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Kilroy 1
Type Surname
Usage English

Meaning & History

"Kilroy was here" was a phrase widely written up on walls by American service personnel in the UK during World War II. The identity of the probably mythical Kilroy has been much debated (one theory is that he was a shipyard inspector of Quincy, Massachusetts, who chalked the phrase on material he had checked).
Added 12/29/2011 by Kinola
Edited 7/23/2022 by Frollein Gladys, LMS and babycrookston

Kilroy 2
Type Surname (from given name)
Other Forms FormsMac Giolla Ruaidh (Irish Gaelic), Gilroy, MacGilroy, MacElroy, MacGreevy, Greevy, MacGilrea, McGilroy, McElroy, McGreevy, McGilrea, MacIlrea, McIlrea, Magilroy, Magilrea, MacElry, McElry, MacIlree

Meaning & History

Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Giolla Ruaidh "son of Giolla Rua or Gilroy".
Added 11/15/2023 by Paradiso36