Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Type Surname
Usage English

Meaning & History

A surname derived from someone of a lordly manner, or perhaps one who had earned the title in some contest of skill or had played the part of the ‘Lord of Misrule’ in the Yuletide festivities.

Also it is an occupational name for a servant in the household of the lord of the manor, or possibly a status name for a landlord or the lord of the manor himself.

The word itself derives from Old English hlāford, earlier hlāf-weard, literally ‘loaf-keeper’, since the lord or chief of a clan was responsible for providing food.
Added 11/17/2015 by TanorFaux
Edited 10/15/2023 by Felie

Type Surname (from nickname)
Usage French

Meaning & History

Nickname from Old French l'ord "the dirty one".
Added 3/5/2016 by anonymous
Edited 3/19/2016 by Marusero