Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Type Surname (from occupation)
Usage Russian
Scripts Дудин(Russian)
Other Forms FormsDudina

Meaning & History

Derived from Russian дудка (dudka), which denotes a wind-blown instrument similar to a flute or pipe. It was probably used to denote a musician or shepherd who played the flute or pipe, as well as someone who made pipes. The name of the instrument itself is ultimately derived from Russian дуда (duda) "fife, pipe".
Added 4/17/2016 by HL
Edited 4/13/2018 by HL

Type Surname
Usage Arabic
Scripts دودين(Arabic)

Meaning & History

Not available.
Added 4/13/2018 by HL
Edited 4/13/2018 by HL