Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Type Surname (from given name, from occupation & from nickname)
Pronounced Pron. /ˈʃɒ.mɒ/(Polish) /ˈsɒ.mɒ/(Hungarian)  [key·simplify]
Other Forms FormsSzala, Zala, Szaleć

Meaning & History

Some characteristic forenames: Polish Jacek, Jozef, Małgorzata, Wiesław, Wojiech.

Polish: nickname for a short-tempered person, from szaleć ‘to rage’.

Polish: metonymic occupational name for a merchant, from szala ‘scales’.

Hungarian: from the old personal name Szala or Zala.
Added 2/27/2025 by THB13
Edited 2/27/2025 by THB13