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Type Surname
Usage German
Pronounced Pron. fler key  [key]
Other Forms FormsFlorke, Floarke, Flerky, flour and other spellings. See above names and meanings

Meaning & History

Floerke Name Meaning German (Flörke): from a pet form of the personal names Florian or Florentinus, from Latin Florus (from florere ‘to bloom’).Dictionary of American Family Names, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-508137-4

Florian Name Meaning, Italian, French, Spanish (Florián), Polish, Czech and Slovak (Florián), Slovenian (Florjan, Florijan), German (Austrian), Hungarian (Flórián), and Romanian: from a medieval personal name (Latin Florianus, a further derivative of Florius); (see Fleury, borne by a 3rd-century saint who was drowned in Noricum during the persecutions of Christians under Diocletian and became the patron of Upper Austria, widely invoked as a protector from the danger of fires.Dictionary of American Family Names, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-508137-4

Bloom Name Meaning, Jewish (American): Americanized spelling of Blum.Americanized spelling of Dutch Bloem. Swedish: variant of Blom.English: metonymic occupational name for an iron worker, from Middle English blome ‘ingot (of iron)’. The modern English word bloom ‘flower’ came into English from Old Norse in the 13th century, but probably did not give rise to any surnames.Dictionary of American Family Names, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-508137-4

Flores Name Meaning Spanish: from the plural of flor ‘flower’.Dictionary of American Family Names, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-508137-4
Added 6/21/2012 by Sydney Foor