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Type Surname
Pronounced Pron. NE-DEL-CUW  [key]
Other Forms FormsNedelciuc, Nedelea, Nedelco

Meaning & History

Entered Romania around the 16th century via Bulgaria as a popular female given name - Neda/Nedelea etc., attested under the form of Nedelco/Nedelcu in the historical region of Basarabia around 1560, became a surname in the following century. Its origins lay in the Slavic word for Sunday (Polish: Niedziela, Ukrainian: Недiля, Belorussian: Нядзеля, Croatian: Nedjelja, Serbian and Slovenian: Nedelja, Czech: Neděle,Bulgarian: Неделя), meaning "No Work" - basically, the day meant for resting.
Its variations include Nedelciuc (Nedelco+ciuc - usual surname suffix in Ukraine, meaning "son of"), Nedelea, Nedelco etc.
Added 1/11/2014 by danine11