'). The surname, thus, means "of, from, or belonging to Conrad/Konrad". The name Conrad comes from the Old High German word Kuonrat, meaning literally "bold in counsel".

The name Konrad was first shortened to KONEN/CONEN and then evolved into COENS and several other variations.

This surname was first found in West Prussia (especially in the region of present-day Emsland, a district of Lower Saxony that borders the northeastern part of the Netherlands), where the family emerged in mediaeval times as one of the notable families of the region. From the 13th century, the surname was associated with key social and economic evolution in the region, playing an important role in making the territory a major contributor to the developing progress of the nation.
Added 8/16/2018 by anonymous