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Del Rosario 2
Type Surname (ornamental)
Usage Spanish

Meaning & History

Del Rosario, in Spanish and Italian languages, and do Rosário in Portuguese language (English: of the rosary) is a surname that has as its etymology, the Latin preposition, "de" meaning "of the" and the Latin noun "rosarium", meaning "rosegarden" or "garland of roses" but in this case, takes the meaning of "rosary", the Roman Catholic devotion to the Virgin Mary. In fact, its origins are from the Middle Ages, around the 12th century, and it is much associated with the cult of the Virgin Mary at the time when the rose became part of the holy aura, which surrounded anything to do with Mary, and the Our Lady of the Rosary's Feast of the Holy Rosary.
Added 10/1/2023 by anonymous
Edited 4/30/2024 by Mike C