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Type Surname (from location)
Usage German
Pronounced Pron. Esh-in-bahkh  [key]
Other Forms FormsEshbach, Eschbach, Ashbaugh, Eschbaugh, Eshbaugh, Aschenbach, Aesherbacher, Eshenbacher, Eschonbach, Esghibach, Esgithorf, Eskinpah, Essinpahc

Meaning & History

Eschenbach, from the root words Esch and Bach, is a surname that has origins in Germany and/or Switzerland. Esch is German for ash tree, and bach is German for brook, a small stream. Popular use of the surname includes the poet knight Wolfram von Eschenbach, and the name is used for multiple locations in Germany and Switzerland, or even more locations if you include spelling variations such as Eschbach, as this surname has undergone multiple mutations throughout history. The points of origin for this and related surnames share proximity to the areas around the headwaters of the Rhein River by the Alpine mountains and Lake Zürich.
Added 9/5/2023 by Eschbaugh