Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Type Surname (from location & from nickname)
Usage Dutch
Pronounced Pron. OW-ə-hahnt  [key]
Other Forms FormsOudehand, Van Ouwehand, Ouwehands, Ouwehant, Ouweland, Van Ouweland, Van De Ouweland, Van Der Ouweland, Van Den Ouweland, Van Den Ouwelant, Oudeland, Ouderland, Ouwelant, Outland, Oudelant, Outlands, Ouwehamd, Van Den Auwelant

Meaning & History

Means "old hand" in Dutch, originally a nickname for a fisherman, associated with the phrase "old hands at sea". Another theory holds that it comes from a misdivision of the surname Oudeland. A famous bearer of this name is the Dutch politician Esther Ouwehand (1976-).
Added 5/31/2024 by General9696
Edited 5/31/2024 by General9696