Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Type Surname (from occupation)
Usage English
Pronounced Pron. MAYD-mənt  [key]
Other Forms FormsMaiden, Maidens, Mayden, Maden, Maidman, Mayman, Maymond, Maimon, Mamon, Maymon, Mammon, Maymund, Maidmund, Maymunt, Maitmund, Mayment, Maymont, Mammen

Meaning & History

Occupational name for a servant of maidens (such as nuns), from Middle English maiden (ultimately from Old English mægden) meaning "young girl, virgin, maiden" and man ending with an excrescent -t.
Added 10/4/2022 by General9696