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Type Surname
Usage Finnish
Pronounced Pron. /ˈmeri.ˌkɑnto/  [key·simplify]

Meaning & History

From Finnish meri "sea" and Kanto, an estate in Finland.

This surname was borne by:
Oskar Merikanto (1868–1924), Finnish composer. His father had changed the family name from Ala-Kanto to Merikanto in 1882. Meri means "sea" and refers to his voyage from Vaasa to Helsinki; Kanto refers to his origins from the estate Kanto.
Aarre Merikanto (1893–1958), his son, also a composer.
Ukri Merikanto (1950–2010), Aarre's son, sculptor.
Added 4/9/2023 by Antonio_Meza
Edited 4/9/2023 by Antonio_Meza