Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Type Surname (from location)
Usage Italian
Pronounced Pron. PRAT-to  [key]
Other Forms FormsPrata, Prati, Prado, Prada, Pra, Dal Prato, Del Prato, Dal Pra, Pratello, Pratelli, Pratella, Pradella, Pradel, Pradetto, Pratolini, Pradolin, Pratali

Meaning & History

Meaning "feild, meadow" in Italian, likely detonating to someone who lived on a meadow.
Added 3/5/2025 by hello_1234
Edited 3/5/2025 by hello_1234

Prato 2
Type Surname (from occupation)
Usage English

Meaning & History

From Latin praetor, meaning "reeve".
Added 3/5/2025 by hello_1234