DingfelderMedieval German (Rare, Archaic) When surnames were finally adopted, family heads who originated from Thungfeld in the Steigerwald area of Mittelfranken, took the name of their traditional home area.
KohlstedtMedieval German (Modern) Likely derived from the German word Kohl, meaning “Cabbage,” and a Variation of the word Stadt, meaning “City, town, and/or place.”
SteinauerMedieval German Dweller at or near a stone or rock, often a boundary mark; one who came from Stein, in Germany and Switzerland; descendant of Staino or Stein ("stone").... [more]
Vogt Von BremenMedieval German Toponymic variant of Vogt. Bearers of this surname descend from the Grafen von Katlenburg and Grafen von Lies und Rittigau.
Vogt Von FormbachMedieval German Toponymic variant of Vogt. Bearers of this surname descend from the Grafen von Reinhausen-Winzenburg and Grafen von Radelberg. Members of this comital family also use the surnames Vogt von Formbach und Stift and Vogt von Formbach und Göttweih.
Vogt Von FreisingMedieval German Toponymic variant of Vogt. Bearers of this surname descend from the Grafen von Scheyern and Grafen von Schweinfurt.
Vogt Von HachenburgMedieval German Toponymic variant of Vogt. Members of this noble family also used the surnames Vogt von Westerburg und Hachenburg, Vogt von Hachenburg und Blankenburg, and Vogt von Elsaff.
Vogt Von HeselholtMedieval German Toponymic variant of Vogt meaning Lord Protector of Hazelwood. Bearers of this surname descend from the Edelherren Vögte von Heselholt.
Vogt Von HunolsteinMedieval German Toponymic variant of Vogt. Members also use the surname Vogt de Hunolstein. This noble family split into several lines to include the older and younger lines and the Vogt de Hunolstein de Niederwiesen.
Vogt Von SumerauMedieval German Toponymic variant of Vogt. Members of this baronial family also use the surnames Vogt zu Sumerau, Vogt von Sumerau zu Leupolz, Vogt von Altensumerau und Prasberg, and Vogt von Alten-Summerau zu Prasberg.
Vogt Von WeidaMedieval German Toponymic variant of Vogt. This noble family split into several lines to include Weida, Gera, and Plauen. The Princes of Reuss descend from the Plauen line.
WaldronMedieval German, Old Norman, Scottish Gaelic, English (British) Derived from the German compound wala-hran, literally "wall raven", but originally meaning "strong bird". Also derived from the Gaelic wealdærn, meaning "forest dwelling", thought to be derived from the Sussex village of Waldron... [more]
ZahmMedieval German Zahm is a nickname from Middle High German Zam meaning "tame".
ZufallMedieval German A German name from the Middle High German "zuoval," meaning "benefit," "coincidence" or "windfall." It was a nickname for a lucky person, most likely a person to whom a plot of land had been given. It could also be an occupational name for a tax collector.